Sunday 20 October 2019

Square and Square Root Shortcut Tricks - Basic Math Tricks Part 5

Basic Tricks - PART- 5

Square & Square Root Shortcut Tricks

    SQUARE up to 50

    12 = 1112= 121212=441
    22 = 4122 = 144222=484
    32 = 9132 = 169232=529
    42 = 16142 = 196242=576
    52 =25152 =225252=625
    62 = 36162 = 256262=676
    72 = 49172 = 289272=729
    82 = 64182 = 324282=784
    92 = 81192 = 361292=841
    102= 100202 = 400302=900
    312= 961412=1681
    322= 1024422=1764
    332= 1089432=1849
    342= 1156442=1936
    352= 1225452=2025
    382= 1444482=2304
    392= 1521492=2401
    402= 1600502=2500

    Square and Square Root of two digit get using formula1

    Square and Square Root get using formula
    Formula: (a+b)2 = a2+2ab+b2 i.e, (a / b)2= a2 / 2ab / b2
    we applied this formula to obtain the square of a number

    Example 1:

    ( 57 )2
    = ( 5 / 7 )2

    Answer :
    Apply formula of a2+2ab+b2
    572 = ?
    A as 5
    B as 7 (we break the number in two parts i.e, A as 5 and B as 7 and applied formula )
    = 52 / 2 x 5 x 7 / 72
    = 25 / 2 x 5 x 7 / 49
    a2= 25
    b2= 49
    2ab = 2 x 5 x 7 = 70
    = 25 / 70 / 49
    Step 1: Put down 9 carry 4
    Step 2: add carry 4 to 70 = 74 put down 4 carry 7
    Step 3: add carry 7 to 25 = 32 put down 32
    and answer is 3249,
    = 3249

    All this do on your mind which will help in fast calculation to obtain the answer of Square and Square Root of a number.
    we applied this formula to obtain the square of a number

    This is similar to the above Example.

    Example 2:

    = (6/9)2

    Answer :
    Consider A as 6, and B as 9.
    = 62 / 2 x 6 x 9 / 92
    = 36 / 2 x 6 x 9 / 81 (we break the number in two parts i.e, A as 6 and B as 9 and applied formula )
    a2 = 36
    b2= 81
    2ab = 2 x 6 x 9 = 108
    =36 / 108 / 81

    Step1: put down 1 carry 8
    Step2 : add 8 to 108 =116 then put down 6 carry 11
    Step3 : and add 11 to 36 = 47 and put down 47
    = so answer is 4761,
    = 4761

    Note: All this do on your mind which will help in fast calculation to obtain the answer of Square and Square Root of a number.

    Square and Square Root of three digit get using formula1

    we applied this formula to obtain the square of three digit number

    Example 1:

    Square and Square Root of 1142
    Answer :
    Firstly we separate the 114 like this (11/4)2
    then applied previous formula on it

    =112 / 2x11x4 / 42
    =112 / 2x11x4 / 16
    =121 / 88 / 16
    we apply the formula a2 + 2.a.b + b2
    Step 1: note down 6 carry 1
    Step 2: add carry 1 to 88 =  89, note down 9 carry 8.
    Step 3: add carry 8 to 121 and note down 129
    = 12996

    Note: we can also separate 114 to find square like (1/14)2

    Example 2:

    Square and Square Root of 2232
    Answer :
    Firstly we separate the 223 like this(22/3)2

    then applied previous formula on it
    we apply the formula a2 + 2.a.b + b2
    = 222 + 2 x 22 x 3 + 32
    =484 / 132 / 9
    = 49729

    Step 1: note down 9
    Step 2:note down 2 carry 13.
    Step 3:add carry 13 to 4 = 17, note down 7
    Step 4: add carry 1to 48 = 49 put down

    = 49729
    Note: All this do on your mind which will help in fast calculation to obtain the answer of Square and Square Root of a number.

    Square and Square Root of 100 base method

    Example 1: 982= ?

    Answer :
    Step 1: First we know that 982 is double of 98 that is = 98 x 98 = ?,
    At first we count the number of less from 100. that is the above 98 is 2 less from 100.
    Step2: Now we are going to multiply 2 x 2 = 4 and note down this 4 ( that are come from both less 98 x 98 from 100).
    Step 2: put one Zero left from 4 and now subtract the less number is 2 from 98 that is = 96and the answer is 9604.

    Example 2 : 962 = ?

    Answer :
    Step 1: First we know that 962 is double of 96 that is = 96 x 96 = ?,
    At first we count the number of less from 100. that is the above 96 is 4 less from 100.
    Step 2: Now we are going to multiply 4 x 4= 16 and note down this 16 ( that are come from both less 96 x 96 from 100).
    Step 3: now subtract the less number is 4 from 96 that is = 92 and put down it
    that is 9261

    and the answer is 9216.

