Monday 11 May 2020



This is a scientific age. In this age, we don't believe that a man takes birth again after his death. But I had read a real story about reincarnation. It is so real-like that we cannot stop believing it.

In the far western part of Nepal, there lived a poor family of three members-a wife, a husband and a son. The husband went to the jungle to cut firewood. Their son's name was Gopal. As the time passed, Gopal became bigger and bigger. At the age of one year and three months, he started speaking the words like 'mama' and 'papa'. By the age of four, he could talk with his parents perfectly.

Their house was near a jungle on the top of a small hill. One day, the woodcutter suffered from pneumonia as he worked in the cold rain. He had been running a fever of 1040. A local doctor came and checked him. But the woodcutter didn't become better. Day by day, the woodcutter became worse and worse. He had become very weak. His wife looked after him very carefully but no medicine cured him. A group of neighbours came to his house to wish him a good health. The dying woodcutter was brought out of the house near the vase of tulasi plant. At that time, their son was not there. The wife of the woodcutter searched for her son. She found him grinding the pants of some herbs in a big stone." Mama, mama, give this paste to the father. He will be well as before." the child said. "Nonsense" the woman said, "Even a doctor couldn't cure him. How does a small boy of four years like you know such great thing?"

But Gopal took a spoonful of the paste and fed his father in spite of oppositions from his mother and neighbours. But when the woodcutter ate the paste, slowly and slowly he became well. Within an hour, he was able to sit on his bed. After two hours, the woodcutter asked for a hot soup and a plateful of rice. When he took both of them, he became very healthy as before. Seeing this great change, the mother asked him to tell how he knew all these things. Then Gopal told a story-

"I was born in Manipur of India as the only one son of Bhoj Raj and Sulochana 48 years ago. I was famous pharmacist of that place. But I died in a bus accident at the age of 43 and born again here. I had written a book named "Bharat Ka Jadibutiyan" (The Herbs of India). My name was Naresh Tiwari."Later, a group neighbours went there and checked the things whether they were false or True. They found all the things completely true. It was believed that the boy had reincarnated.

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