Friday 22 May 2020

Chapter-1: Matter In Our Surroundings MCQ

Matter In Our Surroundings
Matter In Our Surroundings

Chapter-1: Matter In Our Surroundings


1) Liquefaction of gas is carried out by
a) Decreasing temperature.
b) Increasing pressure.
c) Decreasing temperature and increasing pressure.
d) Both (a) and (c).

2) In which of the following compound intermolecular force of attraction is highest?
a) Dry ice.
b) Water.
c) Iron.
d) Vaseline.

3) Fluidity property observed in
a) Solid.
b) Liquid.
c) Gas.
d) Both (c) & (d).

4) The term “Pancha Tatva” indicates the following basic elements
a) Earth, Fire, Cloud, Air, Water.
b) Earth, Energy, Sky, Air, Water.
c) Earth, Fire, Sky, Air, Water.
d) Soil, Fire, Cloud, Air, Water.

5) In summer season we prefer following dress materials
a) Rayon.
b) Cotton.
c) Nylon.
d) Woolen.

6) 1 CuM water volume equal to
a) 100 Liter.
b) 1000 Liter.
c) 1000 Mili Liter.
d) None of the above.

7) Which one is colder: 0oC Ice or 0oC water of same mass
a) Ice
b) Water.
c) Both are having the same energy.
d) Can’t compare.

8) Which of the following decrease melting point temperature of the ice
a) Salt.
b) Glycerine.
c) Sugar.
d) Sulpher.

9) In summer we prefer
a) Dark colour cotton cloth.
b) White colour cotton cloth.
c) Dark colour rayon cloth.
d) Colour is not a criterion for summer season dresses.

10) Unit of latent heat in SI unit is
a) J Kg-1.
b) KJ Kg-1.
c) Cal Kg-1.
d) Watt Kg-1.

11) Which of the following phenomena would increase in raising the
a) Diffusion, evaporation, compression of the gas.
b) Evaporation, Compression of gas and solubility.
c) Evaporation, diffusion and expansion of gas.
d) Evaporation, solubility, compression of gas and diffusion.

12) 580K in Celsius scale is
a) 853 oC.
b) 307 oC.
c) 290 oC.
d) 407 oC.

13) Intermixing of particles of two different types of matter is called
a) Diffusion
b) Osmosis.
c) Reverse Osmosis.
d) Fusion.

14) Gas leaked in the kitchen room could be identified by
a) LPG smell.
b) CO2.
c) All of the above.
d) Ethyl mercaptan smell.

15) Which factor does not having any effect on evaporation?
1. Surface area.
2. Colour of the container surface.
3. The velocity of airflow.
4. The humidity of the air.
5. Surrounding air temperature.
a) 1 & 2 are correct.
b) 2 & 4 are correct.
c) 2, 3 & 4 are correct.
d) Only 2 is correct.

16) Following the state of matter have no specific shape but have a fixed volume.
a) Solid.
b) Gas.
c) Liquid.
d) Liquid & Gas.

17) 20oC in the Kelvin scale is
a) 293 oK .
b) 293 K
c) 183 K
d) 290 K

18) Number of states found in the matter is
a) Three.
b) Four.
c) Five.
d) Two.

19) Following the state of matter have no specific shape and fixed volume.
a) Solid.
b) Gas.
c) Liquid.
d) Liquid & Gas.

20) Lowest compressibility found in
a) Solid.
b) Liquid.
c) Gas.
d) Ideal gases only.

21) The intermolecular attraction force is minimum in the following compound
a) Hydrogen chloride.
b) Hydrochloric acid.
c) Sodium chloride.
d) Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

22) O2 and CO2 mixed with water by the process of
a) Osmosis.
b) Reverse osmosis.
c) Diffusion.
d) Coagulation.

23) Arrange the states according to their compressibility
a) Gas>Solid>Liquid.
b) Solid>Liquid> Gas
c) Gas> Liquid >Solid.
d) Solid >Gas>Liquid.

24) Compression of solids is very hard because
a) Its particles are very closely packed.
b) Intermolecular attractive forces are weak.
c) Diffusion of particles is very slow.
d) Movement of particles is restricted.

25) By which process naphthalene directly converted to vapour without melting
a) Sublimation.
b) Evaporation.
c) Diffusion.
d) None of the above.

26) Latest two states of matters are
a) Plasma, Anti-Liquid.
b) BEC and Plasma.
c) BEC and anti liquid.
d) None of the above.

27) LPG stands for
a) Liquid petrol Gas.
b) Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
c) Low Petroleum Gas.
d) Low-pressure Gas.

