Tuesday 3 March 2020

Advanced RDBMS - Part-1

Advanced RDBMS

1.0 Introduction
Information is represented in object-oriented database, in the form of objects as used in Object-Oriented Programming. When database capabilities are combined with object programming language capabilities, the result is an object database management system (ODBMS). An ODBMS makes database objects appear as programming language objects in one or more object programming languages. An ODBMS supports the programming language with transparently persistent data, concurrency control, data recovery, associative queries, and other capabilities.
Object database management systems grew out of research during the early to mid-1980s into having intrinsic database management support for graph-structured objects. The term "object-oriented database system" first appeared around 1985.
Object database management systems added the concept of persistence to object programming languages. The early commercial products were integrated with various languages: GemStone (Smalltalk), Gbase (Lisp), and Vbase (COP). COP was the C Object Processor, a proprietary language based on C that pre-dated C++. For much of the 1990s, C++ dominated the commercial object database management market. Vendors added Java in the late 1990s and more recently, C#.
Starting in 2004, object databases have seen a second growth period when open source object databases emerged that were widely affordable and easy to use, because they are entirely written in OOP languages like Java or C#, such as db4objects and Perst (McObject).
Benchmarks between ODBMSs and relational DBMSs have shown that ODBMS can be clearly superior for certain kinds of tasks. The main reason for this is that many operations are performed using navigational rather than declarative interfaces, and navigational access to data is usually implemented very efficiently by following pointers.
Critics of Navigational Database-based technologies, like ODBMS, suggest that pointer-based techniques are optimized for very specific "search routes" or viewpoints. However, for general-purpose queries on the same information, pointer-based techniques will tend to be slower and more difficult to formulate than relational. Thus, navigational appears to simplify specific known uses at the expense of general, unforeseen, and varied future uses.
Other things that work against ODBMS seem to be the lack of interoperability with a great number of tools/features that are taken for granted in the SQL world including but not limited to industry standard connectivity, reporting tools, OLAP tools and backup and recovery standards. Additionally, object databases lack a formal mathematical foundation, unlike the relational model, and this in turn leads to weaknesses in their query support. However, this objection is offset by the fact that some ODBMSs fully support SQL in addition to navigational access, e.g. Objectivity/SQL++ and Matisse. Effective use may require compromises to keep both paradigms in sync.
In fact there is an intrinsic tension between the notion of encapsulation, which hides data and makes it available only through a published set of interface methods, and the assumption underlying much database technology, which is that data should be accessible to queries based on data content rather than predefined access paths. Database-centric thinking tends to view the world through a declarative and attribute-driven viewpoint, while OOP tends to view the world through a behavioral viewpoint. This is one of the many impedance mismatch issues surrounding OOP and databases.
Although some commentators have written off object database technology as a failure, the essential arguments in its favor remain valid, and attempts to integrate database functionality more closely into object programming languages continue in both the research and the industrial communities

1.1 Objectives
The objective of this lesson is to learn the Object-Oriented database concepts with respect to Object Identity, Object Structure, Object Databases Standards, Language and Design and Overview of CORBA.

1.2 Content

1.2.1 Concepts for Object-Oriented Databases

A database is a logical term used to refer a collection of organized and related information.  In any business, certain piece of information about Customer, Product, Price and so on are called database.  A data is just a data until it is organized in a meaningful way at which point it becomes information.
Through a Database Management System one can Insert, Update, Delete and View the records in existing file
Ø  Traditional Data Models : Hierarchical, Network (since mid-60’s), Relational (since 1970 and commercially since 1982).
Ø  Object Oriented (OO) Data Models since mid-90’s.
Ø  Reasons for creation of Object Oriented Databases
        Need  for more complex applications
        Need for additional data modeling features
        Increased use of object-oriented programming languages
Ø  Commercial OO Database products – several in the 1990’s, but did not make much impact on mainstream data management
Ø  Languages: Simula (1960’s), Smalltalk (1970’s), C++ (late 1980’s), Java (1990’s)
Ø  Experimental Systems: Orion at MCC, IRIS at H-P labs, Open-OODB at T.I., ODE at ATT Bell labs, Postgres - Montage - Illustra at UC/B, Encore/Observer at Brown.
Ø  Commercial OO Database products: Ontos, Gemstone, O2 ( -> Ardent), Objectivity, Objectstore ( -> Excelon), Versant, Poet, Jasmine (Fujitsu – GM).

