Friday 26 June 2020

Electrical MCQs | electrical engineering mcqs | electrical engineer interview questions and answers | Part-1

Electrical MCQs


Electrical MCQ's

Electrical mcqs Blog covers almost all topics of Electrical Engineering. We provide you chapter wise test session and overall mock test to enhance your preparation. By using electrical engineering mcqs, you can prepare your electrical engineering related jobs test. You can also prepare you electrical engineering interview questions. This Electrical MCQs application we provide you 10000+ questions and answers. You can find past exam tests of electrical engineering. If you find any problem related question and answers please report us and Kindly share your feedback with us...

This Blog covers electrical exam questions and answers for free. Basic electrical and electronics engineering questions and answers for fresher’s and for experienced personals. Electrical aptitude test questions and answers and basic electrical engineering question and answer objective type questions in electrical engineering for diploma and sub engineer electrical mcqs.

Helpful for electrician test diploma test interview preparation electrical engineer interview questions and answers. Electrical engineering test questions answers also have power system mcq with answers power system objective questions and answers. Electrical engineering quiz and general electrical questions added. Also helpful for electrician interview technical questions, electrician question, electrical engineering technical interview questions, mcq preparation for engineering competitive exams and electronics interview question answer.

Questions and Answers

Question: The receiver must generate the carrier ________ for demodulation

a. in phase

b. out of phase

c. both

d. none of these

Ans: a


Question: Full wave rectifier, the output can be……… (The average (DC) output voltage is higher than for half wave, the output of the full wave rectifier has much less ripple than that of the half wave rectifier producing a smoother output waveform.)

a. Single

b. Double

c. Maximum (efficiency is maximum i.e. 82%, ripple is low and frequency is twice the applied)

d. Minimum

Ans: c


Question: Non anticipative (physical) system is

a. stable

b. unstable

c. periodic

d. casual

Ans: d


Question: ____________ System are casual.

a. memory

b. stable

c. memory less

d. natural

Ans: d


Question: Conjugate property of the signal x'(t) transform by Laplace transform is

a. x' (s)

b. x' (ts')

c. x' (s')

d. x' (t')

Ans: c


Question: There are _________ ways to modulate information on to a sequence of pulse modulation






Ans: b


Question: Laplace of U(t) unit step function is

a. 1

b. 1/s

c. 1/t

d. 1/s2

Ans: b


Question: In standard QPSK the carrier phase can change only----------- in every 2T

a. Twice

b. Once

c. Thrice

d. none of the above

Ans: b


Question: The minimum value of delta that can be used for orthogonal design is

a. 1T

b. 1/2T

c. 2T

D. all of the above.

Ans: b


Question: To transmit binary digits through base band channel digits are represented as…….

a. wave form

b. digital pulse

c. electrical pulse

d. A and C both

Ans: d


Question: Curl of a vector is

A. Vector

B. Scalar

C. Cartesian of vector

D. None of the above

Ans: a


Question: Aero derivate turbine don’t have (it also has blades, shaft ,combustion chamber or burner , rotors and Nozzles-some time called throttle valves)

A. Stator

B. Compressor

C. Fuel intake

D. Fans

Ans: c


Question: Diversity factor is always ____ than 1

A. Less than

B. Greater than

C. Equal to

D. None of the above

Ans: b


Question: Oscilloscope measures

A. Current

B. Voltage

C. Resistance

D. None of the above

Ans: b


Question: If Integral of f(x) is F(x) then it is

A. Definite integral

B. Indefinite integral

C. Constant

d. None of these

Ans: b


Question: Modern computers uses



C. ICs

d. None of these

Ans: c


Question: What is Load factor?

a) Average load / max load

b) Max/Average load

c) Max.demand/Max.Load

d) None of these

Ans: a


Question: What is highest transmission voltage the world?

a) 500 KV

b) 1200kv

c) 66kv

d) 800 KV

Ans: d


Question: Which transformer is used for over current protection ?

a) Current Transformer

b) Potential transformer

c) Voltage transformer

d) Power transformer

Ans: a


Question: What is Combination logic circuit?

a) Boolean circuits,

b) Sequential Logic Circuit

c) ICs Circuit

d) Digital Circuit

Ans: a


Question: Derivative of COS(x)

a) –sin x

b) Sinx

c) Tan x

d) Cot x

Ans: a


Question: CMRR should be_____ for better operation of op amp

a. high

b .low

c. maximum

d. None of these

Ans: a


Question: ………… of measurement is a statement of its consistency?

