Monday 4 May 2020

UP Board Class 10 English Model Papers Paper with Hints and Solutions

UP Board Class 10 English Model Papers Paper 1
Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Maximum Marks : 70
Instruction First 15 minutes are allotted for the candidates to read the Question paper.
1.    This Question paper is divided into two sections A and B.
2.    All Questions from the two sections are compulsory.
3.    Marks are indicated against each Question.
4.    Read the Questions very carefully before you start Answering them.

Section A

Question 1.
Read the following passage and Answer the Questions given below it:
Now we have to see to it that we grow into such citizens that people will want the light of our character and our influence everywhere. We do not wish to have the sort of character that will make people want us to stay in one place and not to mix with others. If we are to be good citizens, who will be able to serve their country, we must be carrying light with us wherever we go and not darkness. Our influence on others must be for good and not for bad. Our lives must be such that wherever we go and wherever we live, other people will be the better for our having been with them. A good citizen is a center of light wherever he lives and whatever he is doing. The greater the number of good citizens in a country, the more enlightened will the country be as a whole.
1.    What type of citizens should we grow into? (2)
2.    What makes a country more enlightened? (2)

Question 2.
Answer one of the following Questions in about 60 words: (4)
1.    How did the Yaksha reward Yudhishthira?
2.    What was the significance of the Ganga for Nehru and for India?

Question 3.
Answer two of the following Questions in about 25 words each: (2+2=4)
1.    What great qualities of Socrates brought out in the lesson appeal to you most?
2.    Who is the creator of the universe? What has he created?
3.    Why did Yama take the form of the Yaksha?

Question 4.
Match the words of List A with their meanings in List B: (1 x 4=4)
List A
List B

Question 5.
Read the following lines of poetry and Answer the Questions given below.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way,
But to act, that each tomorrow Finds us farther than today.
1.    What is the purpose or aim of our life? (2)
2.    What is the meaning of “destined” in the second line? (2)

Question 6.
Give the central idea of one of the following poems: (3)
1.    The Village Song
2.    The Fountain
Write four lines from one of the poems given in your textbook. (Do not copy out the lines given in this Question paper.)

Question 7.
Answer two of the following Questions in about 25 words each: (2+2=4)
1.    Why did Edison decide to take up a job in the railways? How much did he earn on the first day?
2.    Why did the king of Ujjain want to sit on the judgement seat of Vikramaditya?
3.    Who were Jesse Owens and Luz Long? When did they meet for the first time?

Question 8.
Point out true and false statements in the following: (1 x 4=4)
1.    Edison was never satisfied till he got the right Answer.
2.    Edison bought toys and sweets with the pocket money his father gave him.
3.    Olympic Games were held in America in 1936.
4.    The king of Ujjain sat and possessed the throne of Vikramaditya at last.

Question 9.
Select the most suitable alternative to complete the following statements: (1 x 4=4)
1. The teacher thought Edison was …………..
(A) stubborn and naughty
(B) a genius
(C) stupid and naughty
(D) very mischievous
2. Vikramaditya is famous for his ……………
(A) wisdom
(B) justice
(C) honesty
(D) love for his subject
3. The laborers dug out a block of marble slab supported on the hands and wings of stone angels numbering …………
(A) a dozen
(B) twenty-five
(C) twenty-one
(D) thirty-one
4. Luz Long was a real sportsman because ……………
(A) he was tall and well built
(B) he was a German
(C) his main objective in games was not conquering but fighting well
(D) he was a selfish player
Section B
Question 10.
Do as indicated against each of the following sentences:
1.    It passion can achieve one anything for if has one. (Frame a correct sentence by re-ordering the words) (2)
2.    The baby ate up all the cake. (Change into passive voice) (2)
3.    The teacher said to the students, “Did you listen to my words?” (Change into indirect speech) (2)
4.    He has to bring his umbrella. (Use correct form of the verb ‘forget’ to fill in the blanks) (2)

