Thursday 26 March 2020

Phrasal Verbs and One Word Substitution For SSC CGL,CHSL & LDC 2020-2021

Competitive Exam
English Language 

Phrasal Verbs For SSC CGL,CHSL & LDC


Add UpTo make sense
सत्य उचित प्रतीत होना
Answer forTo be answerable for
जिम्मेवारी लेना (किसी गलत बात की)
Ask afterTo inquire aboutकिसी के बारे में पूछताछ करना
Attend onTo serveसेवा करना
Back offTo choose not to take actionमुश्किल में फसने से पीछे हटना
Back outTo choose not to do something agreedकिसी सहमत बात से पीछे हटना
Back upTo supportसहायता देना
Bank uponTo rely onविश्वास करना
Bear outTo confirm the truthसही बात होना 
Bear down onTo move quickly towardsकिसी की तरफ तेजी से बढ़ना
Bear upTo remain happy in difficultyमुश्किल परिस्थिति में खुश रहना
Become ofTo happenघटित होना
Boil down toTo summarize the main pointsनिष्कर्ष होना
Break downTo stop working
काम करना बंद कर देना
Break downTo lose control emotionally or mentally
रोने लगना
Break in onTo interruptखलल डालना
Break into a building etc.To enter somewhere illegallyजबरदस्ती  घुसना
Break offTo end a relationshipसंबंध विच्छेद कर लेना
Break outTo startअचानक फैलना
Break upTo end, To separateटूट जाना
Bring aboutTo cause to happen
उत्पन्न होना
Bring downTo overthrow
कम करना
Bring forthTo give birth to
उत्पन्न करना
Call forTo demand
मांग करना
Call off an eventTo cancelरद्द करना
Call onTo pay a visit
जाकर मुलाकात करना
Call upTo recall
याद करना
Call forthTo produce a reactionकोई प्रतिक्रिया पैदा करना
Call upon/onTo invite to do somethingकुछ करने या बोलने के लिए आमंत्रित करना
Call inTo summon
भीतर बुलाना
Carry awayTo get excited
उत्तेजित हो जाना
Carry outTo complete or fulfil, to execute
किसी कार्य या आदेश को पूरा करना
Carry onTo continueजारी रखना
Carry offTo succeed in a difficult taskकिसी काम में सफल होना
Dawn onTO Understand
समझ में आना
Deal inTo have business ofकिसी चीज का व्यापार करना
Deal outTo distributeबांटना
Deal withTo treat with a personकिसी से व्यवहार करना
Do away withTo abolish/murder
समाप्त कर देना
Do withoutTo manage in the absence of something
किसी चीज के बिना काम चलाना
Do forTo ruin or destroyबर्बाद
Drop by/inTo visit informallyबिना पूर्व सूचना के आ जाना
Dwell onTo speak about something
व्याख्या करना
Eat intoTo weakenखोखला करना
Egg onTo motivateकोई कार्य करने के लिए प्रेरित करना
End upTo do something finallyआखिरकार कर पाना
Fall apartTo break into piecesबिखर जाना
Fall back onTo use as a last resortकठिनाई के समय किसी चीज का प्रयोग करना