A. Accuracy

B. Precision

C. Validity

D. Reliability

Ans: a


Question: A pointer of an instrument once deflected returns to zero position, when current is removed, which is due to

a. action of gravity

b. mass of pointer

c. damping torque

d. controlling torque

Ans: d


Question: Circuit having identical polarity in either direction is called?

a) Direct Current

b) Alternating Current

c) Above All

d) None of these

Ans: a


Question: By increasing size of transformer. Its frequency increases or decreases???

a) Increase

b) Decrease

c) Unchanged

d) None Of these

Ans: c


Question: If a signal having different frequency and different sampling frequencies are time division multiplexes then it is

a. Pulse stuffing

b. Synchronous multiplexing

c. Asynchronous multiplexing


Ans: c


Question: A _____ meter is used a null detector in wheat stone bridge

A. Ammeter

B. Voltmeter

C. Galvanometer

D. None of these

Ans: c


Question: FPGA is called

a) Reprogrammable silicon chip

b) Programmable routing resource

c) Programmable Logic block

d) None of these

Ans: c


Question: Length of the cable is doubled, its capacitance C will be?

a. one-fourth.

b. one-half.

c. double.

d. unchanged.

Ans: c


Question: A Transformer is designed to be operated on both 50 & 60 Hz frequency. For the Same rating, which one will give more output;when

a. Operates on 50 Hz

b. Operates on 60 Hz

c. both a & b

d. none of the above.

Ans: a


Question: Control system is used for

A. Remote control

b. power application

c. disturbance control

d. All of the above

Ans: d


Question: Lower voltages like 66kv and 33kv are consider to be

a) distribution voltage

b) Sub-transmission voltage

C) Flutter voltage

d) Minor transmission voltage.

Ans: b


Question: WHAT was the answer of RC SNUBBER?

a) It blocks the sudden rise in voltage in SCR circuit.

b) It blocks the sudden rise in current in SCR circuit.

c) It blocks the sudden rise in frequency in SCR circuit.

d) Any of the above

Ans: a


Question: Transmission voltage levels are usually --------- and above

a. 110 kV

b- 130 kV

c- 140 kV

d- 150 kV

Ans: a


Question: Delta service is less expensive than star why?

a) Because Delta system uses less wire, as no neutral wire is used.

b) Because Delta system uses more wire, as no neutral wire is used.

c) Because Delta system uses less wire, with 1 neutral wire is used.

d) Any of the above

Ans: a


Question: Active device is one which.

a-Supply energy

b-absorb energy

c-absorb and convert one to another form

d-store and convert from one form to another form

Ans: c


Question: Mathematical equation that allows us to predict the value of dependent variable from known values of one or more independent variable is called

a. correlation equation

b. distributive equation

c. variance equation

d. regression equation

e. prediction equation

Ans: d


Question: The period of moon according to keplers law where c= 1/100

a. 1 month

b. 2 month

c. 1 year

d. 2 year

Ans: a


Question: Increasing air gap magnetizing current increases what happens to short circuit current

a. increases

b. decreases

c. for short time increases then stable

d. remains unchanged.

Ans: d


Question: Natural frequency of a system gives

a) nature of transient

b) overshoot

c) oscillation

d) speed of response

Ans: c


Question: What is produced by super conductors?

a. Voltage

b. Current

c. Temperature,

d. Magnetic field

Ans: d


Question: In super conductors what happens?

a. Repulsion of Magnetic field

b. Absorbing of magnetic field

c. Repulsion of electric field

d. Absorbing of electric field

Ans: a


Question: We are required to transmit electricity using overhead line having length L, which will be the cheapest method to transmit electricity

a. Two wire DC

b. Single phase AC

c. Three phase 3 wire AC

d. Three phase 4 wire AC

Ans: a


Question: In thevinen theorem, voltage source is replaced by

a. Voltage source in short circuit and current circuit in open circuit

b. Voltage source in short circuit

c. current circuit in open circuit

d. No change

Ans: a


Question: A device which allows passing frequencies b/w two frequency limits is called

a) Band pass filter

b) Band stop filter

c) Full band filter

d) Half band filter

Ans: a


Question: To decrease the required power output we use which control system

a) open loop,

b) closed loop,

c) Combination of both.

d) None of these



Question: When fault occurs, which action is performed by circuit breaker.

a) opens the CKT,

b) send signal to trip

c) both

d) None of These

Ans: a


Question: Which amplifier is used for pre amplification??

