Tuesday 21 April 2020

Active/ Passive Voice Objective Exercise MCQ with Solutions Part-3

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Active/ Passive Voice Objective Exercise MCQ with Solutions 

Previous Year Questions

Robin would draw a picture in the competition.
(a) In the competition Robin would have to draw a picture.
(b) A picture in the competition would have been drawn by Robin.
(c) In the competition Robin would be drawn a picture
(d) A picture would be drawn by Robin in the competition.

Who gave you ice-cream ?
(a) Who has given you ice-cream?
(b) By whom were you given ice-cream ?
(c) By whom was you given ice-cream?
(d) Who had given you ice-cream?

Are you not revising your lessons?
(a) Are your lessons not be revised by you ?
(b) Are your lessons not being revised by you?
(c) Are not your lessons revised by you ?
(d) Are you not being revising your lessons ?

We should not: encourage indiscipline.
(a) Indiscipline should have not encouraged by us.
(b) Indiscipline should not be encouraged by us
(c) Indiscipline should not being encouraged
(d) Indiscipline should not been encouraged.

Our Almighty will bless wise men.
(a) Wise men will be blessed by our Almighty.
(b) Wise men should be blessed by our Almighty
(c) Wise men have been blessed by our Almighty
(d) Wise men would be blessed by our Almighty.

The Army chief punished his subordinate.
(a) His subordinate is punished by the Army chief.
(b) His subordinate is being punished by the Army chief.
(c) His subordinate was punished by the Army chief.
(d) His subordinate was being punished by the Army chief.

One must keep one’s promises.
(a) One’s promises are kept.
(b) Promises must be kept.
(c) 3) One's promises were kept
(d) One's promises must kept.

They have cut all the telephone wires.
(a) All the telephone wires will be cut.
(b) All the telephone wires had been cut.
(c) All the telephone wires have been cut.
(d) All the telephone wires shall be cut.

I shall write a letter.
(a) A letter is written by me.
(b) A letter will .be Written by me.
(c) A letter has written to me.
(d) A letter has been written by me.

210i Will Motin be helped by us ?
(a) Will Motin help us ?
(b) Shall we help Motin ?
(c) Shall Motin be helped?
(d) We shall helped Motin ?

A letter has been written by me
(a) I have been writing a letter.
(b) I has written a letter.
(c) I had written a letter.
(d) I have written a letter.

I cannot draw this picture.
(a) This picture cannot be drawn by me.
(b) This picture cannot be drawn by I.
(c) This picture could not be drawn by me
(d) This picture could not be drawn by I.

The men had constructed the bridge.
(a) The bridge has been constructed by the men.
(b) The bridge was constructed by the men.
(c) The bridge was being constructed by the men.
(d) The bridge had been constructed by the men.

Do not inform the police about the robbery.
(a) The police do not been formed about the robbery.
(b) Let not the police be informed about the robbery.
(c) Let the police be informed about the robbery.
(d) The police need to be informed by the robbery

They have spotted me in the Crowd.
(a) I am spotted by them in the crowd.
(b) I will have been spotted by them in the crowd.
(c) I would have been spotted lay them in the crowd
(d) I have been spotted by them in the crowd.

He made us work.
(a) We were made to work by him.
(b) We would Work by him
(c) ' We might work by him.
(d) We have to work by him.

Leo Tolstoy wrote 'War and Peace’.
(a) 'War and Peace’ was written by Leo Tolstoy.
(b) ‘War arid Peace’ is written by Leo Tolstoy.
(c) 'War and Peace’ will be written by Leo Tolstoy.
(d) ‘War and Peace' was being written by Leo Tolstoy.

Rita rescued three puppies.
(a) Three puppies are rescued by Rita.
(b) Three puppies were rescued by Rita.
(c) Three puppies will be rescued by Rita.
(d) Three puppies are being rescued by Rita.

Will he have written a letter ?
(a) Will a letter have written by him'?
(b) Will a letter be written by him?
(c) Will a letter to be written byhim ?
(d) Will a letter have been written by him ?