1.2.2 Overview of Object Oriented Concepts.
l  MAIN CLAIM: OO databases try to maintain a direct correspondence between real-world and database objects so that objects do not lose their integrity and identity and can easily be identified and operated upon
l  Object: Two components: state (value) and behavior (operations).  Similar to program variable in programming language, except that it will typically have a complex data structure as well as specific operations defined by the programmer
l  In OO databases, objects may have an object structure of arbitrary complexity in order to contain all of the necessary information that describes the object. 
l  In contrast, in traditional database systems, information about a complex object is often scattered over many relations or records, leading to loss of direct correspondence between a real-world object and its database representation.
l  The internal structure of an object in OOPLs includes the specification of instance variables, which hold the values that define the internal state of the object.
l  An instance variable is similar to the concept of an attribute, except that instance variables may be encapsulated within the object and thus are not necessarily visible to external users
l  Some OO models insist that all operations a user can apply to an object must be predefined. This forces a complete encapsulation of objects.
l  To encourage encapsulation, an operation is defined in two parts:
        signature or interface of the operation, specifies the operation name and arguments (or parameters).
        method or body, specifies the implementation of the operation.
l  Operations can be invoked by passing a message to an object, which includes the operation name and the parameters. The object then executes the method for that operation.
l  This encapsulation permits modification of the internal structure of an object, as well as the implementation of its operations, without the need to disturb the external programs that invoke these operations
l  Some OO systems provide capabilities for dealing with multiple versions of the same object (a feature that is essential in design and engineering applications). 
l  For example, an old version of an object that represents a tested and verified design should be retained until the new version is tested and verified: it is very crucial for designs in manufacturing process control, architecture , software systems.
l  Operator polymorphism: It refers to an operation’s ability to be applied to different types of objects; in such a situation, an operation name may refer to several distinct implementations, depending on the type of objects it is applied to.
l  This feature is also called operator overloading

1.2.3    Object identity, Object Structure and Type constructors

l  Unique Identity: An OO database system provides a unique identity to each independent object stored in the database. This unique identity is typically implemented via a unique, system-generated object identifier, or OID
l  The main property required of an OID is that it be immutable; that is, the OID value of a particular object should not change. This preserves the identity of the real-world object being represented
l  Type Constructors: In OO databases, the state (current value) of a complex object may be constructed from other objects (or other values) by using certain type constructors.
-The three most basic constructors are atom, tuple, and set. Other commonly used constructors include list, bag, and array.  The atom constructor is used to represent all basic atomic values, such as integers, real numbers, character strings, Booleans, and any other basic data types that the system supports directly.

Example 1, one possible relational database state corresponding to COMPANY schema

We use i1, i2, i3, . . . to stand for unique system-generated object identifiers. Consider the following objects:
            o1 = (i1, atom, ‘Houston’)
            o2 = (i2, atom, ‘Bellaire’)
o4 = (i4, atom, 5)
            o5 = (i5, atom, ‘Research’)
            o6 = (i6, atom, ‘1988-05-22’)
            o7 = (i7, set, {i1, i2, i3})
o8 = (i8, tuple,<dname:i5, dnumber:i4, mgr:i9, locations:i7, employees:i10, projects:i11>)
            o9 = (i9, tuple, <manager:i12, manager_start_date:i6>)
            o10 = (i10, set, {i12, i13, i14})
            o11 = (i11, set {i15, i16, i17})
            o12 = (i12, tuple, <fname:i18, minit:i19, lname:i20, ssn:i21, . . ., salary:i26,
                       supervi­sor:i27, dept:i8>)
The first six objects listed in this example represent atomic values.  Object seven is a set-valued object that represents the set of locations for department 5; the set refers to the atomic objects with values {‘Houston’, ‘Bellaire’, ‘Sugarland’}.  Object 8 is a tuple-valued object that represents department 5 itself, and has the attributes DNAME, DNUMBER, MGR, LOCATIONS, and so on.