A. class A

b. class b

C. class c

d. class d

Ans: a


Question: In a Line-to-ground fault system, fault current is 1500 Amp, what would be zero sequence current? “,”a) 0 A

b) 500 A

c) 800 A

d) 1500 A

Ans: b


Question: If z transform lies in ROC then

a) System is stable

b) Inverse of system is stable

c) Both system and its inverse are unstable

d) Both system and its inverse are stable

Ans: d


Question: Which response has maximum shoot?

a. over damped

b. critically damped

c. under damped

d. un-damped

Ans: c


Question: By connecting a shunt of higher value in ammeter what will happen

a. Decrease Current sensitivity

b. Increase current sensitivity

c. remains same

d. None of these

Ans: a


Question: Inverse of even function is ?

a) Doesn’t Exist

b) Exist

c) None of these

Ans: a


Question: Due to the velocity saturation, The MOSFET enters in saturation region.

a. at pinch off

b. before pinch off

c. after pinch off.

d. none of these

Ans: b


Question: Email is referred in

A. Vertical communication

B. Horizontal Communication

C. Downward Communication

D. Upward communication

Ans: b


Question: The flag register in 8051 is called?

a) program status word (PSW) register

b) Indicator Register

c) Both above

d) None of these

Ans: a


Question: Which country is Largest Electric power producer?

A) México


C) China

D) Canada

Ans: c


Question: Pulse shaping is done to what?

a) Maximize the signal to noise ratio

b) Minimize the signal to noise ratio

c) Unchanged signal to noise ratio

d) Any of the above

Ans: a


Question: Some pulses are detected incorrectly at receiver due to

a. quantization error

b. pulse detection error (In almost all practical schemes, the pulse detection error is very small compared to the quantization error and can be ignored)

c. frequency error

d. 1 & 2

Ans: d


Question: For quantizing we limit ______________ of the message signal

a. frequency (for sampling)

b. amplitude

c. energy

d. rate

Ans: b


Question: Signal characteristics are best described for signals

a. radio frequency

b. amplitude

c .phase

d. Any of the Above

Ans: b


Question: Circular section of waveguide can be described by using ______ wave guide

a. polar

b. rectangular

c. cylindrical (non polar)

d. cylindrical (polar)

Ans: a


Question: Cladding in glass fiber _____ energy loss from it

a. Increases

b. Reduces

c. Same

Ans: b


Question: The glass fiber is lighter, less expensive and less bulky than the equivalent------------ cable

a. iron

b. copper

c. etc.

Ans: b


Question: An optical fiber excels at rejecting

a. EM interference

b. RF interference

c. cross talk

d. all of the above

Ans: d


Question: Fiber systems are particularly suitable for the transmission of

_____ data

a. digital

b. analog

c. binary

d. modulated

Ans: d


Question: Mathematical expression of charge conservation is equation of

a. Maxwell

b. continuity

c. A and B

Ans: b


Question: Polarization of plane wave describes the time varying behavior of

a. Electrical field (Electric field intensity vector at a given point in space)

b. Magnetic field

c. EM field

d. Electric flux

Ans: a


Question: In array of antennas ___________ of antenna are changed

a. frequency

b. amplitude

c. phase 80%?

d. signal

Ans: c


Question: Potential difference is ---------------------- between 2 points.

a) Electric pressure / Electric tension

b) Magnetic pressure

c) Lorentz pressure

d) Ohmic pressure

Ans: a


Question: Lactometer measures thickness and relative densities of milk, it also tells us concentration of

a) derivatives

b) fats

c) liquids

Ans: c


Question: EMF in closed path is ---------------------- integral of b/w 2 points

a) volume

b) surface

c) line (Also called as Faraday’s integral Law)

Ans: c


Question: Which of the following is true about discrete LTI system

a. Convolution sum is approximation to convolution integral

b. Convolution integral is approx to convolution sum

c. Convolution sum and convolution integral are explicit realization

d. All of the above

Ans: b


Question: Which of the following has super linear rate of convergence

a. Bisection (linear)

b. Newton (quadratic )

c. Secant

d. False position

e. Boyden

Ans: c


Question: The modulation technique in which carrier is switched B/W 2 different carrier level 0-1 is called

a. Amplitude shift keying

b. On off keying

c. Frequency modulation

d. Phase modulation

Ans: a


Question: A permanent magnet coil meter has which features

A. Low power consumption

B. no hysteresis loss

C. reduced eddy current

D. reduced damping & all of the above

Ans: d


Question: A LTI system can be completely characterized by its

a. step response

b. ramp response

c. impulse response

d. input response

Ans: c


Question: LTI system is stable when

a. Zero is inside a unit circle

b. Poles are inside a unit circle

c. Zero at origin

d. Poles at origin

Ans: b


Question: In the frequency domain (s-plane), the region of convergence must contain the unit circle (i.e., the locus satisfying for complex z).

