Thursday 30 April 2020

UP Board Class 12 English Model Papers Paper with Hints and Solutions

UP Board Class 12 English Model Papers Paper 1
Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Maximum Marks: 100
First 15 Minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the Question paper.
  • This paper is divided in Section-A and Section-B. Both the sections are compulsory.
  • Question No. 11 has three parts: I, II, and III. Attempt only one part of Question No. 11.
  • All other Questions are compulsory

Section A
Question 1.
Explain, with reference to the context, any one of the following passages. (8)
(a) As soon as I alighted, a group of young children gathered around me. They were selling baskets— hand-woven, reed baskets with simple designs and patterns. They held the baskets high, shouting words, I did not know but conveying unmistakably their desire. These were refugee children.
(b) The extravagant and barbarous hecatombs of the vedic age have long since been forgotten, though animal sacrifice continues in some sects. Widows have long ceased to be burnt on their husband’s pyres. Girls may not by law be married in childhood. In buses and trains all over India Brahmans rub shoulders with the lowest castes without consciousness of grave pollution and the temples are open to all by law. Caste is vanishing.
(c) No one could say I am a beauty. I weigh 340 grams, am red-brown in colour and have an unimpressive shape. I am John’s dedicated slave-his heart. I hang by ligaments in the centre of his chest.
Question 2.
Explain with reference to the context, any one of the following extracts. (8)
(a) When I consider how my light is spent
Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent, which is death to hide,
Loged with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, least He, returning chide.
(b) Out of and night A joy has taken flight:
Fresh spring, and summer, and winter hoar,
Move my faint heart with grief, but with delight No more—Oh, never more!
(c) Whose woods these are I think I know,
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.
Question 3.
Answer any one of the following Questions in not more than 30 words each. (4)
(a) What are the two false notions about the heart?
(b) What did the author do while travelling alone in the compartment?
(c) What causes the decline of womanhood, according to S Radhakrishnan?
Question 4.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences, selecting the brackets
(a) Mahatma Gandhi was looked upon by many, both Indian and European as the epitome of ……. tradition. (Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Persian).
(b) Vivekananda repeated it with a more nationalist ……. (duty, timbre, tone, thought)
(c) These two are the things which mould ………. minds and hearts. (women’s, men’s, nation’s, country’s)
(d) The children selling basket were sons and daughters of these ……… (refugees, labourers, peasants, prisoners)
Question 5.
Give the central idea of any one of the following poems(6)
(a) An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
(b) The Song of the Free
(c) La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Question 6.
Answer any one of the following Questions in not more than 75 words. (8)
(a) Describe the character of Antonio as depicted in the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’.
(b Bring out the dramatic significance of the trial scene of ‘The Merchant of Venice’.
Question 7.
Answer any two of the following Questions in not more than 30 words. (4+4=8)
(a) What did the child see the juggler doing? Why didn’t he stay there?
(b) What part did Gyan Babu play in the story?
(c) What made the astrologer feel uncomfortable?
Question 8.
(a) Point out the figures of speech in any two of the following: (1 + 1 = 2)
(i) Whose passions not his masters are.
(ii) Exult O shores and ring O bells!
(iii) And beauty born of murmuring sound Shall pass into her face.
(b) Define Personification and give an example of it. (1 + 1 =2)
Section B
Question 9.
(a) Change any one of the following sentences into indirect form of speech. (2)
(i) She said to her mother,, “What have you cooked in the dinner today for the family?”
(ii) The old man said, “The Earth moves round the Sun.”
(b) Combine the following sentences as directed within the brackets, (any one) (2)
(i) Premchand wrote “Godan.” He was a great story writer. (Into Simple Sentence)
(ii) He went to Agra. She went to Agra. (Into Simple Sentence)
(c) Transform the following sentences as directed within the brackets, (any two) (2)
(i)She has finished her assignment. (Into Passive Voice)
(ii) The farmer was tired due to work. (Into Negative Sentence)
(d) Correct any two of the following sentences. (1 + 1 = 2)
(i) I, you and he have completed it.
(ii) Maya knows to operate mobile.
(iii) I saw a man which was planting a tree.
(iv) Braje sh had written a letter yesterday.
Question 10.
(a) Give the synonyms of the following words. (1 +1 +1=3)
(i) Farmer
(ii) Peak
(iii) Hardship
(b) Give the antonyms of the following words. (1 +1+1=3)
(i) Zenith
(ii) Quick
(iii) Economical
(c) Use the following words in sentences of your own so as to bring out the difference in their meanings clearly. (1 + 1=2)
(i) Heart
(ii) Hurt
(d) Substitute one word for the following expressions.
(i) One that lives in water. (1 +1 +1 =3)
(ii) One who is new to a profession.
(iii) One who has infinite power.
(e) Use three of the following idioms/phrases in your own sentences so as to make their meanings clear. (1+1 +1=3)
(i) Through thick and thin
(ii) Kith and kin
(iii) Hand in gloves
(iv) Crying in wilderness
(v) Wet behind the ears
(vi) Do away with
Question 11.
(a). Translate the following into English. (10)
समय परिवर्तनशील है। वह कभी एक-सा नहीं रहता। परिवर्तन अपने साथ कुछ अच्छाईयाँ, तो साथ ही कुछ बुराईयाँ लेकर आता है। शिक्षा, उद्योग, चिकित्सा, संस्कृति आदि में कई परिवर्तन आने सेमनुष्य का जीवन सुख-सुविधाओं से भर उठा। यह सकारात्मक नकारात्मक दोनों रूपों में हुआ। सुख-समृद्धि के कारण समाज में हिंसा, चोरी, बलात्कार जैसी सामाजिक बुराईयाँ चुनौती के रूप में
आई। आज मनुष्यों की जीवन-शैली में बहुत अन्तर गया है, जिससे उनके जीवन-मूल्य भी बदल गए हैं। जीवन-मूल्यों में आई गिरावट के कारण मनुष्य का जीवन दिन-पर-दिन अशान्त होता जा रहा है। उसके जीवन में तनाव, अनिद्रा, हृदय से सम्बन्धित रोग और भय घर कर गया है।
Question 12.
Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about 250 words. (12)
(a) All that Glitters is not Gold
(b) Environmental Pollution
(c) Honour Balling
(d) Agriculture in India
(e) Narendra Modi: The Icon of India
Question 13.
Read the following passage carefully and Answer the Questions that follow.
Punctually, at midday, he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a note book, and a bundle of Palmyra writing.
His forehead was resplendent with sacred ash and vermilion, and his eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam, which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted.
The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position as they were between the painted forehead and the dark whiskers, which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect, he wound a saffron-coloured turban around his head. This colour scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahlia stalks.
(a) Give a suitable title to the above passage. (1)
(b) From the description of the passage what one can make out about the person? (1)
(c) Give a summary of the above passage in your own words. (2)
(d) Why are the eyes of the person described as sparkled? (1)
(e) Why did the person open his bag? (1)
Answer 1.
(a) Reference: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘A Girl With a Basket’ written by William C Douglas.