28) According to increasing order of density which one is correct
a) Cotton, honey, water, chalk
b) Air, Chimney exhaust, Water, Honey.
c) Honey, Water, Chalk, sand.
d) Chimney exhaust, Air, Water, Honey.

29) Gases having a high speed of diffusion property than liquid because
1. Large intermolecular space.
2. High speed of particles.
3. High pressure.
a) 1 & 2 are correct.
b) 2 & 3 are correct.
c) 1 & 3 are correct.
d) All are correct.
30) The main property of gas for which we could use LPG is
a) Compressibility.
b) Ductility.
c) Volatility.
d) Flammability.

31) In summer season water in clay pot found cold because of
a) Diffusion.
b) Evaporation.
c) Transportation.
d) Osmosis.

32) Sublimation observed in the following material
a) Bromine.
b) Chlorine.
c) Iodine.
d) Charcoal.

33) During melting of ice its
a) Absorb heat.
b) Release heat.
c) Radiate heat.
d) None of the above.

34) With an increase in temperature, the diffusion rate will
a) Decrease.
b) Increase.
c) Remain constant.
d) Its first increase and then decrease.

35) The state of matter can be changed by
a) Change in temperature only.
b) Change in pressure only.
c) Change in temperature and pressure both.
d) Anyone of the above.

36) The change of liquid in vapour at any temperature below boiling point is called
a) Evaporation.
b) Sublimation.
c) Condensation.
d) Diffusion.

37) Diffusion takes place at
a) All temperature.
b) A certain temperature and pressure fixed for that gas.
c) A certain temperature but not at a fixed pressure.
d) All temperature and pressure.

38) Which of the following state(s) does not exist at room temperature
1. BEC
2. Plasma
3. Gas
4. Liquid.
a) 1 & 2 are correct.
b) 2 & 3 are correct.
c) 1 & 3 are correct.
d) All of the correct.

39) By which property of gas we could identify a gas leak in the kitchen
a) Diffusion.
b) Coagulation.
c) Osmosis.
d) Reverse osmosis.

40) Which of the following is not temperature dependent matter
a) Plasma.
b) Quark.
c) BEC.
d) All of the above.

41) Which of the following is a rapid and noisy process compare to all others
a) Sublimation.
b) Evaporation.
c) Condensation.
d) Boiling.

42) Plasma is
a) A mixture of Anion & Cation.
b) A mixture of Anion & free electron.
c) A mixture of ions & free electron.
d) None of the above.

43) Evaporation creates cooling effect due to
a) Loss of total potential energy of molecules.
b) Loss of total kinetic energy of molecules.
c) Loss of volume of the liquid.
d) None of the above.

44) Arrange the matters as per increasing order of density
a) Ice, Water, Honey, Coal Ash.
b) Ice, Coal Ash, Water, Honey.
c) Water, Honey, Ice, Coal Ash.
d) Coal Ash, Ice, Water, Honey,

45) Arrange halogens in increasing order of diffusion?
a) Chlorine, Bromine, Fluorine.
b) Bromine, Fluorine, Chlorine.
c) Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine.
d) Chlorine, Fluorine, Bromine.

46) Due to the increase in temperature of the matters its particles
a) Potential energy increase.
b) Kinetic energy increase.
c) Mechanical energy increase.
d) Internal energy decrease.

47) Zig-zag movement of the solute particles in a solution is known as
a) Brownian movement.
b) Feral movement.
c) Laplace movement.
d) RMS movement.

48) Boiling of liquid occurs at
a) At all pressure and temperature.
b) At a specific pressure and temperature.
c) At a specific pressure but at all temperature
d) At a specific temperature but at all pressure.

49) Solid CO2 is also known as
a) Dry ice.
b) Powdered ice.
c) Soda ash.
d) None of the above.

50) Evaporation of liquid occurs at
a) At all pressure and temperature.
b) At a specific pressure and temperature
c) At a specific pressure but at all temperature
d) At a specific temperature but at all pressure.

51) 1 atmospheric pressure equal to
a) 1.01×104 Pa
b) 1.05×104 Pa
c) 1.01×105 Pa
d) 1.01×106 Pa

52) The energy which is absorbed by the solid without increasing its
temperature is called
a) Lost heat.
b) Retained heat.
c) Waste heat.
d) Latent heat.

53) Which process produce cooling effect
a) Condensation.
b) Evaporation.
c) Boiling.
d) Diffusion.

54) Boiling point of liquid depends on?
1. Type of the liquid.
2. Pressure on it.
3. mixture content.
a) 1 & 2 are wrong.
b) 2 & 3 are wrong.
c) 1 & 3 are wrong.
d) All of the above.

55) The substances which can flow are called
a) Atoms.
b) Fluid.
c) Aerosol.
d) Plasma.

