Thursday 10 October 2019

Neet Class 12 - The living world - Important Solved Questions and Answers

The living world

Conceptual Questions

1.Which is the most important but generally not used criteria for the identification of the species ?
(c)Genetic material
(d)None of these

2.The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from the non-living things on the basis of their ability for
(a)interaction with the environment and progressive evolution
(c)growth and movement
(d)responsiveness to touch

3.Biological organisation starts with
(a)cellular level
(b)organism level
(c)atomic level
(d)sub-microscopic molecular level

4.The growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive events in
(a)Plants only
(b)Animals only
(c)Higher animals and plants
(d)Lower organisms

5.The sum total of chemical reactions occurring in our body is called

6.Mark the correct statement
(a)Only living organisms grow.
(b)Plants grow only up to a certain age.
(c)The growth in living organisms is from inside.
(d)All of these

7.Which of the following biological processes do not operate within the life span of a given organism ?
(a)Birth and nutrition
(b)Growth and maturation
(c)Metabolism and excretion
(d)Decomposition and mineralization

8.Growth development and functioning of living body is due to -

9.Which type of organisation is found in only living beings ?

10.Organisation levels in living beings are -
(a)Subcellular → cellular → individual → community   → population
(b)Atomic → molecular → subcellular → cellular → tissue → organ → individual
(c)Individual → population → organ system → tissue → cellular → molecular → atomic
(d)Atomic → molecular → tissue → individual → ecosystem → community.

11.Which of the following statement is false?
(a)Properties of cellular organelles are present in the molecular constituents of the organelles.
(b)Interactions among the molecular components of the organelles result into properties of cell organelles.
(c)Biology is the story of life on earth.
(d)Biology is the story of evolution of living organisms on earth.

12.A plant differs from an animal mainly in :
(b)Vital activities

13.Artificial system of classification classifies plants on the basis of –
(a)One or two characters
(b)Phylogenetic trends
(c)Many naturally existing characters
(d)None of the above

14.Group of organisms that closely resemble each other and freely interbreed in nature, constitute a–

15.ICBN was first revised in –

16.The term taxon refers to –
(a)Name of a species
(b)Name of genus
(c)Name of family
(d)A taxonomic group of any rank

17.The herbarium specimen on whose basis a new species is described for the first time is called as –

18.The scientific naming of plants began with publication of Linnaeus book –
(a)Genera plantarum
(b)Systema naturae
(c)Species plantarum
(d)Charaka sanhita

19.The basic unit of classification is –
(d)All of these

20.Individuals of same species having non-genetic differences due to environment are called –
(d) None of these

21.Morphologically similar but reproductively isolated species are called –
(a)Neontological species
(b)Sibling species
(c)Allopatric species

22.Plant nomenclature means :
(a)To give names to plants without any rules
(b)Nomenclature of plants under the international rules
(c)Nomenclature of plants in local language
(d)Nomenclature of plants in english language

23.Taxonomy refers to –
(a)Plant classification
(b)Plant nomenclature
(c)Plant affinity
(d)All of these

24.Which of the following is a correct name ?
(a)Solanum tuberosum
(b)Solanum Tuberosum
(c)Solanum tuberosum Linn.
(d)All of these

25.Systematics deals with –
(c)Plant description
(d)Plant exploration

26.Phylogeny refers to –
(a)Natural classification
(b)Evolutionary classification
(c)Evolutionary history
(d)Origin of algae

27.Static concept of species is given by –

28.In taxonomy the first step is :

29.The suffix - inae signifies the rank :
(b)Sub tribe
(c)Sub order
(d)Sub family

30.Species living in different geographical areas are called –

31.Biological concept of species proposed by –
(c)John Ray
(d)De Candolle

32.For higher plants, flowers are chiefly used as a basis of classification, because –
(a)These show a great variety in colour
(b)It can be preserved easily
(c)Reproductive parts are more conservative than vegetative parts
(d)None of these

33.The smallest unit of classification is –

34.A division is formed by combining several –

35.What characters are used for declaration of new species of higher plants ?
(a)Floral character of new species
(b)Anatomical characters of new species
(c)Physiological charactes of new species
(d)Character of endosperm

36.Evolutionary classification is called –
(a)Artificial system
(b)Natural system
(c)Phylogenetic system
(d)None of the above