 The writer was going to Ranikhet, an old British army hill station. At every station, he used to get
down on the platform to talk to people.
Explanation: The train was slow and stopped at every station. The writer used to get down from the train at every station and talk with people who were standing on the platform. On one such station, when he descended
from the train, his routine of talking to the people on the platform was interrupted. He was surrounded by a group of children, who were selling baskets. These were hand-woven, reed baskets with simple designs and patterns. Each of these children, held their baskets high so that the writer might buy from them. Though the writer could not understand their language, he could feel their desire to earn money by selling their baskets. These children were the sons and daughters of the refugees.
(b) Reference: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘The Heritage of India’ written by AL Basham. Context: The writer says that with the passage of time, the whole face of India has altered. There has been a tremendous change in the Indian society. Many social evils have been eradicated.
Explanation: The writer says that many social evils that were prevalent in the ancient Indian culture have now been discarded and are no longer practised. The extravagant and uncivilised public and animal sacrifices have long been forgotten. Widows are no longer burnt on their husbands’ pyres. Child marriage is abolished by law. The caste system is also gradually disappearing. Brahmans in India can now be seen travelling and mixing with the people of lower castes. They are no longer conscious of the loss of their purity. Untouchability is no longer practised. The temples, by law, are now open to all irrespective of their caste and creed.
(c) Reference: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘I am John’s Heart’ written by JD Ratcliff.
Context: The author describes the human heart in these lines.
Explanation: The author says that no one can say that a human heart is a beauty. It weighs around 340 grams and is reddish brown in colour. Moreover, the shape of the heart is unimpressive. The heart is a dedicated slave of John and works 24 hours a day. It is located in the centre of the chest and is supported by ligaments.
Answer 3.
(a) The two false notions associated with the heart are that it is romantic and it is delicate. But the heart is neither romantic nor delicate.
(b) While travelling alone in a railway compartment, we can talk to ourselves as loud as we please. We can stand on our head, sing, dance, practise golf or play marbles, open or shut the windows and do anything that we like without any objection.
(c) The natural quality of women is compassion. A decline in compassion causes the decline of womanhood.
Answer 4.
(a) Hindu
(b) timbre
(c) men’s
(d) refugees
Answer 7.
(a) The child saw the jugger playing the flute to the snake. He did not stay there as his parents had asked him not to listen to the coarse music played by the juggler.
(b) Sanku calculated the amount of money he had and the amount he needed to clear his debts. Hence, he came to the conclusion that without stealing the gold watch, he would be unable to clear his debts.
(c) The astrologer became very nervous after seeing the customer as he recognised that he was his enemy Guru Nayak, whom he had attempted to kill and throw into a well.
Answer 8.
(a) (i) Personification
(ii) Apostrophe
(iii) Onomatopoeia
(b) Personification is a literary device by which an inanimate object is made to appear as a living creature.
Example  Death lays its icy hands on kings, ‘Death’ has been personified in the above line.
Answer 9.
(a) (i) She asked her mother what she had cooked in the dinner that day for the family.
(ii) The old man said that the Earth moves round the Sun.
(b) (i) The great story writer Premchand wrote “Godan”.
(ii) Both, he and she, went to Agra.
(c) (i) Her assignment has been finished by her.
(ii) The farmer was not relaxed due to work.
(d) (i) You, he and I have completed it.
(ii) Maya knows how to operate mobile.
(iii) I saw a man, who was planting a tree.
(iv) Brajesh wrote a letter yesterday.
Answer 10.
(a) (i) Peasant
(ii) Top
(iii) Difficulty
(b) (i) Nadir
(ii) Slow
(iii) Extravagant
(c) (i) The heart pumps the blood.
(ii) I was hurt by her words.
(d) (i) Aquatic
(ii) Novice
(iii) Almighty
(e) (i) Best friends help you through thick and thin.
(ii) I am planning to go on a holiday with my kith and kin.
(iii) Politicians and bureaucrats work  hand in gloves.
(iv) It’s no use crying in wilderness for the lost ball.
(v)The young man, who joined the company is wet behind the ears.
(vi) Mahatma Gandhi did his best to do away with many social evils.
Answer 11.
(a) Time is ever changing. It never remains the same. Change brings good as well as evil things with it. With the change in education, industry, medical facilities and culture; the lives of human beings have been filled with happiness and prosperity. It has been in positive and negative ways both. Due to the prosperity, the society witnessed violence, theft, rape as a social challenge. Today, there has been a great shift in the lifestyle of the human beings and thus, there is a change in the values of life. Due to the fall in the moral values of life, the lives of human beings have been disturbed. Stress, insomnia, fear and heart disorders have entered the lives of human beings.
Answer 12.
(a) All that Glitters is not Gold
Introduction Appearance is often deceptive. Many things may superficially appear very attractive. When they are examined from close quarters, they prove to be disappointing. One cannot judge the quality of a thing by seeing its exterior portion only. Every shining metal is not gold. Very often, things are not what they seem to be. We often form our opinion about objects on the basis of superficial impression.
Superficiality: A beautifully packaged product launched in the market after massive advertising campaign may attract the consumers. He may buy that product once but if the product is of poor quality, he would not buy it again. A wise discerning person does not accept things at face value. He gets suspicious of a person or thing, which appears too good to be true. His trained eyes can see beyond the superficial appearance of an object.
Judgement of Quality  The quality of anything can be judged only if we come to know the reality of a thing. Gold is gold if the inner metal is also gold. Many things are made of inferior metal and to hide their defect, they are given a shine. They look beautiful and attract many persons who love beautiful objects. An object with a glittering shine of gold cannot be gold unless the whole object itself is gold. All that glitters is not gold. All people wearing saffron clothes cannot be saints. A foolish man can never be wise by pretending to be wise.
Conclusion: Education and knowledge can improve awareness among the masses. A layman can be misled. But, if he has knowledge about a particular thing, he cannot be cheated. One should use one’s discretion to judge persons and things. One should not be influenced by external appearance alone.
(b) Environmental Pollution
Introduction: Environment is the surrounding of an organism. This environment in which an organism lives is made up of various elements like air, water, land etc. Any kind of undesirable and unwanted change in the proportions of these elements can be termed as pollution.
Causes of Pollution: The poisonous water and waste products of the factories mingle with the water bodies and poison them. Resultantly, the aquatic life gets affected. Fish die, disturbing the ecological balance. The water, too, is rendered useless which can neither be used for drinking nor for washing. This also results in the reduction of the area of water bodies. Such a situation arises when non-degradable products are dumped on fallow land or on the banks of rivers and seashores.