56) Change of vapor into liquid is called
a) Sublimation.
b) Condensation.
c) Sedimentation.
d) Evaporation.

57) Fluids are
a) Solid and gas.
b) Liquid and gas.
c) Solid and liquid.
d) None of the above.

58) Do evaporation rate depends on boiling point temperature?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) Some cases its true..
d) Have a relationship with the surrounding temperature only.

59) Which two combinations are the same in magnitude
a) Latent heat of boiling and latent heat of melting.
b) Latent heat of boiling and latent heat of condensation.
c) Latent heat of melting and latent heat of condensation.
d) Latent heat of solidification and latent heat of boiling.

60) Which one will produce more skin burn in contact
a) Water at 100oC.
b) Steam at 100oC.
c) Both will burn same.
d) Depends on skin.

61) Spreading of the virus on sneezing is a method of
a) Diffusion.
b) Osmosis.
c) Reversed osmosis.
d) Transportation.

62) Aquatic animals are using oxygen dissolved in water and this is
happening due to
a) Osmosis.
b) Diffusion.
c) Transportation.
d) Radiation.

[Hints & Solutions]

1) (c).Decreasing temperature reduces the kinetic energy of the
molecule and increasing pressure reduce the distance between the
molecules and become liquid.
2) (a). Iron is solid and has the highest density among all given
3) (d). Gas and liquids are called fluid.
4) (c).
5) (b).cotton clothes allow the air to pass through them easily and
cotton is a good absorber of water hence it will absorb more sweat
during summer.
6) (b).
7) (b).Between 0oC ice and 0oC water of same mass, former heat
content is 80 calorie-less per gram.
8) (a).
9) (b). white colour absorbs the least heat.
10) (b).
11) (c).
12) (b). 307 +273 =580 K.
13) (a).
14) (d). Ethyl Mercaptan is a colourless or yellowish liquid or a gas
with a pungent, garlic or skunk-like odour. It is used as an additive
to odourless gases like butane, propane [LPG], and petroleum to
give them a warning odour.
15) (d).The evaporation rate is proportional to the surface area, the
velocity of airflow and surrounding temperature but inversely
proportional to the humidity of the air. Evaporation rate does not
depend on the colour of the container surface.
16) (c).
17) (b). 20 + 273=293 K.
18) (a). Solid, Liquid and gas.
19) (b).
20) (b).Liquids are approximately incompressible. .
21) (a).Hydrogen chloride is a gas and all other is in the form of liquid.
The intermolecular attraction force is minimum in gas.
22) (c).
23) (a).compressibility of gas is highest and lowest in liquid.
24) (d).in solids inter attraction force are highest so its movement of
particles is restricted.
25) (a). Sublimation is the process of conversion from solid to liquid
phase without appearing liquid state.
26) (b). BEC invented in 1924 and Plasma state was invented in 1897.
27) (b).
28) (b).
29) (a). Pressure has no influence on diffusion.
30) (a).
31) (b).during evaporation, water particles take heat from the clay pot
and reduces the total heat content of the pot. Due to the reduction in
heat, it produces a cooling effect.
32) (c).
33) (a).melting required heat.
34) (b). increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of the
molecules which helps in diffusion.
35) (d).
36) (a). evaporation takes place at any temperature.
37) (d).
38) (a). For BEC state gas require to cool approximately to -273 degree
Celsius and plasma state required very very high temperature
39) (a). due to the diffusion property of LPG with ethyl mercaptan
mixture, we could easily identify the leak by its odour.
40) (b). A quark is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental
constituent of matter.
41) (d).
42) (c).A plasma is a hot ionized gas consisting of approximately equal
numbers of positively charged ions and negatively charged
43) (b).
44) (d).
45) (c).diffusion rate is inversely proportional to the square root of
molar mass.
46) (b). increase in temperature is the effect of an increase in kinetic
47) (a).
48) (b). Boiling point temperature is the constant temperature at a
constant pressure when liquid converted to vapour/gas and that
temperature remains constant till complete liquid converted to
49) (a). it is called dry ice as it sublimates to gas without giving any
wetting action.
50) (a).
51) (c).
52) (d). latent heat is the heat required to change the phase without
changing the temperature.
53) (b).Evaporation reduces the total energy of the liquid and produces
a cooling effect.
54) (d).
55) (b).
56) (b).
57) (b).
58) (a).liquid with lower boiling point temperature will have a higher
evaporation rate.
59) (b).
60) (b). per gram heat content in steam is more compared to liquid
water at the same temperature so the burning effect is more for
61) (a).diffusion takes place from higher concentration to lower
62) (b).

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