Question 11.
1. Choose the correct preposition from the ones given below the sentence to fill in the blank: (2)
When will Sameer leave Hong Kong? (from, to, for, by)
2. Complete the following sentence: (2)
I did not understand what
3. Complete the spellings of the following words:
1.     e_st_s_
2.    in_l_en_e
4. Punctuate the following sentence using capital letters wherever necessary: (2)
from where can i get a taxi Suraj asked to Vivek
Question 12.
Translate the following into English: (4)
आजकल के बच्चे किताबों से पढ़ना पसन्द नहीं करते हैं। उन्हें संगणक पर पढ़ना अधिक पसन्द है। परन्तु किताबें हमारा अमूल्य खजाना हैं। किताबों से हम अच्छे लेखकों की अच्छी भाषा एवं विचार सीखते हैं। ये विचार हमारे जीवन में भी मददगार होते हैं।

Question 13.
Write an application to the Manager, Everest Hand loom
Company, Faridabad for the post of a salesman. You saw the advertisement in the Times of India of 8th June, 2015. They want a smart young man having fluency in English and Hindi both. (Do not write your name and roll no.) (4)
1.    (A) We should grow into such citizens that people will want the light of our character and influence everywhere.
(B) The greater number of good citizens makes a country more enlightened.
2.    (A) The Yaksha was very pleased with Yudhisthira’s satisfactory Answers. His Answers proved that he was a man of patience and kindness, and had the knowledge of life. Being impressed with his Answers, the Yaksha offered him the revival of one of his brothers’ lives. Yudhishtira showed his love for justice by choosing Nakula. This impressed the Yaksha a lot and he rewarded him by reviving all his brothers.
Write a letter to your friend requesting him to come and spend the summer vacation with you. (Do not write your Name and Address.)
Question 14.
Write an essay on one of the following topics in about 60 words. Points are given below for each topic to develop the composition. (6)
1. My Grandmother
(A) Introduction
(B) Her Health and Education
(C) Her Dress and Habits
(D) Her Hobbies and Qualities
2. Your Favorite Festival
(A) Introduction
(B) Name of the Festival, Time of Celebration
(C) Legends Behind It
(D) How it is Celebrated
(E) Conclusion
3. My Birthday Celebration
(A) Introduction
(B) Preparations
(C) Blessings, Photographs, Delicious Dinner Served, A Wonderful Experience.
(D) Various Programs held
(E) Conclusion
Question 15.
Read the following passage carefully and Answer the Questions given below it:
In many parts of the country, Harijans were treated very badly before Independence. Gandhiji gave a call to the nation to abolish Unsociability and improve the lot of the Harijans who form one seventh of our population. India cannot progress unless their condition is improved.
Special facilities like scholarships, free distribution of books and free ships in schools and hostels are now given to them. All these and many more achievements in the fields of health, medicine, social education, transport and industry have been made through our five year plans. All this has been achieved in spite of great natural calamities and unexpected events like the Chinese invasion and wars with Pakistan. A check on our population, more education, better sense of duty and honesty can make our country a land of milk and honey again.
1.    Which facilities are now given to the Harijans who were earlier deprived of them? (3)
2.    In which fields have the achievements been made through our five year plans? (3)
3.    Significance of the Ganga for Nehru Nehruji had no religious sentiments for the Ganga.
He had been attached to the Ganga ever since his childhood. She reminded him of the snow-covered mountains and valleys where his life and work had been cast. Hence, Nehru is so attached to the Ganga. Significance of the Ganga for India The Ganga is beloved of the Indian people. She is the symbol of India’s age-long culture and civilisation. India’s racial memories, triumphs and victories are intimately related to the Ganga. Hence, the Ganga is the ‘River of India’ in his view.

Answer 1.
1.    We should grow into such citizens that people will want the light of our character and influence everywhere.
2.    The greater number of good citizens makes a country more enlightened.

Answer 2.
(A) The Yaksha was very pleased with Yudhisthira’s
satisfactory Answers. His Answers proved that he was a man of patience and kindness, and had the knowledge of life. Being impressed with his Answers, the Yaksha offered him the revival of one of his brothers’ lives. Yudhishtira showed his love for justice by choosing Nakula. This impressed the Yaksha a lot and he rewarded him by reviving all his brothers.
Answer 3.
1.    Socrates thoughtfulness, his nobility, simple way of living and fearlessness are the most appealing qualities. Also, he was a great leader and philosopher.
2.    Brahma is the creator of the universe. He has created many majestic and wonderful things like mountain ranges, waterfalls, peacock, flowers etc. He has also added beauty and charm to them.
3.    Yama, who was the Lord of Death, took the form of the Yaksha because he wanted to see Yudhishthira and test his knowledge and wisdom.

