Monday 11 May 2020



A hobby is an interest different form occupation or the main business of life. It is a favorite pursuit. It gives us jay and amusement. Different people have different tastes. Therefore, there are different kinds of hobbies as well. Some people collect stamps and take delight in displaying them. Others are fond of collecting coins of various countries and ages. They keep them as a valuable treasure. Some collects rare specimens of art. Some people may be interested in photography, painting, music, rearing birds or other pets, sports, there are people who are mad after money. They earn money. Such people have no heart to indulge in a healthy hobby. There are again some people, who always pore over books. They wear a gloomy look and no sunny smiles ever dance on their face. I am neither a bookworm nor a money- hunter. I take life lightly. I like light moments when my mind is free to enjoy the fun and the folly of life.

Hobbies have their own value for an individual. I have my own hobby. I have a passion for gardening. I always love flowers. I have a small garden of my own. I have planted a variety of flowers, fruits and vegetable in it. I always spend my leisure in the garden. I water the plants daily. My hearts dances to see the flowers fruits and vegetables planted by me. They put forth beautiful flowers. As long as I am in the garden, I forget the realities of life.

My hobbies have become a part of my life. Life, without it, would be dull and monotonous. It would be devoid of all charms. Hobby gives variety to life and interest in work. Gardening is not my business; it is not the profession of my life. Yet it is not less importunities for the study of plant life. It also gives physical exercise. I not only get the pleasure from my hobby gardening but also money sometimes by selling the flowers, fruits and vegetables.

A hobby is never an idle occupation. It is the best thing to keep one engaged during the leisure time. An idle brain is devil's workshop. A hobby does not allow the brain to remain idle. But any hobby carried on to an excess ruins all the man. So it should be indulged within only certain bounds. It must not be a substitute for the main occupation. I should only aim at relief and pleasure.

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