This example illustrates the difference between the two definitions for comparing object states for equality.
            o1 = (i1, tuple, <a1:i4, a2:i6>)
            o2 = (i2, tuple, <a1:i5, a2:i6>)
            o3 = (i3, tuple, <a1:i4, a2:i6>)
            o4 = (i4, atom, 10)
            o5 = (i5, atom, 10)
            o6 = (i6, atom, 20)
In this example, The objects o1 and o2 have equal states, since their states at the atomic level are the same but the values are reached through distinct objects o4 and o5
However, the states of objects o1 and o3 are identical, even though the objects themselves are not because they have distinct OIDs.  Similarly, although the states of o4 and o5 are identical, the actual objects o4 and o5 are equal but not identical, because they have distinct OIDs.

1.2.3 Encapsulation of Operations, Methods and Persistence Encapsulation
l  One of the main characteristics of OO languages and systems
l  Related to the concepts of abstract data types and information hiding in programming languages
l  Specifying Object Behavior via Class Operations:
l  The main idea is to define the behavior of a type of object based on the operations that can be externally applied to objects of that type.
l  In general, the implementation of an operation can be specified in a general-purpose programming language that provides flexibility and power in defining the operations.
l  For database applications, the requirement that all objects be completely encapsulated is too stringent.
l  One way of relaxing this requirement is to divide the structure of an object into visible and hidden attributes (instance variables).
l  Adding operations to definitions of Employee and Department
l  Specifying Object Persistence via Naming and Reachability:
l  Naming Mechanism: Assign an object a unique persistent name through which it can be retrieved by this and other programs.
l  Reachability Mechanism: Make the object reachable from some persistent object.
l  An object B is said to be reachable from an object A if a sequence of references in the object graph lead from object A to object B.
l  In traditional database models such as relational model or EER model, all objects are assumed to be persistent.
l  In OO approach, a class declaration specifies only the type and operations for a class of objects. The user must separately define a persistent object of type set (DepartmentSet) or list (DepartmentList) whose value is the collection of references to all persistent DEPARTMENT objects

Creating Persistent objects by naming and reachability
                              Define class DepartmentSet:
                                          Type    set(Department);
                                          Operations add_dept(d:Department): Boolean;
                                          (* adds a department to the DepartmentSet object *)
                                                      remove_dept(d:Department): Boolean;
                              (* this will remove a department from the DepartmentSet Object *)
                                                      create_dept_set:  DepartmentSet;
                                                      destroy_dept_set:  Boolean;
                                          end DepartmentSet;
                              persistent name AllDepartments: DepartmentSet;
                  (* AllDepartments  is a persistent named object of type DepartmentSet *)

1.2.5 Type Hierarchies and Inheritance

Type (class) Hierarchy
A type in its simplest form can be defined by giving it a type name and then listing the names of its visible (public) functions
When specifying a type in this section, we use the following format, which does not specify arguments of functions, to simplify the discussion:

§  TYPE_NAME: function, function, . . . , function

Example:  PERSON: Name, Address, Birthdate, Age, SSN
Subtype: when the designer or user must create a new type that is similar but not identical to an already defined type
Supertype: It inherits all the functions of the subtype

Example (1):
EMPLOYEE: Name, Address, Birthdate, Age, SSN, Salary, HireDate, Seniority
STUDENT: Name, Address, Birthdate, Age, SSN, Major, GPA
EMPLOYEE subtype-of PERSON: Salary, HireDate, Seniority
STUDENT subtype-of PERSON: Major, GPA      