Answer 4.
List A
List B

Answer 5.
1.    Our purpose of life should be to act and make progress so that we have a better future.
2.    Destined means ‘pre-decided’ or ‘that is in fate’.

Answer 6.
1. The Village Song In the poem, The Village Song’, the poetess ‘Sarojini Naidu’ has described that joys in life are transitory in nature and one should not run after them. In other words, she intends to say that nothing in life is permanent and what is today may not be tomorrow. The poetess also appreciates the beauty of nature in this poem and says that it is much more appealing than the material things in life.
2. The Fountain The poet finds an inspiration of a perfect life in the fountain. It always looks happy and charming. It remains cheerful in all seasons. It cannot be tamed. It is always in motion without tiredness. Besides, the fountain is ever happy, fresh and glorious in the sunlight as well as in the moonlight. The poet wants to be pure, change full and yet steady like the fountain.
Into the sunshine,
Full of the light Leaping and flashing From mom till night!

Answer 7.
1.    Edison needed more money to buy books (to read) and also to carry out his experiments. So, he decided to take up a job in the railways. He earned two dollars on the first day of his job.
2.    The king of Ujjain wanted to sit on the judgement seat of Vikramaditya hoping that the spirit of Vikramaditya would descend upon him and he would become a just king.
3.    Jesse Owens was an American Negro and a long-jumper. Luz Long was a German long-jumper. They met for the first time during the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936.

Answer 8.
1.    True
2.    False
3.    False
4.    False

Answer 9.
1. (C)stupid and naughty
2. (B) justice
3. (B) twenty-five
4. (C) his main objective in games was not conquering but fighting well

Answer 10.
1.    One can achieve anything if one has passion for it.
2.    All the cake was eaten up by the baby.
3.    The teacher asked the sidelights if they had listened to his words.
4.    He has forgotten to bring his umbrella.

Answer 11.
1.    When will Sameer leave for Hong Kong?
2.    I did not understand what he was saying.
3.    (i) e c s t a s y , (ii) i n f 1 u e n c e
4.    “From where can I get a taxi?” Suraj asked Vivek.

Answer 12.
Children of today (today’s age) do not like to study from books. They prefer reading through computer. But, books are our valuable treasure. We learn good language and good thoughts of good authors from books. These thoughts are helpful in our life too.
Answer 13.
106, Sharda Apartments Gauri Nagar
Faridabad 9th June, 20XX
The Manager, ‘
Everest Handloom Company Faridabad
Dear Sir,
With reference to your advertisement dated 8th June, 20XX, in The Times of India; I wish to apply for the post of a salesman in your esteemed company.
I have passed H.S.S.C. with second division in the year 20XX from SMJ College. I have also done a certificate course in computer. I can speak English and Hindi and interact with the customers nicely.
I would be grateful to you if you find me eligible for the above said post and give me an opportunity.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
Refer to text on page 95.

Answer 14.
1.    Refer to text on page 107.
2.    Refer to text on page 102.
3.    Refer to text on page 106.

Answer 15.
1.    Harijans are now given the facilities of scholarships, free distribution of books and free ships in schools and hostels,
2.    Many achievements have been made in the fields of health, medicine, social education, transport and industry.


UP Board Class 10 English Model Papers Paper 2
Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Maximum Marks : 70
Instruction First 15 minutes are allotted for the candidates to read the Question paper.
1.    This Question paper is divided into two sections A and B.
2.    All Questions from the two sections are compulsory.
3.    Marks are indicated against each Question.
4.    Read the Questions very carefully before you start Answering them.

