Monday 11 May 2020

Short Essay: PEN FRIEND | PATRIOTISM | ROOM | Television


I have got a pen-friend. His name is John Smith. He lives in America. He is 16 years old. He is very healthy and he weighs 55 kg. His colour of skin is brown. He has got black eyes, which are quite big. He keeps moustache, but he has no beard. He has a white set of teeth. He has got attractive smile and charming voice. When he laughs, dimples fall on the both sides of his cheeks. Similarly, he has got golden colour of hair with center parting. Unfortunately, his face is full of marks of acnes. But he is helpful, kind and friendly. He studies very hard in a university. He has a good sense of humour too. Everybody loves him very much and I also like him very much.


Patriotism is the love of one's own country. It's a noble virtue that inspires one to sacrifice anything for the welfare of nation. A true patriot values his motherland like in proverb 'Mother and Motherland are even greater than heaven'. We are here only because our motherland is here.

We need to be aware of blind patriotism. That can cause war. World War II began with Hitler's boastful patriotism. War generally generate from similar sentiment. Humanism should always be kept above patriotism. A bigoted patriotism is likely to make a man unjust, unfair and inaccurate of other people.

For Mahatma Gandhi, patriotism is good but it must not suppress the feeling of universal love for all humanity. Patriotism should be full of love and responsibility and free from boastfulness.

Our historic warrior Amar Singh Thapa, the martyr Dasharath Chand and other national figures are some of the true patriots. A true patriot is immortal even after his or her physical death. They are pride of nation. One with no feeling of patriotism may fail to serve his or her country even when she is in urgent need.

Patriotism does not lie in the feeling that our country is the best. We must love our country, but at the same time we must respect others.


A man lives in a society. He needs many things in his life. Food, cloth and house are his basic needs. A house protects him from heat, coldness and rain. Some people live in their own rooms and other people live in common rooms. But, I live in my own room.

My room is on the second floor. It is quite big too. It is under the roof of the house. It is painted with light green colour. There are two big windows on both sides. So, my room is very bright and sunny. I have painted the windows with white colour. There is a double bed at the right corner of the room. There is a book rack by the bed. There is a table next to the book rack. A big cassette player and some textbooks are on the table. There are three chairs around it. A green carpet is on the floor. All my clothes are on the hanger which is on the door. I have used another corner of the room as a kitchen. It is at the back side of the bed. There are many pots inside the kitchen rack. A gas stove is on it. There are some pictures of famous persons, beautiful posters and a calendar on the wall. My room is in the open area. So, a beautiful scene of nature can be seen from my room.

My hobbies have become a part of my life. Life, without it, would be dull and monotonous. It would be devoid of all charms. Hobby gives variety to life and interest in work. Gardening is not my business; it is not the profession of my life. Yet it is not less importunities for the study of plant life. It also gives physical exercise. I not only get the pleasure from my hobby gardening but also money sometimes by selling the flowers, fruits and vegetables.

But, it has some problems. Sometimes, when the rain falls, water leaks from the roof. The glass of one window is broken. There is no glass in another window. I have covered it with plastic. There is not a fan on the ceiling. It is near the cinema hall. So, it disturbs me too much.However, my room is very comfortable. It is very beautiful. I like my room very much.


The scientists of the world are inventing many kinds of modern technologies, which have made our lives quite easier. Among many such modern inventions, a television is the most important invention of modern science.

Television is becoming popular day by day. A black and white television is much cheaper than a colour television. Although, television gives a lot of information, it may be harmful especially for children. It makes the environment of a house very bad. One forgets to do one's daily works. It makes the people very passive. Sometimes, television shows obscene scenes and broadcasts false news that affects onlookers negatively.

There are so many advantages of television. One can watch and listen to news, informative and entertaining programmers on a television. One can get practically lots of information and entertainments from television. Television is a friend of loneliness. One can know the incidents happened all over the world just by sitting in one's own single room.

One should not watch television more than necessary. One should watch television, only after completing one's duties and works. In conclusion, television is a curse as well as a boon. If we misuse it, it will be a curse. If we use it properly, it will be a boon.

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