Example (2): Consider a type that describes objects in plane geometry, which may be defined as      follows:
GEOMETRY_OBJECT: Shape, Area, ReferencePoint
                        Now suppose that we want to define a number of subtypes for the GEOMETRY_OBJECT type, as follows:

RECTANGLE subtype-of GEOMETRY_OBJECT: Width, Height
TRIANGLE subtype-of GEOMETRY_OBJECT:    Side1, Side2, Angle

An alternative way of declaring these three subtypes is to specify the value of the Shape attribute as a condition that must be satisfied for objects of each subtype:

RECTANGLE subtype-of GEOMETRY_OBJECT (Shape=‘rectangle’): Width, Height
TRIANGLE subtype-of GEOMETRY_OBJECT (Shape=‘triangle’): Side1, Side2, Angle
CIRCLE subtype-of GEOMETRY_OBJECT (Shape=‘circle’): Radius
l  Extents: In most OO databases, the collection of objects in an extent has the same type or class. However, since the majority of OO databases support types, we assume that extents are collections of objects of the same type for the remainder of this section.
l  Persistent Collection: It holds a collection of objects that is stored permanently in the database and hence can be accessed and shared by multiple programs
l  Transient Collection: It exists temporarily during the execution of a program but is not kept when the program terminates

1.2.6 Complex Objects

l  Unstructured complex object: It is provided by a DBMS and permits the storage and retrieval of large objects that are needed by the database application.
l  Typical examples of such objects are bitmap images and long text strings (documents); they are also known as binary large objects, or BLOBs for short.
l  This has been the standard way by which Relational DBMSs have dealt with supporting complex objects, leaving the operations on those objects outside the RDBMS
l  Structured complex object: It differs from an unstructured complex object in that the object’s structure is defined by repeated application of the type constructors provided by the OODBMS. Hence, the object structure is defined and known to the OODBMS. The OODBMS also defines methods or operations on it.

1.2.7        Other Object-Oriented Concepts

Object Databases Standards
Why a standard is needed? A Standard in any Object Model refers to the following aspects:

ü  Portability: execute an application program on different systems with minimal modifications to the program.
ü  Interoperability

ODMG standard refers to - object model, object definition language (ODL), object query language (OQL), and bindings to object-oriented programming languages.

An Object Model explains the data model upon which ODL and OQL are based. It also provides data type and type constructors. SQL report describes a standard data model for relational database.
Relation between an Object and literal is – a Literal has only a value but no object identifier. An Object has four characteristics:
•life time (persistent or not)
•Structure (how to construct)

Object Database Language

a. Object Definition Language (ODL)

An Object Definition Language is designed to support the semantic constructs of the ODMG data model. It is Independent of any programming language and helps to Create object specifications such as  classes and interfaces and also Specify a database schema.

b. Object Query Language (OQL)

An Object Query language is:
•Embedded into one of these programming languages
•Return objects that match the type system of that language
•Similar to SQL with additional features (object identity, complex objects, operations, inheritance, polymorphism, relationships)

c. OQL Entry Points and Iterator Variables

Entry point is a named persistent object (for many queries, it is the name of the extent of a class). An Iterator variable is used when a collection is referenced in OQL query.

d. OQL -Query Results and Path Expressions

Any persistent object is a query, result is a reference to that persistent object. Path expression is used to specify a path to related attributes and objects once an entry point is specified.

e. OQL Collection Operators

OQL Collection Operators include Aggregate operators such as: min, max, count, sum, and avg.

Object Database Conceptual Design

The Object Database Conceptual Design includes:
ODB: relationships are handled by OID references to the related objects.
RDB: relationships among tuples are specified by attributes with matching values (value references).
ORDBMS: enhancing the capabilities of RDBMS with some of the features in ODBMS.

