Monday 11 May 2020

Class 11 Economics Key Notes Part 6

Employment growth, Information and Other issues

1. Worker:
A worker is an individual who is involved in some productive activities to earn a living.

2. Labour Force:
All persons, who are working (who have a job) and though not working, are seeking and are available for work, are dram to be in the labour force.

3. Meaning of work force.
The number of persons, who are actually employed at a particular time are known as work force.

4. Worker – population ratio.
Worker- population ration is the percentage of total population engaged in work.

5. Labour force participation rate
The ratio of labour force to total participation is called labour force participation rate.

6. Information of workforce
Informalisation of workforce refers to a situation whereby the proportion of workforce in the informal sector to total workforce increases.

7. Employment
Employment is an activity which enables a person to earn means of living.

8. Casual Wage Labourer
Workers who are not hired by their Employers on a regular or permanent basis (i.e. do not have job security)
and do not get social security benefits, are termed as casual wage labour.

9. Jobless growth
Jobless growth refers to a situation when the Economy is able to produce more goods and service without a proportionate increase in Employment opportunities.

10 Regular workers
Workers who are hired by their employers on a permanent basis and also get social security benefits (like pension, provident fund, etc.)
are higher in regular workers.

11. Casualisation of work force
The process of moving from Self- Employment and regular salaried employment to casual wage work is known as Casualisation of Workforce.

12. Industrial unemployment

It refers to the unemployment among the illiterates who wish to work in industrial establishment
13. Educated unemployment.
Educated unemployment refers to the unemployment among the Educated people.

14. Wage employment
An arrangement in which a worker sells his labour and earns wages in return.

15. Types of rural unemployment
1. Disguised unemployment
2. Seasonal unemployment

16. Seasonal unemployment
Unemployment that occurs at certain seasons of the year is known as Seasonal unemployment.

17. Disguised unemployment.
Disguised unemployment refers to a state in which more people are engaged in work than are really needed.

18. Full employment
Full employment refers to a situation in which all the workers who are capable of working and willing to work get an Employment in prevailing wage rates.

19. Self-employment.
An arrangement in which a worker used his own resources, to make a living is knowing as self-employment.

20. Formal sector establishment
All the public enterprises and private establishments, which Employ 10 or more hired workers are called formal sector establishments.

21. Informal sector Establishment
All those private enterprises which hire less than 10 workers are called Informal sectors.

Eg: Workers who work in farms, owners of Small Enterprises, Agriculture labourers.
Here they do not get regular income. No protection or regulation by government can be dismissed at any time.
Live in slums, use outdated technology, do not maintain accounts.

22. Frictional unemployment
Temporary unemployment, which exists during the period, wherein.
Workers leave one role and join some other, are called frictional unemployment.
People those who are not working and are neither seeking nor available for work are consider tobe outside the labour force.

23. Labour force participation rate.
The ratio of labour force to total population is called labour force participation rate. •

24. Calucation of number of unemployed people.
Unemployed people = labour force – Work force.

Employment is an activity which enables a person to earn his means of living.

26. Full employment
Full employment is a situation in which all the workers who are capable of working and willing to work get an employment at a prevailing wage rate.

27. Self-employment
When the worker uses his own resources to work and make a living then we call it as Self Employment.

Causes of Inflation

1. Increase in Money Supply
2. Deficit Financing
3. Rise in Population
4. Fall in Production
5. Increase in Wages

6. Administrated Prices
7. Inflation Across the Border’s
8. Indirect Tax
9. Credit Expansion
10. Black Money

Effect of Inflation or Problems related to inflation

1. Inflation Hinders the process of growth
2. Adverse effect on the people with fixed Income
3. Increase in the cost of Projects
4. Adverse Impact on Balance of Payments
5. Wage-Price spiral 6. Inequality
7. Economic Stagnation
8. Impact on FDI
9. Speculation and Hoarding

Government Policies to check Inflation

Price Policy
1. Price Control of Essential Goods.
2. Procurement Price and Support Price

Monetary Policy
1. A Check on the supply of Money
2. Increase in rate of Interest
3. Decrease in the supply of Credit

Fiscal Policy
1. A check on public Expenditure
2. Public Debt
3. Increase in Taxes
4. Surplus Budget Policy

Some General Suggestions to Control Inflation
1. Check on Supply of Money
2. Check on Deficit Financing
3. Increase in agricultural Output
4. Tax on Agricultural Income
5. Distribution through fair Price Shops

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