Harmful Effects:
 Waste materials such as plastics, polythene, bottles etc cause land pollution and render the soil infertile. Moreover, dumping of dead bodies of men and animals, washing of clothes and utensils add to the problem. Another major problem of pollution is the air, that we breathe in, is being polluted by the smoke pouring out of chimneys and automobiles. No doubt, air pollution takes place even by volcanoes, cyclones, forest fires etc but human activities are more responsible for causing air pollution. Gases like CO
2, CO, SO2 are emitted, which mix with air and cause great harm to the human body, flora and fauna.

 Use of organic manures should be encouraged instead of chemical fertilisers to prevent soil pollution. Planting of trees should be encouraged and cutting down of green trees should be strictly checked. Unleaded petrol should be used in vehicles. The directions of the Supreme Court to manufacture cars as per Euro I and Euro II norms should be strictly enforced. Industries should have proper emission systems and should conform to the laws in order to ensure safety of the people living in residential areas around. Strict laws should be legislated and enforced regarding the keeping of our seashores and river banks clean.

 The government should also try to educate people about various kinds of pollution and create public awareness. People should be involved in helping to reduce and control pollution. Moreover, punishments should be strictly given in case of violation of any environmental law so that such people learn a lesson. Until, we all get serious and resolve to make our planet a better place to live in, humanity stands amidst grave danger of perishing and being destroyed due to the severe and increasing problem of pollution.
(c) Honour Killing
Introduction: Cultural crimes are basically the crimes that seek to take place within the context of culture or under the head of it. As, we all know recently; there has been a spate of honour killings which has shocked the country. Honour killing is one of the types of cultural crime present in the country. An honour killing (also called a customary killing) is the murder of a (typically female) family or clan member by one or more fellow (mostly male) family members, in which the perpetrators (and potentially the wider community) believe the victim to have brought dishonour upon the family, clan or community.

Reason for Honour Killing:
 The main reason for commitment of an ‘honour killing’ is belief that any member of family had brought dishonour to the family. The dishonour can be of different types for different families. The perceived dishonour is normally the result of the following behaviours, or the suspicion of such behaviours, as are dress codes unacceptable to the family/community; or wanting to terminate or prevent an arranged marriage or desiring to marry by own choice; or engaging in certain sexual acts, including those with the opposite or same sex etc.

Laws Regarding Honour Killing:
 The presence of laws that treat ‘honour killings’ leniently is also a brazen disregard of the International Convention of Civil and Political Rights (1966), protecting individuals against the use of the death penalty except for the most serious crimes. ‘Honour killings’ also violate the Convention on the elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1979).

 Honour killing is done for saving the honour of the family. But, there is no such honour in killing any person. ‘Religion’ and ‘culture’ cannot and must not be invoked as excuse for the killing of women, because religion and the laws, which derive from it are always subjective interpretations. No ‘culture’ has the right to kill and harm women based on their perceptions of morality or honour. The freedom of belief does not mean freedom to kill. Everyone has right to live life with full dignity and equality. Hence, active laws are the only antidote to such dishonourable practices.
(d) Agriculture in India
Introduction: India is an agricultural country. About seventy per cent of our population depends on agriculture. One-third of our National income comes from agriculture. Our economy is based on agriculture. The development of agriculture has much to do with the economic welfare of our country.