Other Concepts of Object Database

·         Polymorphism (Operator Overloading):
§  This concept allows the same operator name or symbol to be bound to two or more different implementations of the operator, depending on the type of objects to which the operator is applied
·         Multiple Inheritance and Selective Inheritance
Multiple inheritances in a type hierarchy occurs when a certain subtype T is a subtype of two (or more) types and hence inherits the functions (attributes and methods) of both supertypes.
 For example, we may create a subtype ENGINEERING_MANAGER that is a subtype of both MANAGER and ENGINEER.  This leads to the creation of a type lattice rather than a type hierarchy.
l  Versions and Configurations
l  Many database applications that use OO systems require the existence of several versions of the same object
l  There may be more than two versions of an object.
l  Configuration: A configuration of the complex object is a collection consisting of one version of each module arranged in such a way that the module versions in the configuration are compatible and together form a valid version of the complex object.

ODMG (Object Data Management Group)

ODMG 2.0 of the ODMG Standard differs from Release 1.2 in a number of ways. With the wide acceptance of Java, we added a Java Persistence Standard in addition to the existing Smalltalk and C++ ones. The ODMG object model is much more comprehensive, added a meta object interface, defined an object interchange format, and worked to make the programming language bindings consistent with the common model. The changes made throughout the specification based on several years of experience implementing the standard in object database products.
As with Release 1.2, we expect future work to be backward compatible with Release 2.0. Although we expect a few changes to come, for example to the Java binding, the Standard should now be reasonable stable.

The major components of ODMG 2.0 are:
Object Model. We have used the OMG Object Model as the basis for our model. The OMG core model was designed to be a common denominator for object request brokers, object database systems, object programming languages, and other applications. In keeping with the OMG Architecture, we have designed an ODBMS profile for the model, adding components (relationships) to the OMG core object model to support our needs. Release 2.0 introduces a meta model.
The Object Data Management Group (ODMG) was a consortium of object database and object-relational mapping vendors, members of the academic community, and interested parties. Its goal was to create a set of specifications that would allow for portable applications that store objects in database management systems. It published several versions of its specification. The last release was ODMG 3.0. By 2001, most of the major object database and object-relational mapping vendors claimed conformance to the ODMG Java Language Binding. Compliance to the other components of the specification was mixed. In 2001, the ODMG Java Language Binding was submitted to the Java Community Process as a basis for the Java Data Objects specification. The ODMG member companies then decided to concentrate their efforts on the Java Data Objects specification. As a result, the ODMG disbanded in 2001.
Many object database ideas were also absorbed into SQL:1999 and have been implemented in varying degrees in object-relational database products.
In 2005 Cook, Rai, and Rosenberger proposed to drop all standardization efforts to introduce additional object-oriented query APIs but rather use the OO programming language itself, i.e., Java and .NET, to express queries. As a result, Native Queries emerged. Similarly, Microsoft announced Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and DLINQ, an implementation of LINQ, in September 2005, to provide close, language-integrated database query capabilities with its programming languages C# and VB.NET 9.
In February 2006, the Object Management Group (OMG) announced that they had been granted the right to develop new specifications based on the ODMG 3.0 specification and the formation of the Object Database Technology Working Group (ODBT WG). The ODBT WG plans to create a set of standards that incorporates advances in object database technology (e.g., replication), data management (e.g., spatial indexing), and data formats (e.g., XML) and to include new features into these standards that support domains in real-time systems where object databases are being adopted

Object Definition Language (ODL)
Lets take a look at  something that comes closer to bearing a relationship to our everyday programming. Whether you generate your applications or code them, somehow you need a way to describe your object model. The goal of this Object Definition Language (ODL) is to capture enough information to be able to generate the majority of most SMB web apps directly from a set of statements in the language . . .
Here is a rough cut of ODL along with comments. This is very much a work in progress. Now that I have a meta-grammar and a concrete syntax for describing languages, I can start to write the languages I have been playing with. I will then build up to those languages in the framework so that the framework can consume metadata that can be transformed automatically from ODL, allowing for the automatic generation of most of my code. Expect to see BIG changes in this grammar as I combine “top down” and “bottom up” programming, write some real world applications and see where everything meets in the middle!
Most importantly, we have objects that are comprised of 1..n attributes and that may or may not have relationships. This is the high level UML model kind of stuff. Note that ODL is describing functional metadata, so an object would be “Article” – not “ArticleService” or “ArticleDAO” which are implementation decisions and would be generated from the Article metadata automatically.