Section A
Question 1.
Read the following passage carefully and Answer the Questions given below it:
“Which is the biggest vessel ?”
“The Earth, which contains all  are thin itself, is the greatest vessel.”
“What is happiness ?” ‘
“Happiness is the result of good conduct.”
. “What is that, by giving up which man becomes loved by all?” “Pride. For, if man gives up being proud, he will be loved by all.”
“What is the loss which yields joj r and not sorrow ?”
“Anger, if we give up being angry , we will no longer be subject to sorrow.”
“What is that, by giving up which ; man becomes rich ?” “Desire. If man gives up being greedy, he will become wealthy.”
“What makes one a real ‘Brahmai la ? Is it birth, good conduct or learning ? Answer decisively.”
“Birth and learning do not make c me a Brahmana; good conduct alone does. However learn led a person may be, he will not be a ‘Brahmana’ without g riving up bad habits.
Even though he may be learned in the four Vedas, a man of bad conduct falls to a lower class.”
1.    What is happiness? (2)
2.    What makes one a real Brahmana? (2)

Question 2.
Answer one of the following quest: ions in about 60 words:(4)
1.    Who was Socrates and what we are his teachings ?
2.    How should we pass on the flame of knowledge and skill to others?

Question 3.
Answer two of the following Questions in about 25 words each: (2+2=4)
1.    When did Lencho receive then letter? Why did he become angry?
2.    How can learning be a friend to a traveller ?
3.    Who are Brahma and Sarasv /ati ? How are they related?

Question 4.
Match the words of List A with their meanings in List ‘B’: (1 x 4=4)
List A
List B
Call somebody to the court

Question 5.
Read the following lines of poetry and Answer the Questions given below it:
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream !
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
1.    What do the people hold about life? (2)
2.    What does the poet call as ‘dead’? (2)

Question 6.
Give the central idea of any one of the following poems: (3)
1.    The Fountain
2.    The Psalm of Life
Write four lines from one of the poems given in your textbook. (Do not copy out the lines given in this Question paper).

Question 7.
Answer two of the following Questions in about 25 words each: (2+2=4)
1.    What did Edison think when he saw the bird flying ?
2.    What did the village boy say to his friends after sitting on the,green mound? What did his friends do?
3.    How did Luz Long help Jesse Owens in qualifying for ‘ the final jumps ?

Question 8.
Point out true and false statements in the following: (1 x 4=4)
1.    An angry athlete is an athlete who will make mistakes.
2.    Vikramaditya’s beautiful palace stands even today.
3.    After observing three days’ prayer and fasting, the King of Ujjain ascended the throne.
4.    Even in his childhood, Edison loved to do experiments.

Question 9.
Select the most suitable alternative to complete the following statements : (1 x 4=4)
1. Edison succeeded in making an electric bulb after nearly
(A) one thousand experiments
(B) two thousand experiments
(C one thousand and two hundred experiments
(D) one thousand and five hundred experiments
2. Jesse Owens could not clear the first two trial jumps because he was
(A) discouraged by his coach
(B) not a good athlete
(C) angry at Hitler’s Aryan superiority theory
(D) disturbed by his rival Luz Long
3. When the king of Ujjain was making his first attempt to sit on the throne of Vikramaditya,
(A) one of the angels told him to purify his soul to be worthy of sitting on it and flew away
(B) his people warned him against doing so
(C) all the angels became angry and flew away
(D) the shepherd boy stopped him
4. The King of Ujjain could not sit on the judgement seat of Vikramaditya because
(A) he was afraid of the cowherd boy
(B) every time he was pushed aside by an angel
(C) he thought himself to be unworthy of it
(D) he wanted to be a just king
Section B 
Question 10.
Do as indicated against each of the following sentences:
1.    by does not treachery like honest anything earn man honest an to (Frame a correct sentence by re-ordering the words) (2)
2.    Have you prepared the list? (Change into passive voice) (2)
3.    The boy said to Jus mother, “I will never leave you alone.” (Change into indirect speech) (2)
4.    Sumit to see us off and on. (come) (Use correct form of the verb given to fill in the blank) (2)
Question 11.
1.    Choose the correct preposition from the ones given below the sentence to fill in the blank : (2)
Abhinandan is a good dancer being a flight steward. (from, beside, besides, on)
2.    Complete the following sentence : (2)
You should do what
3.    Complete the spellings of the following words : (2 + 2 = 1)
1. ph_l_ ph_r
2. sh__:h_rd
4.    Punctuate the following sentence using capital letters wherever necessary: (2)
the woman asked the stranger where do you hail from