Our Agricultural Condition: 
 Our agriculture remained underdeveloped for a long time. We did not produce enough food for our people. Our country had to buy foodgrains from other countries, but the things are changing now. India is producing more foodgrains than its needs. Some foodgrains are being sent to other countries. Great improvements have been made in agriculture through our five year plans. Green Revolution has been brought about in the agricultural field. Now, our country is self-sufficient in foodgrains. It is now in a position to export surplus foodgrains and some other agricultural products to other countries.

Means of Improvement:
 Dams are constructed across many of the main rivers and canals are dug out to provide water for the irrigation of the land. Tubewells and pump-sets are provided to the farmers to irrigate the fields, where canal water could not reach. The use of better seeds, fertilisers and new techniques in agriculture, has brought about a revolution called the Green Revolution in agriculture. Our agricultural produce has increased manifolds, but the progress is still not sufficient. Our population is growing at a fast rate. Every year, we have millions of new mouths to be fed. We must check this fast growing population.

 We see that every effort is being made to develop our agriculture and boost the production. We should not rest here. We should continue our efforts to develop our agriculture still further.
(e) Narendra Modi: The Icon of India
Introduction: Narendra Modi was born in the small town of Vadnagar, in Northern Gujarat, India. His father was a street merchant, who struggled to support the family. Young Narendra and his brother sold tea near a bus terminal to help out. Though an average student in school, Modi spent hours in the library and was known as a strong debater. In his early teens, he joined Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the student wing of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist political group.
Political Career: Modi married at 18 but spent little time with his wife and eventually ended the marriage. He dedicated his life to politics in Gujarat, joining the RSS m. 1971. In 1987, Narendra Modi joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which stood for Hindu nationalism. His rise through the ranks was rapid, as he wisely chose mentors to further his career. He promoted privatisation of business, less governance and Hindu values. In 1995, Modi was elected BJP national secretary, a position from which he successfully helped settle internal leadership disputes, paving the way for BJP election victories in 1998. In June 2013, Modi was chosen by BJP to Head 2014 election campaign to the Lok Sabha (the Lower House of India’s Parliament), while a grassroot campaign was already in place to elect him Prime Minister.

 No matter, how much we try to bring out the negativities in him, we cannot ignore the charisma he radiates. He is the finest manager of Indian media amongst all leaders. He has excellent organisational capabilities, dynamic personality and can motivate even a corpse to move with his powerful words.
Answer 13.
(a) Title: A Professional at Work
(b) From the description given in this passage, we could make out that the person could be a future-teller or an astrologer.
(c) Summary: Every professional has his own ways and his own paraphrenlia. A person, who deals in future telling of others, needs to be dressed in the same way. He should wear a saffron clad and his forehead needs to be gleaming with vermilion so that his potential clients may turn up.
(d) Eyes of the person has been described sparkled because it was gleaming with confidence and he was really able to read one’s fortune.
(e) The person opened his bag to put all his paraphernalia out and started his daily chores of seeing the fortunes of others.


UP Board Class 12 English Model Papers Paper 2
Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Maximum Marks: 100
First 15 Minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the Question paper.
  • This paper is divided in Section-A and Section-B. Both the sections are compulsory.
  • Question No. 11 has three parts: I, II, and III. Attempt only one part of Question No. 11.
  • All other Questions are compulsory

