Thursday 17 May 2018

The invisible Man-Mr. Teddy Henfrey's First Impression

           (The Invisible man (


2. Mr. Teddy Henfrey's First Impression


Q. 1. What did Mrs. Hall tell Teddy Henfrey to do ?
Ans. Mrs. Hall wanted Teddy Henfrey to mend the clock in the stranger's room. She told Henfrey that she would be glad if he would give the old clock in the parlour a bit of look as the hour-hand is not working properly and points at six continuously. They entered into the visitor's room without knocking which the visitor did not like at all. He told Mrs. Hall that he did not like people entering into his room without his permission or knocking as this disturbs him concentrating in the research which he is doing. He told Mrs. Hall that the room is really for his own private use and he likes to be alone and undisturbed.

Q. 2. Why was Teddy Henfrey surprised to see the strange visitor ?
Ans. When Teddy and Mrs. Hall entered into visitor's room, they saw him seated in the armchair before the fire, with his bandaged head drooping on one side. The light in the room lit his eyes and left his down cast—face in darkness and the thing that surprised Henfrey was that the man had an enormous mouth wide open, so opened that it swallowed the whole of the lower portion of his face. It was very sensational, a white band head, the monstrous goggle eyes and his huge yawn below it. Henfrey looked at the dark spectacles and murmured that 'it’s like a lobster'.

Q. 3. What did the visitor want to convey to Mrs. Hall for not being disturbed by anyone ?
Ans. When Mrs. Hall and Henfrey entered into the stranger's room without knocking, he felt very annoyed. He told Mrs. Hall that he is doing a research and that could be messed up by people entering whenever they want. Also, Henfrey took a long time with the clock so as to watch the stranger for more time. The stranger caught him wasting time and told him 'why don't you finish and go?' and the stranger became excessively annoyed. The stranger also told Mrs. Hall that no one should disturb him. He met with an accident and his eyes sometimes got so weak and painful that he has to shut himself up in the dark/for hours together. At such times the slightest disturbance, might be a source of annoyance to him.

Q. 4. Why did the stranger decide to go to Iping village ?
Ans. The stranger was eager to get away from the crowded London. He wanted solitude, less curious eyes and less disturbance. He wanted to go to a remote place which was less populated where he could carry on with his research work, that was why he came to Iping village. There he took a room at Coaches and Horses inn. Moreover, the stranger had bandages all over his face, dark glasses, wide brimmed hat and a long coat. His appearance was very uncommon which set all tongues wagging. His unfriendly, unsocial behaviour and his unusual appearance made him a suspicious character. He was disapproved by the people of Iping village.

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