Fall forTo fall in love withआकर्षित होना
Fall outTo quarrel withझगड़ा होना
Feel aboutTo feel something by touchingछूकर महसूस करना
Feel likeTo be excited to do somethingकिसी काम को करने का इच्छा होना
Figure outTo understandसमझ पाना
Fish forTo try to win favour etc.प्रयास करना
Fizzle outTo weaken graduallyकमजोर पड़ना
Gain onTo come close toप्रतियोगिता में नजदीक होना
Get along (with)To have a friendly relationshipदोस्ताना संबंध रखना
Get onTo make progressप्रगति करना
Get rid ofTo dispose ofछुटकारा पाना
Get round(a problem)To solve or avoid a problemकिसी समस्या से बचने के लिए रास्ता  ढूंढ लेना
Get round(someone)To persuade someone to do what you wantकिसी को कुछ करने के लिए मना लेना
Get about/aroundTo move from place to place or person to personजगह जगह घूम कर लोगों से मिलना
Get awayTo have a vacationछुट्टी पर जाना
Get offTo leave work with permissionकाम से अधिकारिक अवकाश मिलना
Hear ofTo get the news aboutसमाचार मिलना
Hold onTo keep something in a positionपकड़ कर रखना
Hold backTo control expression, not to revealछुपा लेना
Hold downTo prevent by forceजबरदस्ती नियंत्रण रखना
Hold withTo approveसहमत होना
Impress(Idea) onTo convince someoneमन में बैठाना
Iron outTo mutually resolve difficultiesसमस्या को सुलझाना
Jump atTo draw conclusion in a hurryजल्दीबाजी में निष्कर्ष लेना
Keep awayTo maintain distanceकिसी से दूर रहना
Keep fromTo abstain fromपरहेज करना
Keep upTo maintain in good conditionअच्छी स्थिति में रखना
Keep upTo continue doing somethingकिसी काम को करना जारी रखना
Kick againstTo revoltविद्रोह करना
Lap upTo drink, To touch tenderlyकोमलता से छूना
Latch on toTo begin to understand somethingकिसी चीज को समझना
Lay downTo give up armsहथियार डाल देना
Lay intoTo attack, To consume, To scoldआक्रमण करना
Lay offTo stop employingछटनी करना
Let downTo disappoint someoneनिराश करना
Let offNot to punish somebodyगलती के लिए दंड नहीं देना
Let outTo revealउजागर करना
Lie behindTo be the real reasonवास्तविक कारण होना
Light onTo explainव्याख्या करना
Make do withTo manageकाम चलाना
Make ofTo result in, To causeकिसी बात में  सहायक होना
Make ofTo understandकिसी चीज या व्यक्ति के अभिप्राय को समझना
Make off withTo run away withकिसी चीज को लेकर भाग निकलना
Make outTo manage to see or understandकिसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति को समझाना
Make the most ofTo get maximumपूरा पूरा लाभ उठाना
Occur toTo understandसमझ में आना
Part withTo leave or renounceत्याग देना