Section A
Question 1.
Explain with reference to the context any one of the following passages: (8)
(a) I was a prisoner, completely surrounded, unable to move. The most diligent, aggressive vendor was a beautiful girl of nine right in front of me. She had a lovely basket with handle; and she wanted a rupee and a half for it or about thirty cents. She was an earnest pleader. There were tears in her eyes. She pleaded and begged in tones that would wring any heart.
(b) He only is fitted to command and control who has succeeded in commanding and controlling himself. The hysterical, the fearful, the thoughtless and frivolous, let such seek company, or they will fall for lack of support; but the calm, the fearless, the thoughtful and grave, let such seek the solitude of the forest, the desert and the mountain-top, and more power will be added to their power, and they will more and more successfully stem the psychic currents and whirlpools which engulf mankind.
Question 2.
Answer any one of the following Questions in not more than 30 words: (4)
(a) Why was Phatik excited to go to Calcutta?
(b) How is smoking injurious to health?
(c) What are the three important qualities of a valuable life?
Question 3.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most suitable words given within the brackets: (1 x 4 = 4)
(a) I flicked him again, (with, into, in, off)
(b) The charm and of the Indian way of life will continue, (pace; graciousness, tales, hierarchy)
(c) Makhan only moved to a more position, (comfortable, unbearable, easy, critical)
(d) Just the same I he would give me a few breaks, (wish, want, like, beg)
Question 4.
Answer any one of the following Questions in about 75 words: (8)
(a) How does Portia save Antonio?
(b) Write a character sketch of Shylock.
Question 5.
Answer any two of the following Questions in about 30 words each: (4 + 4 = 8)
(a) Why did Sanku want to steal the gold watch?
(b) Why did the astrologer run away from his village?
(c) What was the plight of the child after he had lost his parents?
Question 6.
Explain with reference to the context any one of the following extracts: (8)
(a) The breezy call of incense – breathing mom, The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed, The cock’s shrill clarion, or the echoing horn, No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed.
(b) My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farm house near between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.
Question 7.
Write the central idea of any one of the following poems: (6)
(a) Character of a Happy Life.
(b) A Lament
(c) My Heaven
Question 8.
Write the definition of any one of the following figures of speech with two examples: (2 + 2 = 4)
(a) Metaphor
(b) Personification
(c) Hyperbole
Section B
Question 9.
(a) Change any one of the following sentences into indirect form of speech: (2)
(i) The teacher said to the student, “My Son! Work hard if you want to make your career.”
(ii) The old lady said, “Peacocks dance with joy when it is abb tltttf rain.”
(b) Change any one of the following sentences as directed within the brackets: (2)
(i) He is very poor. He cannot purchase a Car. (Simple Sentence)
(ii) The picture was interesting. We enjoyed it very much. (Compound sentence)
(c) Transform any one of the following sentences as directed within the brackets: (2)
(i) Have you not stolen the bag? (Passive voice)
(ii) No other boy is so intelligent as Shyam. (Superlative degree)
(d) Correct any two of the following sentences: (1 x 2 = 2)
(i) One should do his duty.
(ii) Physics are an interesting subject.
(iii) Either he should eat mango or apple.
(iv) Please give me a ten rupees note.
Question 10.
(a) Use any three of the following idioms/phrases in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings clearly: (1 x 3 = 3)
(i) a bone of contention
(ii) a feather in one’s cap
(iii) an axe to grind Arts.
(iv) a Herculean task
(v) in a fool’s paradise
(b) Write antonyms of the following words: (1 x 3=3)
(i) barren
(ii) flexible
(iii) voluntary
(c) Write synonyms of the following words: (1 x 3 =3)
(i) confess
(ii) enormous
(iii) splendid
(d) Substitute one word for the following expressions: (1 x 3 = 3)
(i) that which is fit to be eaten
(ii) one who believes in fate
(iii) absence of governance
(e) Use the following words in sentences of your own so as to bring out the differences in their meanings clearly: (1 + 1 = 2)
(i) cell
(ii) sell
Question 11.
Translate the following into English: (10)
पहले लड़ाई कुछ मनुष्यों के बची होती थी। फिर कबीलों में होने लगी। फिर राज्यों में हुई। परन्तु अब लड़ाई देशों के बीच लड़ी जाती है। फिर भी परिणाम हर हालत में वही होता है। मनुष्य के रक्त की नदियाँ बहती हैं। लोग मरते हैं, स्त्रियाँ विधवा और बच्चे अनाथ होते हैं। कहने में तो किसी एक देश की जीत होती है, परन्तु असल में आजकल की लड़ाई में किसी की भी जीत नहीं होती। किसी ने ठीक ही कहा है कि भविष्य में लड़ाई में जीवित रहने वाला मरने वाले को अच्छा समझेगा।
Question 12.
Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about 200 words: (12)
(a) Safety of women in India
(b) Mobile Phones-Boon or Bane
(c) Importance of Books in our life
(d) Need to Save Trees
(e) My Favourite Author
Question 13.
Read the following passage carefully and Answer the Questions that follow:-
The real object of education at which every true teacher is aiming and for which every true student is working, is to draw out, train and discipline, the faculties of the mind, those faculties that the boy will want to use when he comes to be a man. And right education is not cramming of the boy’s memory, but the evolution and training of his powers of observing, reasoning and judging. You are not here only to pass examination or to observe your teacher’s knowledge, you are here to develop your faculties of the mind – spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical – so that hereafter you may use them in the service of God and men, to the credit and honour of your country, your families and yourselves.
(a) What is the real object of education? (2)
(b) What should the students aim at? (2)
(c) (i) Explain the underlined word. (1)
(ii) Write a suitable title for the passage. (1)
Answer 1.
(b) Reference: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘Secret of Health, Success and Power’ written by James Allen.
Context: In these lines, the author says that a person with selfcontrol. He is capable to control others because of calm-and fearless attitude, became liberate the problems of life.
Explanation: The author says that one who has controlled and commanded his desires with his will power can control and command others who are over excited, fearful, thoughtless and also have a narrow mindedness. Such people always need support to do something while a calm, fearless, thoughtful and grave person always gives support to others. If he is sent in forest, in the desert or on the mountain top, he will enhance or improve his skills. He will be more powerful and successful and he can stop the evils and problems of the society which affect the human beings.
Answer 2.
(a) Phatik was excited to go to Calcutta because he thought that going to a new place would be good for him and he would enjoy the city life. He thought so because there was no love between him and his mother and younger brother.
Answer 3.
(a) off
(b) graciousness
(c) comfortable
(d) wish
Section B
Answer 9.
(a) (i) The teacher advised the student to work hard if he wanted to make his carrer.
(ii) The old lady said that peacocks dance with joy when it is about to rain.
(b) (i) The old lady said that peacocks dance with joy when it is about to rain.
(ii) The picture was interesting so we enjoyed it very much.
(c) (i) Has the bag not stolen by you?
(ii) Shyam is the most intelligent boy.
(d)(i) One should do one’s duty.
(ii) Physics is an interesting subject.
(iii) He should eat either mango or apple.
(iv) Please give me a ten rupee note.
Answer 10.
(a) (i) The house located near the lake is a bone of contention between two families.
(ii) Hima das won gold medal in Junior athleltics. It is a feather in her cap.
(iii) He calls me only when he has an axe to grind.
(iv) Solving hundred Questions in an hour is a herculean task for me
(v) We should not go for a fool’s paradise but for an eternal happiness.
(b) (i) fertile
(ii) rigid
(iii) compulsory
(c) (i) acknowledge
(ii) vast
(iii) magnificient
(d) (i) edible
(ii) fatalist
(iii) anarchy
(e) (i) The prisoners had been transferred to a different cell block.
(ii) It is illegal to sell tobacco to someone under 16 years.
Answer 11.
In past, the battle took place between some humans. Then it started in the tribes then in the states. But now the battle is fought between countries. Anyhow, the result is always same in every condition. Rivers of human blood flow. People die, women are widowed and become childrens orphans. There is a victory of a single country in saying but in reality no one wins the battle in taday’s life. Someone rightly said that in future, a person who survive in the battle will consider the person fortunate who die.
Answer 13.
(a) The real object of education is to draw out, train and discipline, the faculties of mind ie, spiritual, intellectual, moral and physical.
(b) The students should aim at developing their faculties to use them in the service of God, honour of their country, their families and themselves.
(c) (i) Here ‘faculties’ mean inherent mental or physical powers.
(ii) Aim of Education is a suitable title for the passage.