The doctor advised me to give up sweets.
(a) To me give up sweets was advised by doctor.
(b) The doctor advised to give up sweets me
(c) I was advised by the doctor to give up sweets.
(d) I was advised to give up eat sweets by the doctor.

They will laugh at you.
(a) You will have been laughed at by them.
(b) You can be laughed at by them.
(c) You may be laughed at by them
(d) You will be laughed at by them.

Trespassers shall be prosecuted.
(a) The authorities might prosecute trespassers
(b) The authorities can prosecute trespassers
(c) The authorities shall prosecute trespassers.
(d) The authorities may prosecute trespassers.

The waiter filled the glasses with water.
(a) The water were filled in the glasses by waiter.
(b) The glasses filled with water by the waiter.
(c) The glasses were filled with water by the waiter.
(d) The waiter was filled the glasses with water.

She took the dog for a walk.
(a) The dog took a walk by her.
(b) The dog was taken for a walk by her.
(c) The dog took her for a walk.
(d) The dog was took for a walk.

He was driving the car so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(a) The car has been driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(b) The car was driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(c) The car was being driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(d) The car had been driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.

1don’t like people telling me what to do.
(a) I don’t like it when people are telling me what to do.
(b) I don't like being told what to do.
(c) Telling me what to do is what I don’t like.
(d) I don’t like people when they tell me what to do.

Aditya saw Dinesh shopping at the mall.
(a) Dinesh is seen shopping at the mall by Aditya.
(b) Dinesh was seen shopping at the mall by Aditya.
(c) Dinesh was being seen shopping at the mall by Aditya.
(d) Dinesh is being seen shopping at the mall by Aditya.

He wasn’t given the information he needed.
(a) Somebody was not given the information he needed.
(b) The information he needed wasn't given to him.
(c) He needed the information he wasn’t given.
(d) They didn't give him the information he needed.

Bipin was not told about the meeting.
(a) Somebody did not tell Bipin about the meeting.
(b) There was nobody who could tell Bipin about the meeting.
(c) Nobody told Bipin about the meeting.
(d) The meeting was not told about to Bipin.

Have you been shown what to do ?
(a) Have anybody been shown by you what to do ?
(b) Have anybody been showing you-what to do ?
(c) Has you been shown what to do?
(d) Has anybody shown you what to do

They proposed to hold a meeting.
(a) A meeting had to be proposed to be held by them.
(b) It was proposed by them to hold a meeting.
(c) A meeting should be proposed to be held.
(d) It was proposed to hold a meeting.

Her manners pleased us very much.
(a) We were very much pleased on her manners.
(b) We are very much pleased with her manners.
(c) We pleased her very much with manners.
(d) We were very much pleased with her manners.

The driver was blowing the horn.
(a) The horn was blown by the driver.-
(b) The horn was being blown by the driver.
(c) The horn has been blown by the driver.
(d) The horn is being blown by the driver.

I shall post these letters tomorrow.
(a) These letters would be posted tomorrow.
(b) These letters will be posted tomorrow.
(c) These letters are to be posted tomorrow
(d) These letters have to be posted tomorrow

A massive search operation has been launched to nab the suspects.
(a) The police had launched a massive search operation to nab the suspects.
(b) The police have launched a massive search operation to nab the suspects. '
(c) The police launched a massive search operation to nab the suspects
(d) The police had been launched a massive search operation to nab the suspects.

A fresh batch of eggs was collected by the farmer’s wife.
(a) The farmer’s wife had collected a fresh batch of eggs.
(b) The farmer's wife will be collecting a fresh batch of eggs.
(c) The farmer’s wife was collecting a fresh batch of eggs.
(d) The farmer’s wife collected a fresh batch of eggs.

I shall have written the letter
(a) The letter is being written by me.
(b) The letter will have been written by me.
(c) The letter will be written by me.
(d) The letter has been written by me.

Then her face was bowed.
(a) Then she bowed her face.
(b) Then her face has been bowed.
(c) Then she was being bowed her face.
(d) Her face was bowed by then.