37.Which of the following statements regarding nomenclature is correct ?
(a)Generic name always begins with capital letter whereas specific name with small letter
(b)Scientific name should be printed in italics
(c)Scientific name when typed or handwritten should be underlined
(d)All the above

38.The biological concept of species is mainly based on –
(a)Morphological features
(b)Morphology and method of reproduction
(c)Method of reproduction only
(d)Reproductive isolation

39.Which system classifies a plant in more than one groups ?
(a)Practical classification
(b)Artificial classification
(c)Natural classification
(d)Phylogenetic classification

40.The term “New Systematics” was introduced by
(a)Bentham and Hooker
(c)Julian Huxley
(d)A.P. de Candolle

41.Classification given by Bentham and Hooker is

42.Artificial system of classification was first used by(a)Linnaeus
(b)De Candolle
(c)Pliny the Edler
(d)Bentham and Hooker

43.System of classification used by Linnaeus was
(a)Natural system
(b)Artificial system
(c)Phylogenetic system
(d)Asexual system

44.An important criterion for modern day classification is
(a)Resemblances in morphology
(b)Anatomical and physiological traits
(c)Breeding habits
(d)Presence or absence of notochord

45.Binomial nomenclature means
(a)One name given by two scientists
(b)One scientific name consisting of a generic and specific epithet
(c)Two names, one latinised, other of a person
(d)Two names of same plant

46.Phylogenetic classification is based on
(a)Utilitarian system
(c)Overall similarities
(d)Common evolutionary descent

47.Which of the following is less general in characters as compared to genus?

48.The practical purpose of classification of living organisms is to
(a)explain the origin of living organsims
(b)trace the evolution of living organsims
(c)name the living organisms
(d)facilitate identification of unknown organisms

49.The five-kingdom classification was suggested by
(c)Engler and Prantl
(d)Bentham & Hooker

50.The disadvantage of using common names for species is that:
(a)the names may change
(b)one name does not apply universally
(c)one species may have several common names and one common name may be applied to two species
(d)All of the above

51.An organism is in the same class but not in the same family. It may belong to same

52.The order generally ends with :
(d)None of these

53. Practical significance of taxonomy is –
(b)To understand diversity
(c)To understand evolution
(d)Identification of organisms

54.Taxonomic hierarchy refers to 
(a)Step-wise arrangement of all categories for classification of plants and animals
(b)A group of senior taxonomists who decide the nomenclature of plants and animals
(c)A list of botanists or zoologists who have worked on taxonomy of a species or group
(d)Classification of a species based on fossil record

55.The ‘Birds’ taxonomically represent

56.Karyotaxonomy is a modern branch of classification which is based on:
(a)organic evolution
(b)number of nuclei
(c)number of chromosomes
(d)trinomial nomenclature

57.Who is known as ‘Father of Taxonomy’ :
(d)None of these

58.The systematic arrangement of taxa is called –

59.The taxonomic status of an organism can be changed by changing
(d)genetic make up

60.The standard size of herbarium sheets is –
(a)11.5” × 16.5”
(b)15.5” × 16.5”
(c)18.5” × 10.5”
(d)20.5” × 21.5”

61.Herbarium is –
(a)A garden where medicinal plants are grown
(b)Garden where herbaceous plants are grown
(c)Dry garden
(d)Chemical to kill plants

62.Sequence of taxonomic categories is
(a)Class – Phylum – Tribe – Order – Family – Genus – Species
(b)Division – Class – Family – Tribe – Order – Genus – Species
(c)Division – Class – Order – Family – Tribe – Genus – Species
(d)Phylum – Order – Class – Tribe – Family – Genus – Species

63.“Taxonomy without phylogeny is similar to bones without flesh” is the statement of
(a)Oswald Tippo
(b)John Hutchinson
(d)Bentham and Hooker

64.The famous botanical garden ‘Kew’ is located in

65.The Indian Botanical garden is located in

66.Following taxonomic aid provides information for the identification of names of species found in an area

67.Who developed the ‘key’ for identification of animals?
(a)John Ray
(d)George Cuvier

68.An important function of botanical garden is -
(a)Providing beautiful area for recreation
(b)One can observe tropical plants over there
(c)They allow ex-situ conservation of germ plasm
(d)They provide natural habitat to wildlife

69.ICBN stands for
(a)International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(b)International Congress of Biological Names
(c)Indian Code of Botanical Nomenclature
(d)Indian Congress of Biological Names.