UP Board Class 12 English Model Papers Paper 3 (UNSOLVED)
Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Maximum Marks: 100
First 15 Minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the Question paper.
  • This paper is divided in Section-A and Section-B. Both the sections are compulsory.
  • Question No. 11 has three parts: I, II, and III. Attempt only one part of Question No. 11.
  • All other Questions are compulsory

Section A
Question 1.
Explain with reference to the context any one of the following passages. (8)
(a) Your success, your failure, your influence, your whole life you carry about with you, for your dominant trends of thought are the determining factors in your destiny. Send forth living stainless and happy thoughts, and blessings will fall into your hands, and your table will be spread with the cloth of peace. Send forth hateful, impure and unhappy thoughts, and curses will rain down upon you and fear and unrest will wait upon your pillow. You are the conditional maker of your fate, be that fate what it may.
(b) I struck a swift, lethal blow with my right hand. He dodged the attack with an insolent ease that humiliated me. My personal vanity was aroused. I lunged at him with my hand, with my paper; I jumped on the seat and pursued him round the lamp; I adopted tactics of feline’s cunningness, waiting till he had alighted, approaching a horrible stealthiness, striking with a sudden and terrible swiftness.
(c) This time the Creator took care to employ only a little of the harder materials. To the new animal He made, He gave neither horns nor claws. He gave it teeth that could chew but not bite.
Question 2.
Explain with reference to the context, any one of the following extracts. (8)
(a)I made a garland for her head,
And bracelets too, and fragrant zone;
She look’d at me as she did love,
And made sweet moan.
(b) Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into dreary desert sand of dead habit,
Where the mind is led forward by Thee into ever widening thought and action
Into the heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
(c) Let eyes grow dim and heart grow faint
And friendship fail and love betray
Let fate its hundred horrors send
And dotted darkness block the way
Question 3.
Answer any one of the following Questions in not more than 30 words each. (4)
(a) What constitutes the essence of a good life?
(b) What does the heritage of India consist of ?
(c) Why did the Creator think that the creation of horse was a blunder?
Question 4.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences selecting the most suitable words from those given within the brackets. (4)
(a) How do I get my ……… ? From the blood of course. (nourished, nourishment, nourishment, replenishment)
(b) The natural quality ……… of is compassion. (woman, man, women, boys)
(c) The old ………. system is adapting itself to present day conditions. (family, royalty, families, quality)
(d) Bishamber’s sister had ……… her husband while he was in Mumbai. (lost, found, met, married)
Question 5.
Give the central idea of any one of the following poems. (6)
(a) A Lament
(b) My Heaven
(c) On His Blindness
Question 6.
Answer one of the following Questions in not more than 75 words. (8)
(a) Is Shylock out and out a villain or a tragic character? Give reasons for your Answer.
(b) What do you think of Portia’s decision to conduct Antonio’s defence in disguise of a lawyer?
Question 7.
Answer any two of the following Questions in not more than 30 words. (4 + 4=8)
(a) Give a character sketch of Sanku.
(b) Why did the lady want to rush forward and touch the feet of her husband?
(c) How did the child react to every kind of offer of the man?
Question 8.
(a) Point out the figures of speech in any two of the following: (1 + 1 = 2)
(i) Rise up for you the flag is flung.
(ii) But gallantly the giant wears the scarf.
(iii) To crush you out still know my soul.
(b) Define Oxymoron and give an example of it. (1 + 1 = 2)
Section B
Question 9.
(a) Change any one of the following sentences into indirect form of speech. (2)
(i) The doctor said to patient, “Take your medicines properly.”
(ii) The beggar said to the man, “Please give me ten rupees to buy food.”
(b) Combine the following sentences as directed within the brackets, (any one) (2)
(i) Sujeet went to Agra. He wants to see the Taj Mahal. (Into Simple Sentence)
