Monday 21 October 2019

Cube and Cube Root Shortcut Tricks - Basic Math Tricks Part 6

Basic Tricks - PART- 6

Cube & Cube Root Shortcut Tricks

    CUBE up to 30


    Find Five digit Cube and cube root Tricks

    Find Five digit Cube and cube root Tricks

    Need to remember 1 to 10 cube and this so easy for any one.Which will help in obtaining cube and cube root numbers.


    Example 1:
    313824 = ?
    Answer :
    Step 1: Last digit of cube number from right side is 4 that we consider 64 = 43 we put down 4. Then
    Step 2: Take the number whose cube is nearest to 13.
    That is 13 is nearest to 23 and 33 we take small one cube digit that is 2.313824
    So the answer is 24.

    Example 2:

    315625= ?
    Answer :
    Step 1: Last digit of cube number from right side is 5 that we consider 125 = 53 we put down 5. Then
    Step 2: Take the number whose cube is nearest to 15.That is 15 is nearest to 23 and 33 we take small one cube digit that is 2.
    So the answer is 25.

    Example 3:

    342875= ?
    Answer :
    Step 1: Last digit of cube number from right side is 5 that we consider 125 = 53 we put down 5. Then
    Step 2: Take the number whose cube is nearest to 42.That is 42 is nearest to 33 and 43 we take small one cube digit that is 3.
    So the answer is 35.

    Find Six digit Cube and cube root Tricks

    Find Six digit Cube and cube root Tricks

    Need to remember 1 to 10 cube and this so easy for any one.Which will help in obtaining cube and cube root numbers.


    Example 1:

    3166375 = ?
    Answer :
    Step 1: Last digit of cube number from right side is 5 that we consider 125 = 53 we put down 5. Then
    Step 2: Take the number whose cube is nearest to 166.That is 166 is nearest to 53 and 63 we take small one cube digit that is 5.
    So the answer is 55.

    Example 2:

    Answer :
    Step 1: Last digit of cube number from right side is 3 that we consider 343 = 73 we put down 7. Then
    Step 2: Take the number whose cube is nearest to 185.That is 185 is nearest to 53 and 63 we take small one cube digit that is 5.
    So the answer is 57.

    Example 3:

    Answer :
    Step 1: Last digit of cube number from right side is 5 that we consider 125 = 53 we put down 5. Then
    Step 2: Take the number whose cube is nearest to 274.That is 274 is nearest to 63 and 73 we take small one cube digit that is 6. So the answer is 65.

    Find Seven digit Cube and cube root Tricks

    Need to remember 1 to 20 cube and this so easy for any one.Which will help in obtaining cube and cube root numbers.


    Example 1:

    3√3869893 = ?
    Answer :
    Step 1: Last digit of cube number from right side is 3 that we consider 343 = 73 we put down 7. Then
    Step 2: Take the number whose cube is nearest to 3869.That is 3869 is nearest to 153 and 163 we take small one cube digit that is 15.

    So the answer is 157.

    Example 2:

    3√1728000 = ?
    Answer :
    Step 1: Last digit of cube number from right side is 0 that we consider 1000 = 103 we put down 0. Then
    Step 2: Take the number whose cube is nearest to 1728.That is 1728 is nearest to 123 and 133 we take small one cube digit that is 12.

    So the answer is 120.

    Shortcut to find cuberoot of any 5 or 6 digit number

    Shortcut to find cube root is especially helpful in competitive exams where every second counts.
    By using this method you can save a lot of time and also get accurate results.
    Shortcut to mentally find the cube root of any 5 or 6 digit number

    Step 1:Find the cube root of the last digit.
    Points to be remembered while using this method.

    (1)If the last digit is 8 then cube root will be 2.
    (2)If the last digit is 2 then cube root will be 8.
    (3)If the last digit is 7 then cube root will be 3.
    (4)If the last digit is 3 then cube root will be 7.
    (5)If the last digit is any other digit other than 2,8,3,7 then put the same number.
    From this step you will get the unit's or one's place digit.
    To find the tenth place digit you need to follow the below steps.
    Step 2:Strike out the last 3 digits of the given number.
    Step 3: find the nearest cube of the remaining number.

    Step 4: find the cube root of the nearest cube which will give you ten's place digit.

    List of cubes to be memorized
    13=1               43=64              73=343
    23=8               53=125            83=512
    33=27             63=216            93=729

    NOTE: Shortcut to find cuberoot of any 5 or 6 digit number is applicable only if the given number is a perfect cube.
    You can verify whether the given number is a perfect cube or not by using the Prime Factorization Method. If you are not familiar with this method check it here.

    Let me explain this with an example to make things more clear and easy to understand.
    So lets say we want to find the cube root of a 6 digit number 15746

    Example 1:Find the cube root of 157464 in 5 seconds.
                Step 1:First we need to find the cube root of the last digit of the given number.
                           Here the last digit is 4 . 4 is a number other than 2, 8, 3, 7
                          hence we put the number as it is.
                         We get our one's place digit as 4.
                Now to get tenth place digit 
                Step 2: We need to strike the last 3 digits of the given number.
                           In this example the last 3 digits are 464 which we will strike off as shown below
               Step 3:We need to find the nearest cube to the remaining number(157)
                          We find that 125 is the nearest cube to 157.
               Step 4: We need to find the cube root of the nearest cube(125)
                          From this step we get our ten's place digit as 5.
              From step 1 and step 4 we get the 


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