    Square and Square root a number ending in 6

    Example 1:

    Step 1:put down 6
    Step 2:Multiply 2 with (7 + 1) = 16 and add 16 +1 = 17.put down 7 and carry 1 .
    Step 3:Multiply 7 with (7 + 1) = 56 + carry 1 = 57 put down 57
    Answer is 5776

    Example 2:

    Step 1:put down 6
    Step 2:Multiply 2 with (9 + 1) = 20 and add 20 + 1 = 21.put down 1 and carry 2 .
    Step 3:Multiply 9 with (9 + 1) = 90 + carry 2 = 92 put down 92
    Answer is 9216

    Example 3:

    Step 1:put down
    Step 2:Multiply 2 with (3 + 1) = 8 and add 8 +1 = 9.put down 9.
    Step 3:Multiply 3 with (3 + 1) = 12 put down 12
    Answer is 1296

    Example 4:

    Step 1:put down 6
    Step 2:Multiply 2 with (5 + 1) = 12 and add 12 +1 = 13.put down 3 and carry 1 .
    Step 3:Multiply 5 with (5 + 1) = 30 + carry 1 = 31 put down 31
    Answer is 3136

    How to square a number ending with 5 within seconds

    Squaring a number ending in 5 is the easiest if you know the trick.
    Number given to you can be a two digit number or three digit number or five or six digit number, 

    it does'n t matter.
    The same trick can be applied to find the square of any number ending in 5.

    Let us now discuss the steps to follow

    Step 1:Multiply the ten's digit of the given number with its immediate next number.This will be the 1st digit of the answer.

    Step 2:Put 25 next to the result of step 1.
    Logic behind putting 25 is that the number will always end with 5 and 52 is 25. 

    You get the answer

    Let us find squares of numbers ending in 5 using this trick

    Example 1:(35)2=?

    Step 1: 3 is the ten's digit in the given number 35.
    Immediate next number to 3 is 4.
    Hence,by multiplying 3 & 4 we get 12(3x4=12).which is the 1st digit of the answer.

    Step 2: Now putting 25 next to 12 we get the answer as 1225.

    Answer: (35)2= 1225

    Now you try to square 25,45,15,55,65,75,85,95 & see how quickly you can square.  

    Example 2:(125)2=?

    Step 1: 12 is the ten's digit in the given number 125.
    Immediate next number to 12 is 13.
    Hence,by multiplying 12 & 13 we get 156(12x13=156).which is the 1st digit of the answer.

    [To multiply a 2digit by 2digit number when ten's digit of both numbers is 1 you can apply a trick to get your answer quickly.
    1st digit =1 
    middle digit =add unit's place digit of both numbers(2+3=5)
    unit's place digit=Multiply unit place digit of both numbers(2x3=6)]

    Step 2: Now putting 25 next to 156 we get the answer as 15625.

    Ans (125)2= 15625

    Now you try to square 105,115,135,145,155,165,175,185,195 & see how quickly you can square.  

    square number from 10 to 19 math trick

    Easiest method to find the square of any number between 10 and 19 

    Step 1: First add the given number and the units digit .

    Step 2: Then Square the unit's digit and put the number next to the result obtained in STEP 1.

    Ex-1:Find the square of 13 in 5 seconds

    (13)2 = ?
    Step 1: 13 + 3 = 16_
    Step 2: 32 = 9
    put the result obtained in step 2 in step 1 we get
    Ex-2:Find the square of 16 in 5 seconds
    (16)2 = ?
            Step 1: 16 + 6 = 22_
    Step 2: 62 = 36
    put the result obtained in step 2 in step 1 as shown below                                                                          


    Shortcut to square any number from(20-29)

    Easy way to mentally square any number from 20 to 29

    Step 1:First add the given number and the unit's digit.
    Step 2:Double the result obtained in step 1.
    Step 3:Square the unit's digit of the number given in question and place it next to the result obtained in step 2.

    Example 1:Find the square of 22 in 5 seconds
                 Step 1:22 + 2=24
                 Step 2:24x2=48_
                 Step 3:22=4
    Now put the result obtained in step 3 in step 2,we get


    Shortcut to square any number from (30-79)

    It is always better to have some maths tricks handy when you are planning to take any arithmetic aptitude test either in the competitive exams such as Bank exams,CAT,MAT.
    Another easy trick to find square of the numbers between 30 to 79 is to take a common base as 50 and see how far the number is from 50.This method works well when the number is very close to 50.

    Easy way to find the square of  number from 30 to 79

    Step 1:Find how many more or less the given number is from 50.

    Step 2:Add the number to 25 if more than 50 or subtract the number from 25 if less than 50.