(ii) The baby was crying. The baby wanted food. (Into Compound Sentence)
(c) Transform the following sentences as directed within the brackets, (any two) (2)
(i) Soldiers guard the country. (Into Passive Voice)
(ii) She offered me biscuits. (Into Negative Sentence)
(d) Correct two of the following sentences. (1 + 1=2)
(i) Kashmir is more better than Agra.
(ii) Mr Sharma is junior from me.
(iii) She is a chain smoking.
(iv) He beat the dog by a stick.
Question 10.
(a) Give the synonyms of the following words. (1 + 1 + 1 = 3)
(i) Concerned
(ii) Deprived
(iii) Solace
(b) Give the antonyms of the following words. (1 + 1 + 1 = 3)
(i) Cruel
(ii) Offensive
(iii) Precede
(c) Use the following words in sentences of your own so as to bring out the difference in their meanings clearly. (1 + 1=2)
(i) Career
(ii) Carrier
(d) Substitute one word for the following expressions. (1 + 1 + 1 = 3)
(i) One who feels at home everywhere.
(ii) One who doesn’t know anything.
(iii) A person who looks the dark side of the things.
(e) Use any three of the following idioms/phrases in your own sentences so as to make their meanings clear. (1+ 1 + 1 = 3)
(i) To put on
(ii) Get rid of
(iii) At a stone’s throw
(iv) To let the cat out of the bag
(v) Above board
(vi) Cry for the moon
Question 11.
(a) Translate the following into English. (10)
किसी जापानी दार्शनिक ने कहा थाहाथों की उंगलियों के सहारे एक दिन हम सारे संसार पर विजय प्राप्त कर लेंगे। जापानवासियों ने आज इस कथन को सत्य करके दिखा दिया है। अमेरिका जैसा देश भी जापान से पिछड़ने लगा है। इसका कारण है-जापानियों की निरन्तर कार्य करती हुई उंगलियाँ। उनकी उंगलियों में छिपा है सफलता पाने का मूल मन्त्रलगातार परिश्रम। परिश्रम के बल पर ही व्यक्ति हर इच्छित वस्तु पा सकता है। परिश्रम के बल पर ही व्यक्ति विकास की ऊँचाई पर पहुँच सकता है। परिश्रम का कोई विकल्प नहीं। इसके सामने कोई जोड़-तोड़ नहीं चल सकता। यदि हम अपने आस-पास देखें तो पाएंगे कि बहुत सामान्य से दिखाई देने वाले व्यक्तियों ने परिश्रम करते हुए कुछ ही वर्षों में सब कुछ पा लिया। जो लोग परिश्रम करते हैं, वे कभी भी साधनों की कमी का रोना नहीं रोया करते। वे लगातार परिश्रम करके सभी प्रकार के साधन स्वयं प्राप्त कर लिया करते हैं। इसके विपरीत जो व्यक्ति परिश्रम नहीं। करना चाहते, वे हरदम किसी--किसी समस्या का रोना रोते हुए अपनी विफलताओं के लिए भाग्य को उत्तरदायी ठहराते हैं।
Question 12.
Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about 250 words. (12)
(i) Science: Innovation and Ideas
(ii) Marine Life
(iii) Poverty and its Menace
(iv) Character Crisis
(v) Harms of Junk Food
Question 13.
Read the following passage carefully and Answer the Questions that follow.
The first Olympics was held at Olympia in Greece in 776 BC. The prestige and glory of the Olympics spread far and wide. With the advent of Christianity, the games lost their importance, as it was believed that they encouraged pagan worship in temples built to honour the Greek Gods. It was Theodosius-I who ordered the total destruction of the Olympia Sanctuary’s temples and other structures in the year 394 AD, which ended the era of the ancient Olympic Games. It was due to the effort of Baron de Coubertin that the Olympics of the modern era began in 1896 and were held every four years except during the two World Wars.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was constituted in 1894. It had 15 representatives including Coubertin. The first Olympic medal was won by America’s James Connolly in the triple jump. The Marathon was the most important event and was won by a Greek named Spiridon Louis. Olympia is a small village situated near the west coast of the Peloponnese peninsula of Greece.
It is noted for its archaeological ruins, which are related to the temples for worship of Greek Gods and for the ancient Olympic stadium. The visitor is impressed by the grandiose ruins, which show temple foundations, ruins of the temple of Zeus, the tall columns, the altars and art objects that dot the site. Some of these objects are placed in the archaeological museum. Another museum displays objects like stamps, photographs, documents, flags, maps and trophies belonging to the modern Olympics.
(a) Give a summary of the above passage in your own words. (2)
(b) Suggest a suitable title to the above passage. (1)
(c) Why did the Olympic Games start losing its importance? (1)
(d) Who revived the Olympic Games in 1896 and mention some important events of this game? (1)
(e) How is the small village Olympia related to Olympic Games?