Object Query Language (OQL)

But before that we will digress into built-in functions supported in OQL The built-in functions in OQL fall into the following categories:
·       Functions that operate on individual Java Objects
1.    sizeof(o)-- returns size of Java object in bytes
2.    objectid(o)-- returns unique id of Java object
3.    classof(o)-- returns Class object for given Java object
4.    identical(o1, o2) -- returns (boolean) whether two given object are identical or not (essentially objectid(o1) == objectid(o2). Do not use simple JavaScript reference comparison for Java Objects!)
5.    referrers(o) -- returns array of objects refering to given Java object
6.    referees(o) -- returns array of objects referred by given Java object
7.    reachables(o) -- returns array of objects directly or indirectly referred from given Java object (transitive closure of referees of given object)
·         Functions that operate operate on arrays
1.    contains(array, expr) -- returns array contains an element that satisfies given expression The expression can refer to built-in variable 'it'. This is current object iterated
2.    count(array, [expr]) -- returns number of elements satisfying given expression
3.    filter(array, expr) -- returns a new array containing elements satisfying given expression
4.    map(array, expr) -- returns a new array that contains results of applying given expression on each element of input array
5.    sort(array, [expr]) -- sorts the given array. optionally accepts comparison expression to use. if not given, sort uses numerical comparison
6.    sum(array) -- sums all elements of array
As you can see, most array operating functions accept boolean expression -- the expression can refer to current object by it variable. This allows operating on arrays without loops -- the built-in functions loop through the array and 'apply' the expression on each element.

There is also built-in object called heap. There are various useful methods in heap object.
Now, let us see some interesting queries.

Select all objects referred by a SoftReference:
    select f.referent from java.lang.ref.SoftReference f 
    where f.referent != null
referent is a private field of java.lang.ref.SoftReference class (actually inherited field from java.lang.ref.Reference. You may use javap -p to find these!) We filter the SoftReferences that have been cleared (i.e., referent is null).
Show referents that are not referred by another object. i.e., the referent is reachable only by that soft reference:
    select f.referent from java.lang.ref.SoftReference f 
 where f.referent != null && referrers(f.referent).length == 1

Note that use of referrers built-in function to find the referrers of a given object. because referrers returns an array, the result supports length property.
Let us refine above query. We want to find all objects that referred only by soft references but we don't care how many soft references refer to it. i.e., we allow more than one soft reference to refer to it.
    select f.referent from java.lang.ref.SoftReference f    
 where f.referent != null &&    filter(referrers(f.referent), 
"classof(it).name != 'java.lang.ref.SoftReference'").length== 0

Note that filter function filters the referrers array using a boolean expression. In the filter condition we check the class name of referrer is not java.lang.ref.SoftReference. Now, if the filtered arrays contain atleast one element, then we know that f.referent is referred from some object that is not of type java.lang.ref.SoftReference!
Find all finalizable objects (i.e., objects that are some class that has 'java.lang.Object.finalize()' method overriden)
    select f.referent from java.lang.ref.Finalizer f
    where f.referent != null
How does this work? When an instance of a class that overrides finalize() method is created (potentially finalizable object), JVM registers the object by creating an instance of java.lang.ref.Finalizer. The referent field of that Finalizer object refers to the newly created "to be finalized" object. (dependency on implementation detail!)
Find all finalizable objects and approximate size of the heap retained because of those.
 select { obj: f.referent, size: sum(map(reachables(f.referent), 
   "sizeof(it)")) }
    from java.lang.ref.Finalizer f
    where f.referent != null