The walls had not been decorated by us.
(a) We have not decorated the walls.
(b) We had not decorated the walls.
(c) We have not been decorating the walls.
(d) We had not been decorating the walls.

We must endure what we cannot cure.
(a) What cannot cured must endured.
(b) What could be cure must be endured.
(c) What we cure must be endured.
(d) What cannot be cured must be endured.

Did everybody miss the first bus?
(a) The first bus was missed by everybody ?
(b) Was the first bus missed by everybody ?
(c) Everybody missed the first bus ?
(d) Had the first bus been missed by everybody ?

We will not allow them to runaway.
(a) They will not be allowed to run away by us.
(b) They would not be allowed to run away.
(c) They are not allowed to run away.
(d) They were not allowed to run away.

Everyone must read this book.
(a) This book should be read by everyone.
(b) This book has to be read by everyone.
(c) This book is to be read by everyone.
(d) This book must be read by everyone.

He knew that his own life was unjust.
(a) It was known to him that his own life had been unjust.
(b) It was known by him that his own life was unjust.
(c) It was known to him that his own life was unjust.
(d) It was known by him that life was unjust.

The student has learnt the answer by heart.
(a) The answer was learnt by the student by heart.
(b) The answer is learnt by heart by the student.
(c) The answer by the student was learnt by heart
(d) The answer has been learnt by heart by the student.

The old lady touched and patted the cow.
(a) The cow patted and touched the old lady.
(b) The cow was touehed by the old lady patting her
(c) The cow was touched and patted by the old lady.
(d) The patted cow touched the old lady.

This watch was given to me by my grandfather.
(a) My grandfather gave me this watch.
(b) My grandfather gives me this watch.
(c) My grandfather had given this watch to me.
(d) My grandfather has given this watch to me.

By whom is the child being fed?
(a) Who is feeding the child ?
(b) Who has fed the child ?
(c) Who was feeding the child ?
(d) Who has been feeding the child ?

Alexander expected to conquer the world.
(a) It was expected by Alexander that he should conquer the world
(b) It was expected by Alexander that he would conquer the world.
(c) It was expected by Alexander that he will conquer the world.
(d) It had been expected by Alexander that he would conquer the world.

She begins her day with a cup of coffee.
(a) Her day is being begun with a cup of coffee.
(b) Her day is begun with a cup of coffee.
(c) A cup of coffee Is beginning her day.
(d) A cup of coffee has begun her day.

Cacao Is bitter when it is tasted.
(a) Cacao Is bitter.
(b) Cacao tastes bitter.
(c) Cacao’s taste is bitter
(d) Cacao tasted bitter.

A great man acknowledged me as a flatterer to him.
(a) I was acknowledged by a great man to be a flatterer.
(b) I was acknowledged by a great man to have been a flatterer.
(c) I am acknowledged as a flatterer by a great man.
(d) I was acknowledged as a flatterer to a great man.

Let us help him.
(a) Let him help us.
(b) Let he is helped.
(c) Let he be helped.
(d) Let him be helped by us.

Can those happy moments be ever forgotten by me ?"
(a) Shall I ever forget those happy moments ?
(b) Can I ever forget those happy moments ?
(c) Will I ever forget those happy moments ?
(d) Could I ever forget those happy moments ?

You have to do this immediately.
(a) This has been done by you immediately.
(b) This is being done by you immediately
(c) This was being done by you immediately.
(d) This has to be done by you immediately

The labourers were digging a canal.
(a) A canal is being digged by the labourers.
(b) A canal was dug by the labourers.
(c) A canal was being dug by the labourers.
(d) A canal had been dug by the labourers.

The watchman switched on the lights before it began to grow dark.
(a) The lights were only switched on before it began to grow dark.
(b) The lights are being switched on before it' began to grow dark
(c) The lights were being switched on by the watchman before it began to grow dark.
(d) The lights were switched on by the watchman before it began to grow dark.

Where do you keep the current magazines ?
(a) Where were the current magazines kept ?
(b) Where have the current magazines been kept ?
(c) Where are the current magazines being kept ?
(d) Where are the current magazines kept by you ?