    Step 3:Then find the square of the number added or subtracted and put next to the result arrived at in step 2.

    Let us now apply the trick that we learnt in the example below
    Example 1:Find the square of 52 in 5 seconds
    Step 1: 52-50=2
               We find 52 is 2 more than 50
     Step 2: Here we notice that the given number is more than 50 so we add 25 as follows
    Step 3: Now we find the square  of 2
               putting the result obtained in step 3 next to the result obtained in step 2 after adding a 0 before it as it is a single digit,we get

    Ans: (52)2=2704

    Shortcut to square any number from 90 to 99

    This shortcut method is one of my favorite that I like to apply when I see a number such as 98 or 99 as all I need to know is how to subtract and square of numbers from 1 to 9.

    Now lets go through the steps

    Step 1:Assume 100 as base and find the difference between the number to be squared and 100.

    Step 2:Subtract the difference you found in step 1 from the number to be squared to find tenth place digit.

    Step 3:Square the difference and place it next to step 2.

    Once you know the technique you can square any number from 90 to 99 mentally.

    Let us see few examples to understand better

    Example 1: 982=?

    Step 1:Assuming 100 as base, we shall find the difference
    We get the difference as 2

    Step 2:Subtracting the difference(2) from the number to be squared(98) we get,
    96 is the tenth place digit

    Step 3:Squaring the difference we found in step 1 we get
    4 is the Unit place digit.

    Example 2: 992=?

    Step 1:Assuming 100 as base, we shall find the difference between the number to be squared(99) and 100.
    We get the difference as 1

    Step 2:Subtracting the difference(2) from the number to be squared(98) we get,
    98 is the tenth place digit

    Step 3:Squaring the difference we found in step 1 we get
    1 is the Unit place digit.

    Shortcut to square any number from 100-120

    Base method is popularly used to find square of numbers when the numbers are close to a base.By choosing the right base you will arrive at your answer quickly.
    So whenever you see 102,101,112,106 it should strike to you immediately .

    Hey! this is quite close to 100 so let me take the base as 100 and see if I can get the answer soon.

    Here we shall discuss the shortcut method to square any number from 100 to 120 using the base method.

    Lets go through the steps now

    Step 1:Take 100 as base and see how far the number is from 100.
    Add the given number and its deviation.

    Lets say you need to square 102.

    Here you can notice that the number is 2 more than 100.
    Adding the given number(102) and its deviation(2)
    we get,


    Step 2:Square the deviation(2)and place it next to the result obtained in step 1.
    Squaring we get,

    Ans 10404

    Shortcut to find squareroot of any number

    In every bank exam you are asked either to find the square root or cube root of a number. By knowing the shortcut to find the square root of a number, you will be able to find out the square root of any number within seconds.  
    Now lets go through the steps...

    Step 1: First of all group the number in pairs of 2 starting from the right.
    Step 2: To get the ten’s place digit, Find the nearest square (equivalent or greater than or less than) to the first grouped pair from left and put the square root of the square.
    Step 3: To get the unit’s place digit of the square root
    Remember the following
    If number ends in
    Unit’s place digit of the square root
    1 or 9(10-1)
    2 or 8(10-2)
    3 or 7(10-3)
    4or 6(10-4)
    Lets see the logic behind this for a better understanding
    We know,
    Now, observe the unit’s place digit of all the squares.
    Do you find anything common?
    We notice that,
    Unit’s place digit of both 12 and 9is 1.
    Unit’s place digit of both 22 and 82 is 4
    Unit’s place digit of both 32 and 72 is 9
    Unit’s place digit of both 42 and 62 is 6.

    Step 4: Multiply the ten’s place digit (found in step 1) with its consecutive number and compare the result obtained with the first pair of the original number from left.
     If first pair of the original number > Result obtained on multiplication then  select the greater number  out of the two numbers as the unit’s place digit of the square root.
    If firstpair of the original number < the result obtained on multiplication,then select the lesser number out of the two numbers as the unit’s place digit of the square root.
    Let us consider an example to get a better understanding of the method
    Example 1: √784=?

    Step 1: We start by grouping the numbers in pairs of two from right as follows
    7 84
    Step 2: To get the ten’s place digit,
    We find that nearest square to first group (7) is 4 and √4=2
    Therefore ten’s place digit=2
    Step 3: To get the unit’s place digit,
    We notice that the number ends with 4, So the unit’s place digit of the square root should be either 2 or 8(Refer table).
    Step 4: Multiplying the ten’s place digit of the square root that we arrived at in step 1(2) and its consecutive number(3) we get,

    ten’s place digit of original number > Multiplication result

    So we need to select the greater number (8) as the unit’s place digit of the square root.

    Unit's place digit =8


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