Thursday 17 May 2018

The invisible Man- The Strange Man's Arrival

(The Invisible man (

Class - xII


1. The Strange Man's Arrival

Q. 1. Describe how the strange visitor was dressed.
Ans. The stranger came to "Coach and Horses" inn in February, carrying a little black portmanteau in his hand. He wore a brown overcoat and thick gloves in his hands. He was wrapped up in bandages from head to foot. He also wore a hat that hide every inch of })is face and blue spectacles with sidelights which basically looked like goggles. His coat had high collars that completely hid his cheeks and face. Although the fire was burning briskly the visitor did not remove his coat and hat that was wet because of snow. He was staring out of the window at the falling snow in the yard. He even refused to give his hat and coat to Mrs. Hall to dry them.

Q. 2. Why was Mrs. Hall surprised. to see the visitor in his room ?
Ans. When Mrs. Hall went to the visitor's room with a mustard pot, she noticed he had taken off the overcoat and hat. She picked up the hat so as to dry it. "Leave the hat", the visitor said in a muffled voice and was looking at her. At that moment Mrs. Hall stood gaping at him and was very surprised to speak anything. The visitor covered the lower part of his face with a cloth so that he could hide his mouth and jaws. He also wore a dark brown jacket with a high collar turned up about his neck. He tied a silk white muffler around his neck to put the mouth-piece to his lips. His appearance was very different and uncommon which made him a suspicious character of Iping village.

Q. 3. What did the stranger tell Mrs. Hall when he was smoking a pipe ?
Ans. When Mrs. Hall went to visitor's room, he was smoking a pipe: He told her that he have some luggage at Bramblehurst station. He asked Mrs. Hall how he could have collect it. Mrs. Hall told him that he can get it next day only. He got disappointed as there was no speedier delivery. After this, Mrs. Hall developed a conversation about steep road and accidents. But the visitor didn't seem to be interested and ended the conversation by laughing abruptly and asking for matchsticks as his pipe was out. Though Mrs. Hall was continually frustrated by the strange man's refusal to talk with her, still she tolerated the stranger as she had got some gold coins from the visitor.

Q. 4. Give the character-sketch of Mrs. Hall.
Ans. Mrs. Hall was the wife of Mr. Hall and the owner of the "Coach and Horses" inn at Iping village. She was a very friendly and down-to-earth woman who enjoys socializing with her guests. She asked for stranger's coat to dry it in the kitchen. She was frustrated by his refusal to talk with her when she tried to get him into the conversation and narrated her nephew’s injury by a knife. She was also angry with the strange visitor's repeated temper tantrums. She was a hardworking lady as she cooked the ham and eggs, laid the table and done everything on her own. She even shouted at her maid Millie and gave her a few verbal stabs for excessive slowness.

Q. 5. Describe stranger's adventures in the village of lping in your own words.
Ans. It became difficult for the stranger to hide himself in the crowded London city so he went to a lonely village-'Iping'. There, he rented two rooms in the Inn of Mrs. Hall. He became the attraction of the village because of his eccentric nature and unusual appearance. He did not mix up with other people and kept his room locked most of the time. He got furious if anyone disturbed him. When all the money stolen from the theatrical company was spent he stole money from the clergyman's study. He had left his room open. Curious Mr. and Mrs. Hall entered it. They were surprised to see his bandages and clothes on his bed. Just then invisible stranger arrived. He flung the hat on Mrs. Hall and pushed both of them out of his room With a chair and locked the door. As the furniture of the room became alive, Mrs. Hall suspected witchcraft caused by the mysterious scientist. He became furious when asked about his mysterious appearance. Mr. Jaffers, the constable was sent to arrest him. But the stranger took off his clothes and became invisible. He hit Jaffers and his helpers invisible blows, knocked down Jaffers and escaped.

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