70.As we go from species to kingdom in a taxonomic hierachy, the number of common characteristics
(a)will decrease.
(b)will increase.
(c)remain same.
(d)may increase or decrease.

71.Which one of the following aspects is an exclusive characteristic of living things ?
(a)Isolated metabolic reactions occur in vitro
(b)Increase in mass from inside only
(c)Perception of events happening in the environment and their memory
(d)Increase in mass by accumulation of material both on surface as well as internally.

72.The most important feature of all living systems is to
(a)utilize oxygen to generate energy
(b)replicate the genetic information
(c)produce gametes
(d)utilize solar energy for metabolic activities

73.First life on earth was

74.What is true for individuals of same species?
(a)Live in same niche
(b)Live in same habitat
(d)Live in different habitat

75.Organisms which obtain energy by the oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds are called



2.(b)There are several factors and processes which differentiate living beings with non-living beings like reproduction, respiration, growth, etc. But among them reproduction is the only difference which differentiate without any exception  living beings with non-living things.

3.(d)Biological organisms starts with sub-microscopic moleculer level like viruses, bacteria etc. These organisms are unable to be seen by naked eyes without the help of microscope or even electron microscope.
















19.(b)The basic unit of classifications is species.







26.(c)Phylogeny refers to evolutionary history.







33.(d)The smallest unit of classification is species.







40.(c)The term “New Systematics” was given by Julian Huxley (1940). Characters of plants collected through different branches of science are considered e.g. ecology, physiology, biochemistry, cytology, genetics, etc.

41.(b)George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker has given Natural system of classification.

42.(c)Pliny the Edler introduced first artificial system of classification in his book Historia Naturalis.

43.(b)Linnaeus put forward an “Artificial system” of plant classification which was based on sexual 
characters. It is commonly  also called as sexual system of plant classification.

44.(b)Modern day classification is new systematics or biosystematics which includes all the characteristics of organisms gathered from the study of different sections like physiology, ecology, anatomy, biochemistry, cytology.

45.(b)Binomial Nomenclature means the scientific name of any organism consist of a generic epithet and a specific epithet.

46.(d)The first phylogenetic system of classification was proposed by Adolf Engler and his associate Karl Prantl in their monograph “Die Naturlichen Pflanzen Familien”. In this system of classification organisms are classified on the basis of evolutionary sequence and genetic relationship among the organisms. Hence, this system is highly dynamic not static.

47.(a)Species is the lowest taxonomic category. Class is a category made of one or more related orders possessing similar correlated characters, Family is composed of one to many related genera. Division comprises of several related classes.

48.(d)Biological classification is the scientific arrangement of organisms in a hierarchial series of groups  and subgroups on the basis of similarities and differences in their traits. It helps in building evolutionary pathways and in identifying new organisms.

49.(b)On the basis of complexity of cell structure, mode of nutrition, complexity of the body organisms – R.H. Whittaker (1969) gave five kingdom of classification. The five kingdoms are– Monera, Protista, Fungi,  Plantae and Animalia.











60.(a)The standard size of herbarium sheets is 11.5” × 16.5”.

61.(c)Herbarium is dry garden.








69.(a)ICBN (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature) - It is one of the code of nomenclature which is independent of zoological and bacteriological nomenclature. The code applies equally to names of taxonomic groups treated as plants whether or not these groups were originally so treated.

70.(a)All the members of a taxonomic category possess some similar characters which are different 
from those of others. The placement of individuals or organisms in species, genus, family, order, class and phylum are determined by their specific similar characters and relationships. Maximum similarity occurs in species which is also the lowest category in the hierarchy of categories. Similarity of characters decreases with the ascent in hierarchy.

71.(c)All living things have an ability to respond to their environment, that is also called stimulation.

72.(b)Replication of the genetic information causes transfer of genetic information from one generation to the next.


74.(c)Individuals of the same species can interbreed. No two individuals share the same ecological niche.

75.(b)The organisms obtaining energy by chemical reactions independent of light are called chemotrophs. When the reductants obtained from the environment in inorganic form then organisms are chemoautotrophs. While when its is organic then organisms are chemoheterotrophs. Photoautotroph make their food by photosynthesis using the energy of sun. Saprozoic organisms obtain food from dead and decaying matter.

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