She will be rewarded for her kind deed.
(a) Her kind deed will reward her.
(b) Her kind deed will have re-. warded her.
(c) Her kind deed will be her reward.
(d) Her kind deed will have been her reward.

God gives us happiness.
(a) Happiness is given by God.
(b) Happiness is being given to us by God.
(c) Happiness has been given by God.
(d) Happiness will be given by God.

The gardener ought to water the plants daily.
(a) The plants have been watered daily by the gardener.
(b) The plants ought to water daily by the gardener.
(c) The plants are ought to water daily by the gardener
(d) The plants ought to be watered daily by the

Who wrote it ?
(a) By who will it be written?
(b) By whom was it written?
(c) By who might it be written?
(d) By who would it be written ?

The principal will announce the results.
(a) The results were announced by the principal.
(b) The results are announced by the principal.
(c) The results will have announced by the principal.
(d) The results will be announced by the principal.

Some people were helping the wounded woman.
(a) The wounded woman Is being helped by some people.
(b) The wounded woman was being helped by some people.
(c) The wounded is helped by some people.
(d) The wounded woman was helped by some people.

The servant will execute all orders promptly.
(a) All orders will have to be executed promptly by the servant.
(b) All orders would be executed promptly by the servant.
(c) All orders should be executed promptly by the servant.
(d) All orders will be executed promptly by the servant.

1was obliged to go.
(a) Circumstances obliges me to go.
(b) Circumstances oblige I should go.
(c) Circumstances oblige me to go.
(d) Circumstances obliged me to go

They established this club in 2
(a) This club was being established in 2
(b) This club was established in 2
(c) This club had been established in 2
(d) This club Is being established in 2

For a long time people believed the earth to be flat.
(a) The earth was believed to be flat for a long time.
(b) The earth had been believed to be flat for a long time.
(c) The earth was being believed to be flat for a long time
(d) The earth is believed to be flat for a long time.

The boy did not break the glass.
(a) The glass was not broken by the boy
(b) The glass has not been broken by the boy
(c) The glass is not broken by the boy.
(d) The glass had not been broken by the boy.

They fund schools for girls.
(a) Schools for girls was funded by them.
(b) Schools for girls will be funded by them.
(c) Schools for girls are funded by them
(d) Schools for girls are being funded by them.

The lady of the house was furnishing the mansion.
(a) The mansion is being furnished by the lady of the house.
(b) The mansion was being furnished by the lady of the house.
(c) The mansion is furnished by the lady of the house.
(d) The mansion has been furnished by the lady of the house.

The convict was found guilty by the jury.
(a) The jury found that the convict was guilty.
(b) The jury convicted him.
(c) The jury found the convict guilty.
(d) The jury finds the convict guilty.

1have lost my book.
(a) my book had been lost.
(b) my book must have been lost.
(c) my book has been lost.
(d) my book have been lost.

Open the door.
(a) Let the door shall be opened.
(b) The door shall be opened.
(c) The door was opened.
(d) Let the door be opened.

My father has promised me a bicycle.
(a) I have promising a bicycle by my father.
(b) I have been promised by my father a bicycle.
(c) I promised a bicycle by my father.
(d) I have been promised a bicycle by my father.

My mother bakes cakes.
(a) A cake was baked by my mother.
(b) My mother is baking a cake.
(c) A cake is being baked by my mother.
(d) Cakes are baked by my mother.

My father will write a letter.
(a) A letter will be written by my father.
(b) A letter is written by my father.
(c) A letter was written by my father.
(d) A letter will have been written by my father.

My brilliant niece is speaking Italian.
(a) Italian is spoken by my brilliant niece.
(b) Italian was being spoken by my brilliant niece.
(c) Italian is being spoken by my brilliant niece.
(d) Italian has been spoken by my brilliant niece.

She is putting in many hours of work.
(a) Many hours of work would be put in by her.
(b) Many hours of work is being put by her.
(c) Many hours of work are being put in by her.
(d) Many hours of work will be put in by her.

Everyone praises good men.
(a) Good men are being given praises by everyone.
(b) Good men are praised by everyone.
(c) Everyone give praises to good men.
(d) Good men are given praises by everyone.

