Monday 11 May 2020



National unity means one nation as a whole formed in a one complete nation. Many people of different castes live in the same nation. They speak different languages. They have different modes of living and different religions. There are Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs etc. though we have unity.

We can give several examples of the power of unity. Power lies in unity, not in diversity. A drop of water is not too strong enough to wash anything away the whole villages. A thin thread is very weak. Even a child can break it but when a number of threads are woven into a thick rope that an elephant can't break so what made a feeble thread so strong. So unit is strength or power.

Unity brings peace and development. If we have good relationship with others our enemies can't take advantage. It always drives peace. If there is peace the development works can run smoothly throughout the country. Now a day we have a glance of peace but the development works hasn't been run as usual. Because of lack of political instability and wrong ideology people are being divided into groups in the name of region, castes and religions. The poverty is being increased day by day.

The government of Nepal has always urged the people to realize the value of national unity. The villagers have to be given the education about national unity. There should be punishment for criminal works otherwise a person can be hanged and died miserably.


The word 'conservation' means to keep something safe. Wild life conservation is the way of preserving of animals or the plants which are endangered. Wild life conservation is concerned with environment, ecosystem and conservation of natural resources. Wild life conservation helps to protect the natural environment, endangered animals and plants.

Conserving wildlife controls over the ecosystem in a balanced way. Ecosystem is a chain of support of all living things and non-living things for existence. Conserving wildlife economically supports the country. Wild conservation needs reserves and national parks as well. They have to pay the certain amount of money to be entered and a big fund can be raised ultimately. Tourists keep on traveling and paying for seeing the endangered animals. Tourists spend money in our country and people become economically rich.

Some important animals are going to be vanished that hampers to keep the ecosystem balanced. Important animals can't be seen in the zoo, too. Being over population the people started destroying the jungle for their habitat. The main ways of preserving the wildlife are controlling the high population growth rate.

So conserving wildlife is not only helpful to environmental maintenance and balance of ecosystem but also economically and socially assistance to human beings.


The status of women in Nepal cannot be said to be good. More than 60% of women are illiterate. The status of women is different according to regions, castes, economy, religion, and structure of the community. The women of higher castes have been more suppressed though they have got more facilities and opportunities of education and employment. The women of lower castes have got more freedom than the former ones but they have got less chance of education and employment. Most of Nepalese women do not have right to the property. They are not often involved in making policies and decisions of family as well as nation.

Nowadays some reservation and empowerment programmes are being held to encourage the women. Though they have they have equal right in the articles of constitution but in the field it has not been followed. They are however unable to participate into the public affairs due to the dominant ideology of culture being practiced. While the latter women have no autonomy even within the private sphere, but enjoy limited position in the public sphere. Their suppression stems from the concepts of hierarchy the caste system, traditional though about food, and the high value of chastity. Although the women belonging to different caste, religion, and culture have different status, one thing is certain that they are being suppressed with respect to economic, socio-cultural, political and legal status which can't be analyzed in isolation because each is intrinsically tied to the next. But for the clarity, each category is discussed separately. Economically the status of Nepalese women is also not good. The dominant Hindu religion and culture have popularized a belief that women should be dependent on the males for income from cradle to grave. Men are considered the sole breadwinners of families; and women are viewed only as domestic and maternal. Women's work is confined to the household. Their responsibilities are thought to include cooking, washing, maternity, collecting fuel and firewood, fetching water, engaging in agriculture, and service to males and other family members. Although their works plays vital role, it is generally left uncounted.

The workload of Nepalese women is immense. They work about 16 hours every day. Nepalese women are mainly engaged in agricultural works, carpet Industries, and wage labour activities. Furthermore, Nepalese women are compelled to resort to prostitution and to be sold as commercial sex-workers. Because of modernization, their work load has certainly increased. Thus they are now forced to perform triple roles; that of mother, of traditional wife and of community participant. Generally, Nepalese women have much less access to institutional credit, both an individual and household enterprise level irrespective of ecological regions, urban of rural increasing feminization of poverty. To remedy this situation, women should need full economic rights.

Dowry system has also decreased the status of women especially in Terai and urban areas. Women have been bargained as fancy good in a shop.

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