UP Board Class 12 English Model Papers Paper 4 
Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Maximum Marks: 100
First 15 Minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the Question paper.
  • This paper is divided in Section-A and Section-B. Both the sections are compulsory.
  • Question No. 11 has three parts: I, II, and III. Attempt only one part of Question No. 11.
  • All other Questions are compulsory

Section A
Question 1.
Explain with reference to the context any one of the following passages. (8)
(a) The people I saw in India-those in the villages as well as those in high office—have both pride and lively sense of decency and citizenship. They also have a passion for independence. This beautiful child born in squalor and poverty, uneducated in both grammar and manners—had given me a glimpse of a warm soul of India.
(b) The point is this: if John relaxes, I relax. An
occasional nap would help. And he might try some light reading instead of that stuff he brings home from the office. Exercise is another thing. John is one of those weekend athletes—who take it in big doses. He still likes that rushing up-to-the-net bit in tennis : but when he does this, my normal work load is increased by five.
(c) Believing that the future will yield into you the need of every thought and effort; knowing that the laws of the universe can never fail, and that your own will come back to you with mathematical exactitude, this is faith and the believing of faith. By the power of such faith the dark waters of uncertainty are divided, every mountain of difficulty crumbles away, and the believing soul passes on unharmed.
Question 2.
Explain with reference to the context any two of the following extracts. (8)
(a) How happy is he born or thought that serveth not another’s will whose armour is his honest thought? And simple truth his utmost skill!
(b)Let not Ambition mock their useful toil,
Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;
Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile
The short and simple annals of the poor.
(c) He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound is the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
Question 3.
Answer one of the following Questions in not more than 30 words each. (4)
(a) Why did the author decide to be magnanimous and merciful to his fellow traveller?
(b) What things were women entitled to in ancient India?
(c) What grounds does the writer give to prove that Gandhi was much influenced by Western ideas?
Question 4.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences, selecting the most suitable words from those given within the brackets
(a) One day the Creator heard the ………… neighing (distressed, apparent, sad, weak)
(b) ………… constricts arteries. (Smoking, High Blood Pressure, Nicotine, Cigarettes)
(c) We have heard that the chief purpose of education is not merely the acquiring of skill or information but the ………… into a higher life. (initiation, transformation, upliftment, animation)
(d) Widows have long …………. to be burnt on their husband’s pyres. (ceased, revolted, fainted, withdrawn)
Question 5.
Give the central idea of any one of the following poems. (6)
(a) The True Beauty
(b) Character of a Happy Life
(c) The Song of the Free
Question 6.
Answer any one of the following Questions in not more than 75 words. (8)
(a) Write a brief note on the resourcefulness of Portia.
(b) Give a brief summary of casket-scene in ‘The Marchant of Venice’.
Question 7.
Answer any two of the following Questions in not more than 30 words. (4 + 4=8)
(a) What perturbed Gyan Babu one evening?
(b) Why did the astrologer suddenly become nervous after seeing the customer?
(c) What idea of time do you gather from the story ‘The Special Experience’?
Question 8.
(a) Point out the figures of speech in any two of the followings: (1 + 1 = 2)
(i) She floats like a laugh from the lips of a dream.
(ii) Lord of himself, though not of lands;
And having nothing, he hath all.
(iii) The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.
(b) Define Hyperbole and give an example of it. (1 + 1 = 2)
Section B
Question 9.
(a) Change any one of the following sentences into indirect form of speech. (2)
(i) Garima said to me, “Do you know how to paint this picture?”
(ii) Yishal said to his teacher, “Grant me a leave of four days.”
(b) Combine the following sentences as directed within the brackets, (any one) (2)
(i) Geeta is beautiful. She wanted to take part in beauty contest. (Into Compound Sentence)
(ii) Mohit met with an accident. He missed the examination. (Into Complex Sentence)
(c) Transform the following sentences as directed within the brackets, (any two) (2)
(i) She was crying a lot. (Into Interrogative)
(ii) Mohan was painting the walls. (Into Passive Voice)
(d) Correct any two of the following sentences. (1 + 1=2)
(i) The Ram is a good orator.
(ii) They do not know the way about the success.
(iii) It is me who can guide you.
(iv) It was raining for three hours.
Question 10.
(a) Give the synonyms of the following words. (1 + 1 + 1 = 3)
(i) Champion
(ii) Modest
(iii) Liberty
(b) Give the antonyms of the following words. (1 + 1 + 1 = 3)
(i) Peculiar
(ii) Idle
(iii) Pride
(c) Use the following words in sentences of your own so as to bring out the difference in their meanings clearly. (1 + 1=2)
(i) Pale
(ii) Pail
(d) Substitute one word for the following expressions. (1+1 + 1= 3)
(i) One who hates women.
(ii) A post with no salary.
(iii) That which can be believed.
(e) Use any three of the following idioms/phrases in your own sentence so as to make their meanings clear. (1+1 + 1= 3)
(i) A black sheep
(ii) A tall tale
(iii) A bone of contention
(iv) Tied the knot
(v)In a fix
(vi) In lieu of
Question 11.
(a) Translate the following into English. (10)
साहस की ज़िन्दगी सबसे बड़ी होती है। ऐसी ज़िन्दगी की सबसे बड़ी पहचान यह है कि वह बिल्कुल निडर, बिल्कुल बेखौफ होती है। जनमत की उपेक्षा करके जीने वाला व्यक्ति दुनिया की असली ताकत होता है और मनुष्यता को प्रकाश भी उसी आदमी से मिलता है। अड़ोस-पड़ोस को देखकर चलना, यह साधारण जीव का काम है। क्रान्ति करने वाले लोग अपने उद्देश्य की तुलना तो पड़ोसी के उद्देश्य से करते हैं और ही अपनी चाल को पड़ोसी की चाल देखकर मद्धिम बनाते हैं। साहसी मनुष्य सपने उधार नहीं लेता। वह अपने विचारों में रमा हुआ अपनी ही किताब पढ़ता है। झुण्ड में चलना और झुण्ड में चरना, यह भैंस और भेड़ का काम है। सिंह तो बिल्कुल अकेला होने पर भी मग्न रहता है। जो आदमी यह महसूस करता है कि किसी महान निश्चय के समय वह साहस से काम नहीं ले सका, ज़िन्दगी की चुनौती को कबूल नहीं कर सका, वह सुखी नहीं हो सकता। बड़े मौके पर साहस नहीं दिखाने वाला आदमी बराबर अपनी आत्मा के भीतर एक आवाज़ सुनता रहता है। ऐसी आवाज़ जिसे वही सुन सकता है और जिसे वह रोक भी नहीं सकता। यह आवाज़ उसे बराबर कहती रहती है, “तुम साहस नहीं दिखा सके, तुम कायर की तरह भाग खड़े हुए।
Question 12.
Write an essay on one of the following topics in about 250 words. (12)
(a) Stress of Exams
(b) Sustainable Development
(c) The Teacher you Like Most
(d) Problems of Traffic
(e)Reservation Policy
Question 13.
Read the following passage carefully and Answer the Questions that follow.
The heat-wave deepened during the following few days while Jack and I lazed about in the house and yards, wearing ragged shirts and discarded garments, because the more presentable ones were being packed by mother. She was obviously not strong enough to cycle down to Hampshire, where father and Jack had been one weekend, to see and rent a cottage in Ropley, near Alresford. From this prospective journey, Jack had returned with half a dozen photographs taken with a plate camera, which he had made for himself, the aperture being a pinhole.
This was only one of his many ingenious artefacts. I had studied the pictures, which included a church that leaned backwards, in the hope of finding that perpetually teasing certainty, which we look for when about to take some adventurous step into the unknown. But, Ropley remained unreal.-
(a) Why Jack and his father went to Ropley one weekend? (1)
(b) Why the author and Jack were wearing ragged shirts and discarded garments? (1)
(c) Give a summary of the above passage in your own words. (2)
(d) Suggest a suitable title to the above passage. (1)
(e) Who had made the plate camera and why? (1)

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