Certainly this looks really complex -- but, actually it is simple. The JavaScript object literal used to select multiple values in the select expression (obj and size properties). reachables finds objects reachable from given object. map creates a new array from input array by applying given expression on each element. The map call in this query would create an array of sizes of each reachable object. sum built-in adds all elements of array. So, we get total size of reachable objects from given object (f.referent in this case). Why do I say approximate size? HPROF binary heap dump format does not account for actual bytes used in live JVM. Instead sizes just enough to hold the data are used. For eg. JVMs would align smaller data types such as 'char' -- JVMs would use 4 bytes instead of 2 bytes. Also, JVMs tend to use one or two header words with each object. All these are not accounted in HPROF file dump. HPROF uses minimal size needed to hold the data - for example 2 bytes for a char, 1 byte for a boolean and so on

1.2.8 Overview of C++ Language Binding

The C++ binding to ODBMSs includes a version of the ODL that uses C++ syntax, a  
 mechanism to invoke OQL, and procedures for operations on databases and transactions

The Object Definition Language (ODL) is the declarative portion of C++ ODL/OML. The C++ binding of ODL is expressed as a library that provides classes and functions to implement the concepts defined in the ODMG object model. OML is a language used for retrieving objects from the database and modifying them. The C++ OML syntax and semantics are those of standard C++ in the context of the standard class library.

ODL/OML specifies only the logical characteristics of objects and the operations used to manipulate them. It does not discuss the physical storage of objects. It does not address the clustering or memory management issues associated with the stored physical representation of objects or access structures. In an ideal world, these would be transparent to the programmer. In the real world, they are not. An additional set of constructs called "physical pragmas" is defined to give the programmer some direct control over these issues, or at least to enable a programmer to provide "hints" to the storage management subsystem provided as part of the ODBMS run time. Physical pragmas exist within the ODL and OML. They are added to object type definitions specified in ODL, expressed as OML operations, or shown as optional arguments to operations defined within OML.

These pragmas are not in any sense stand-alone languages, but rather a set of constructs added to ODL/OML to address implementation issues.

The programming-language-specific bindings for ODL/OML are based on one basic principle -- that the programmer feels that there is one language, not two separate languages with arbitrary boundaries between them.

The ODMG Smalltalk binding is based upon two principles -- it should bind to Smalltalk in a natural way that is consistent with the principles of the language, and it should support language interoperability consistent with ODL specification and semantics. We believe that organizations specifying their objects in ODL will insist that the Smalltalk binding honor those specifications. These principles have several implications that are evident in the design of the binding:
·   There is a unified type system that is shared by Smalltalk and the ODBMS.
·   This type system is ODL as mapped into Smalltalk by the Smalltalk binding.
·   The binding respects the Smalltalk syntax, meaning the Smalltalk language will not have to be modified to accommodate this binding.
·   ODL concepts will be represented using normal Smalltalk coding conventions.
·   The binding respects the fact that Smalltalk is dynamically typed. Arbitrary
Smalltalk objects may be stored persistently, including ODL-specified objects, which will obey the ODL typing semantics.
·   The binding respects the dynamic memory-management semantics of
Smalltalk. Objects will become persistent when they are referenced by other persistent objects in the database, and will be removed when they are no longer reachable in this manner.
As with other language bindings, ODMG Java binding is based on one fundamental principle -- the programmer should perceive the binding as a single language for expressing both database and programming operations, not two separate languages with arbitrary boundaries between them. This principle has several corollaries:
·   There is a single, unified type system shared by the Java language and the
object database; individual instances of these common types can be persistent or transient.
·   The binding respects the Java language syntax, meaning that the Java language
will not have to be modified to accommodate this binding.
·   The binding respects the automatic storage management semantics of Java. Objects will become persistent when they are referenced by other persistent objects in the database, and will be removed when they are no longer reachable in this manner.
The Java binding provides persistence by reachability, like the ODMG Smalltalk binding (this has also been called "transitive persistence"). On database commit, all objects reachable from database root objects are stored in the database.
The Java binding provides two ways to declare persistence-capable Java classes:
·   Existing Java classes can be made persistence capable.
·   Java class declarations (as well as a database schema) may automatically be
   generated by a preprocessor for ODMG ODL.
One possible ODMG implementation that supports these capabilities would be a postprocessor that takes as input the Java .class file (bytecodes) produced by the Java compiler, then produces new modified bytecodes that support persistence. Another implementation would be a preprocessor that modifies Java source before it goes to the Java compiler. Another implementation would be a modified Java interpreter.