Children make a noise.
(a) A noise was being made by the children
(b) Noise is made by children
(c) A noise was made by the children
(d) A noise is being made by the children

She taunted her husband with the memory of his early promise.
(a) Her husband is taunted by her with the memory of his early promise
(b) Her husband was taunted with the memory of his early promise
(c) Her husband was taunted by her with the memory of his early promise
(d) The husband was taunted by her with the memory of his early promise

He impresses his boss with his performance.
(a) His boss is impressed by his performance
(b) His performance impresses his boss
(c) His boss is impressed at his performance
(d) His boss is impressed in his performance

How was it managed by you?
(a) How have you managed it?
(b) Did you manage it ?
(c) How did you manage it ?
(d) Was it managed by you ?

I was astonished at his behaviour.
(a) His behaviour is astonishing tome
(b) His behaviour astonished me
(c) His behaviour astonishes me
(d) His behaviour had astonished me

All his Mends laughed at him.
(a) He was laughed at by all his friends
(b) He was laughed by all his friends
(c) He was being laughed by all his friends
(d) He was being laughed at by all his friends

Every disaster affected victim has been compensated by the government.
(a) The government has compensated every disaster affected victim
(b) The government had compensated every disaster affected victim
(c) The government has been compensating every disaster. affected victim
(d) The government have been compensating every disaster affected victim

Indiscipline should not be encouraged.
(a) We are not encouraging indiscipline
(b) We have not encouraging indiscipline
(c) We should not encourage Indiscipline
(d) We must not encouraged indiscipline

This house is used very rarely by us.
(a) We are using this house very rarely
(b) We use this house very rarely
(c) 3) We used this house very rarely
(d) We uses this house very rarely

The box can contain no more.
(a) No more this box can contain
(b) No more could be contained in this box
(c) No more can be contained in this box
(d) Nothing can be contained in this box

They held a meeting and delivered speeches.
(a) A meeting was held and delivered speeches
(b) A meeting will be held and speeches delivered
(c) A meeting is held and speeches delivered
(d) A meeting was held and speeches delivered

It is time for food to be eaten.
(a) It is time to eat our food
(b) It is time for eating food
(c) It is time to eat
(d) Food is to be eaten now

The teacher may punish you.
(a) You should be punished by the teacher
(b) You shall have been punished by the teacher
(c) You will be punished by the teacher
(d) You may be punished by the teacher

None likes him.
(a) He is liked by none
(b) He was not liked by anyone
(c) He has not been liked by anyone
(d) He is not liked by anyone

You are requested to keep the book on the table.
(a) You should keep the book on the table
(b) You must keep the book on the table
(c) Please kept the book on the table
(d) Please keep the book on the table

He was being chased by the dogs.
(a) The dogs are chasing him
(b) The dogs chased him
(c) The dogs chase him
(d) The dogs were chasing him

She wrote a letter
(a) A letter is being written by her
(b) A letter is written by her
(c) A letter was written by her
(d) A letter was being written by her

My mother mustn’t be disturbed.
(a) You mustn’t disturb my mother
(b) You shouldn't disturb my mother
(c) You must be disturbing my mother
(d) You have disturbed my mother

His lordship soon found me to be unfit for the service.
(a) 1 had been found by his lord-ship to be unfit for the service
(b) I was soon found by his lord-ship to be unfit for the service
(c) I was found by his lordship to be unfit for the service
(d) I was soon found out by his lordship to be unfit for the service

They have not been submitting their class work regularly.
(a) The class work have not been submitted regularly by them
(b) The class work has not been submitted regularly by them
(c) The class work are not being submitted regularly
(d) The class work is not being submitted regularly by them


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229c 230d 231b 232b 233b 234b

235b 236d 237b 238a 239b 240d

241b 242a 243d 244c 245d 246c

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253d 254b 255d 256c 257d 258d

259a 260a 261d 262b 263d 264b

265d 266d 267b 268a 269a 270c

271b 272c 273c 274d 275d 276d

277a 278c 279c 280b 281b 282c

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