• ωn is called the un-damped natural frequency

• ζ (zeta) is called the damping ratio

• If ζ ≥ 1, the poles are real (over damped)

• If 0 <ζ< 1, the poles are complex (under damped)

• If ζ = 1, the poles are real: p1,2 = ±jωn (critically damped)

• If ζ < 0, the poles are in the right half plane (Re{p} > 0) and the system is unstable



Question: In Z transform the region of convergence must be centered at (For stability unit circle must be within ROC)

a. poles

b. zeros

c. origin

d. z=1 ( Z-transform converges when ROC is unity)

Ans: d


Question: Fourier series representing a continuous signal requires _________ numbers of harmonically complex exponentials

a. N

b. 2pi/N (It is period of discrete time Fourier series)

c. n + N

d. infinite

Ans: d


Question: For LTI system if all poles and zeros are inside circle

a. its inverse doesn’t exist

b. it is stable and casual system

c. both system and its inverse are stable and casual

d. neither system are table nor casual

Ans: c


Question: Z- Transform is used when signal is not

a. absolute sum able

b. square sum able

c. convergence

d. divergence

e. a b and c

Ans: d


Question: If ROC does not include unit circle then

a. Fourier transform converges

b. z transform convergence

c. Hartley form convergence

d. chirp let form convergence

Ans: a


Question: Any constant of time domain is a impulse in f domain with

a. infinite height, infinite width, infinite area

b. infinite height, infinite width, unit area

c. infinite height, zero width, unit area

d. infinite height, unit width, Infinite area

Ans: c


Question: In s-plane horizontal axis represents what? (It influences parameters such as rise time, settling time and overshoot time. In left s-plane the increases exponentially while in RHS wave amplitude decays exponentially.)

a. over shoot time?

b. rise time?

C. peak value

d. settling time

Ans: d


Question: When surface charge density is zero then normal component of _____ is continuous:

a) Electromotive force / Electric Potential

b) MMF

c) etc

Ans: a


Question: Ampere’s law is comparable to ________ in electrostatics:

a. Biot savart law

b. Gausses law in electromegnatics

c. Faraday’s law

d. Lenz's law

Ans: b


Question: Radio waves are made up of

a. Electrical Fields b.

b. Magnetic Fields

c. Both A & B

d. None of the above.

Ans: c


Question: In CRO vertical scale is divided into volts/div and the horizontal scale is..

a) divided in time/div

b) divided in freq/div

c) none of these

d) A & B

Ans: a


Question: Which of the following is not a purpose of disturbances monitoring equipment?

A. model validation

B. disturbance investigation

C. incorrect protection settling

D. assessment of system protection

Ans: c


Question: ___is like a 3 phase power system and gives constant power


B. split phase

C. two phase

D. single phase

Ans: c


Question: Commercial digital to analog convertor module's are available with precision ranging from

6 bit to---------





Ans: d


Question: In superposition theorem all voltage sources are replaced by.........

A. open circuit

B. closed circuit

C. short circuit

D. open circuit with parallel branch

Ans: c


Question: Optical power depends on ........., associated with the optical fiber receiver.

A. quantum noise

B. dark current noise

C. thermal noise

D. all of the above

Ans: d


Question: If R1 is the resistance of a coil of copper at t 0C and RT is the resistance at T C and also the resistance temperature coefficient of copper per degree centigrade at 0oC is 1/234.45, then Rt / RT

(A) (1+t) / (1+T)

(B) (1+ 234.45t) / (1+234.45 T)

(C) (234.45 + t) / (234.45 + T)

(D) (234.45 + t2 ) / (234.45 + T 2).

Ans: c


Question: An amplifier has the following critical frequencies: 1.2 kHz, 950 Hz, 8 kHz, and 8.5 kHz. The bandwidth is

A. 7550 Hz

B. 7300 Hz

C. 6800 Hz

D. 7050 Hz.

Ans: a


Question: Z-Transform is used when signal is

a. absolute sum able

b. square sum able

c. convergence

d. a b and c

e. divergence

Ans: d


Question: Z-Transform is used when signal is not

a. absolute sum able

b. square sum able

c. convergence

d. divergence

e. a b and c

Ans: d


Question: Fault in transmission line are -------% symmetrical ?

A) 10%

B) 5%

C) 15%

D) 20%

Ans: b

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