We want a binding that allows all of these possible implementations. Because Java does not have all the hooks we might desire, and the Java binding must use standard Java syntax, it is necessary to distinguish special classes understood by the database system. These classes are called persistence-capable classes. They can have both persistent and transient instances. Only instances of these classes can be made persistent. The current version of the standard does not define how a Java class becomes a persistence-capable class.

Object Database conceptual Design

l  Traditional Data Models : Hierarchical, Network (since mid-60’s), Relational (since 1970 and commercially since 1982)
l  Object Oriented (OO) Data Models since mid-90’s
l  Reasons for creation of Object Oriented Databases
        Need  for more complex applications
        Need for additional data modeling features
        Increased use of object-oriented programming languages
l  Commercial OO Database products – several in the 1990’s, but did not make much impact on mainstream data management
l  MAIN CLAIM: OO databases try to maintain a direct correspondence between real-world and database objects so that objects do not lose their integrity and identity and can easily be identified and operated upon
l  Object: Two components: state (value) and behavior (operations).  Similar to program variable  in programming language, except that it will typically have a complex data structure as well as specific operations defined by the programmer
l  In OO databases, objects may have an object structure of arbitrary complexity in order to contain all of the necessary information that describes the object. 
l   In contrast, in traditional database systems, information about a complex object is often scattered over many relations or records, leading to loss of direct correspondence between a real-world object and its database representation
l  The internal structure of an object in OOPLs includes the specification of instance variables, which hold the values that define the internal state of the object.
l  An instance variable is similar to the concept of an attribute, except that instance variables may be encapsulated within the object and thus are not necessarily visible to external users
l  Some OO models insist that all operations a user can apply to an object must be predefined. This forces a complete encapsulation of objects.
l  To encourage encapsulation, an operation is defined in two parts:
1.      signature or interface of the operation, specifies the operation name and arguments (or parameters).
2.      method or body, specifies the implementation of the operation.
l  Operations can be invoked by passing a message to an object, which includes the operation name and the parameters. The object then executes the method for that operation.
l  This encapsulation permits modification of the internal structure of an object, as well as the implementation of its operations, without the need to disturb the external programs that invoke these operations
l  Some OO systems provide capabilities for dealing with multiple versions of the same object (a feature that is essential in design and engineering applications). 
1.      For example, an old version of an object that represents a tested and verified design should be retained until the new version is tested and verified:
2.      very crucial for designs in manufacturing process control, architecture , software systems …..
l  Operator polymorphism: It refers to an operation’s ability to be applied to different types of objects; in such a situation, an operation name may refer to several distinct implementations, depending on the type of objects it is applied to.
l  This feature is also called operator overloading
l  Unique Identity: An OO database system provides a unique identity to each independent object stored in the database. This unique identity is typically implemented via a unique, system-generated object identifier, or OID
l  The main property required of an OID is that it be immutable; that is, the OID value of a particular object should not change. This preserves the identity of the real-world object being represented
l  Type Constructors: In OO databases, the state (current value) of a complex object may be constructed from other objects (or other values) by using certain type constructors.
l  The three most basic constructors are atom, tuple, and set. Other commonly used constructors include list, bag, and array.  The atom constructor is used to represent all basic atomic values, such as integers, real numbers, character strings, Booleans, and any other basic data types that the system supports directly.

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