One Word Substitution For SSC CGL,CHSL & LDC

One Word Substitution

A government run by a dictatorAutocracyएकतंत्र
Work for which no salary is paidHonoraryमाननीय
Murder of a brotherFratricideभ्रातृघातक
One who can't be correctedIncorrigibleअसंशोधनीय
A word no longer in useObsoleteअप्रचलित
One who believes that gaining pleasure is most thingHedonistसुखवादी
Murder of a new born childInfanticideशिशु हत्या
Stealing from the writing of othersPlagiarismसाहित्यिक चोरी
A destroyer or opponent of religious images or iconsIconoclastमूर्ति
One who worships idolsIdolatorमूर्ति पूजक 
Thing that can be felt or touchedPalpableस्पर्शनीय
Extreme old age when a man behaves like a foolDotageमतिक्षीणता
The original inhabitants of a countryAboriginesमुलनिवासी
One who uses fear as a weapon of powerTerroristआतंकवादी
Worshipping of idolsIdolatryमूर्ति पूजा
Unlawful contrary to lawsIllegalअवैध
A person who is skilled in horsemanshipEquestrianघुड़सवार
One who can use either of his hands with easeAmbidextrousकपटी
One who possesses many talentsVersatileबहुमुखी
Word for word reproductionVerbatimप्रतिशब्द
Which can't be readIllegibleअस्पष्ट
Medical study of the skin and is diseasesDermatologyत्वचा विज्ञान
The first public speech delivered by personMaiden speechप्रथम भाषण
A period of hundred yearsCenturyसदी
Custom of having many wivesPolygamyबहुविवाह
Indifference to pleasure or painStoicismवैराग्य
A word no longer in useObsoleteअप्रचलित
One who talks very littleReserveरिज़र्व
To speak to oneselfSoliloquiseआत्म चिंतन करना 
Study of mankindAnthropologyमनुष्य जाति का विज्ञान
One who lives among strangersAlienविदेशी
Without the name of the authorAnonyms
All of one mindUnanimousएकमत
A short stay at placeSojournडेरा डालना
An elderly unmarried womenSpinsterकातनेवाली
A person who is find of fightingBellicoseलड़ाकू
One who has good taste for food and enjoys itGourmetपेटू
Which can be approachedAccessibleसुलभ
Person who can perform unusual physical actAcrobatनट
A person who helps you break the law orAccompliceसहापराधी
One Who makes a powerful public speechOratorवक्ता
One who is not easily pleased by anythingFastidiousदुराराध्य
A tall strong womenAmazonवीरांगना
One who is indifferent to pleasure or painStoicउदासीन
Which can be approachedAccessibleसुलभ
Occurring at the same timeConcurrentसमवर्ती
Skilled in social and domestic artAccomplishedपूरा किया
A person pretending to be somebody he is notImposterढोंगी
Incapable of being seen throughOpaqueन झिल्लड़
Yearly celebration of a date or an eventAnniversaryसालगिरह
Hard to understandAbstruseअव्यक्त
One who speaks or writes many languagePolyglotबहुभाषी
An office or post with no work but high paySinecureदायित्वहीन काम
Place for keeping birdsAviaryपक्षीशाल
Murder of a new born childInfanticideशिशु हत्या
The profession of writing dictionariesLexicographyकोशरचना
A fourteen line poemSonnetगाथा
The plants and vegetation of a regionFloraफ्लोरा
Forbidden prohibited by lawIllicitअवैध
Person who leads the prayers in aImamईमाम
Creatures who lives both on land and waterAmphibiansउभयचर
Asking for additional trops of soldiersReinforcementसुदृढीकरण
A general pardon of offendersAmnestyआम माफ़ी
One who practices one of the fine artsArtistकलाकार
Constant effort to achieve somethingPerseveranceदृढ़ता
Wildly unreasonable illogical or ridiculousAbsurdबेतुका
Adult person with abnormally low intelligenceImbecileमूर्ख
A lie detectorPolygraphपॉलीग्राफ
A person who readily believes othersCredulousविश्रंभी
Dry weather with no rain failDroughtसूखा
Something kept as a reminder of an eventSouvenirयादगार
Scale used for measuring earthquakeRichterरिक्टर
Artificial tank for honey beesHiveमधुमुखी का छत्ता
A cluster of houses in a villageHamletछोटा गांव
A number of stars grouped togetherConstellationनक्षत्र
Anima that feeds on plantsHerbivorousतृणभक्षी
Medicine that deals with disease of old ageGeriatricsजराचिकित्सा
Complete change of formTransformationपरिवर्तन
The killing of whole group of peopleGenocideनरसंहार
Study of the nature of godTheologyधर्मशास्र
The line When the land and sky seems to meetHorizonक्षितिज
Pertaining to cattleBovineसाँड़ का
A person who shows off his learningPedantरूढ़िवादी
Unorthodox opinionHeresyविधर्म
A vehicle for carrying a dead bodyHearseरथी
A shopkeeper who sells green vegetablesGreengrocerफल बेचनेवाला
A difficult problemConundrumपहेली
An original modelArchetypeमूलरूप आदर्श
That which can't be consumed by fireIncombustibleन जलने योग्य
An original modelArchetypeमूलरूप आदर्श
A place of shelter for shipsHarbourबंदरगाह
One who works for the good for anotherAltruistपरोपकार के सिद्धन्त का
A building in which aircraft are housedHangerकांटा
A prolonged and bitter quarrelFeudझगड़ा
One who is happy to see others sufferSadistपीड़न कामुक
Process of looking back to the pastRetrospectionसिंहावलोकन

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