Thursday 17 May 2018

The Invisible man - The Thousand and One Bottles

(The Invisible man (

3. The Thousand and One Bottles


Q. 1. How did Fearenside's dog attack the stranger ?
Ans. The next day, when the stranger's luggage arrived at the Coach and Horses inn, the stranger, muffled in hat, coat, gloves and wrapper came out impatiently to meet Fearenside's cart (the man who brought his luggage from the station). The stranger had a lot of luggage, including boxes of glass bottles cushioned by straw, apparatus, books, tools etc. Suddenly, Fearenside's dog began to sniff and growl at the stranger. The dog sprang straight at his hand. Things happened in a flash. The dog's teeth had slipped the stranger's hand. It received a hard kick. The dog jumped sideways and went for the stranger's legs. His trousers were torn. The stranger glanced at his torn gloves and trousers and rushed up the steps into his bedroom.

Q. 2. What did Fearenside tell Henfrey about the stranger ?
Ans. At a local bar in the evening, Fearenside told Henfrey about the incident when his dog bites the stranger and what he had seen through the tear in the strange man's trousers. In the place of pink skin, he had seen only blackness. He also told Henfrey that this strange man had a piebald. Also he had black and white patches all over his body. Henfrey interrupted Fearenside and asked him that why his nose was as pink as paint? Fearenside agreed to him and said he could be a half-breed and therefore he might be ashamed of it and due to this reason, he had covered his skin with bandages.

Q. 3. What did the stranger's luggage contain ?
Ans. The stranger had a lot of luggage. There were a couple of trunks, but in addition to that there was a box of books —big, fat books and there were some hand written notes. The luggage contained a dozen or more crates, boxes and cases, containing objects packed in straw. There were thousands of glass bottles of different sizes and shapes, experimental apparatus, tools etc. When the stranger unpacked his luggage, there were so many fat bottles containing powders, small and slender bottles containing coloured and white fluids, bottles with round bodies and slender necks, bottles with fine corks, bottle with bungs and with wooden caps.

Q. 4. How did the stranger react after being attacked by the dog ?
Ans. When the stranger went downstairs to collect his luggage from Fearenside, the man who bought his luggage from the station, his dog began to growl at him. As the stranger was bit by the dog, he moved upstairs to his room. He was followed by Mr. Hall who wanted to extend help if he need. He went straight upstairs and entered the room through the open door without knocking. He seemed to see a handless arm waving towards him, and a face with three huge indeterminate spots in white. Then he was struck violently in the chest, hurled out and the door slammed in his face.

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