Question 12.
Translate the following in English: (4)
एक गाँव में एक अंघा व्यक्ति रह ता था। उस गाँव में आग लग गई सारे लोग गाँव छोड़कर भागने लगे। उर गाँव में एक लँगड़ा (अपाहिज) आदमी भी रहता था। अंधे आदमी ने अपा हिज आदमी से कहा, “तुम मेरे कन्धों पर बैठो। तुम मुझे रास्ता दिखाना, मैं चलूंगा।दोनों ने अपनी होशियारी से खुद को बचा लिया और गाँव के बाहर चले गए।
Question 13.
Write an application to the Principal of your School requesting him to issue the school leaving certificate. (4)
(Do not write your Name and Roll No)
Write a letter to your friend boosting his/her confidence for the national level 1 admin ton competition he/she is going to participate in (Do not write your Name and Roll No)

Question 14.
Write a composition c in one of the following topics in about 60 words. Points are given below for each topic to develop the composition: (6)
1. Television
(A) Introduction
(B) Its Good Effect
(C) Its Bad Effect
(D) Conclusion
2. The Book You Little Most
(A) Name of the Book
(B) Its Author and l His Reputation
(C) Its Theme, Language and Style
(D) Its Qualities
(E) Reasons for Your Liking It
2. Pollution
(A) Introduction e ind Meaning
(B) Kinds of Pollution
(C) Harms Cause d by Pollution
(D) Prevention of Pollution
(E) Conclusion
Question 15.
Read the following passage carefully and Answer the Questions given below it:
One thing Albino waif i made to realise from the beginning was that he wasn’t  abnormal. His brothers and sister would often tease him and 1 would stop playing with him.
He would ask his mother why 1 he was different from his siblings ? She would say because God wanted him this way, may be for some special reason. He would wonder apart from being the reason for fun and we sorry for others what special reason it could be ? But, his n bother loved him a lot. His colour didn’t matter to her and she loved him, unconditionally. She would bring his favourite 1 berries and nuts and would play with him when everyone around would not be talking to him.
1.    What was Albino made to realise? (3)
2.    What shows that Albino’s mother loved him a lot? (3)


UP Board Class 10 English Model Papers Paper 3
Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Maximum Marks : 70
Instruction First 15 minutes are allotted for the candidates to read the Question paper.
1.    This Question paper is divided into two sections A and B.
2.    All Questions from the two sections are compulsory.
3.    Marks are indicated against each Question.
4.    Read the Questions very carefully before you start Answering them.

Section A

Question 1.
Read the following passage and Answer the Questions given below it:
The judges listened to him, Questioned him and condemned him to death. The old man made no complaint. He leaned on his stick, looking round the crowded courtroom. Plato and his other pupils were there in the court all the time. “No evil can happen to a good man”, he told them, “either in life or after death, so be of good cheer. I have to go. The hour of my departure has arrived and we go our ways, I to die and you to live.”
Then the soldiers came and took him away to prison. His wife followed with his three children. Many of his favourite pupils were also with him. For a long time, they talked to him and he taught them many wise lessons which they treasured in their hearts. But all the time his friends knew that Socrates would die soon. They were sad. “For”, as Plato wrote “he was like a father of whom we were being bereaved and we were about to pass the rest of our lives as orphans.”
1.    Why were the friends of Socrates sad ? (2)
2.    What did the old man say to his pupils? (2)

Question 2.
Answer one of the following Questions in about 60 words: (4)
1.    Why does Nehru want much of the past traditions and customs to be discarded ?
2.    How did Tansen make his Guru sing?

Question 3.
Answer two of the following Questions in about 25 words each: (2+2=4)
1.    How was Nehru attached to the Ganga?
2.    Who embraced Yudhishthira and blessed him ?
3.    What did the second son do before buying anything?

Question 4.
Match the words of List A with their meanings in List B :(1 x 4=4)
List A
List B

Question 5.
Read the following lines of poetry and Answer the Questions given below it:
Into the moonlight, Whiter than snow, Waving so flower – like, When the winds blow !
1.    What is the effect of the moonlight on the fountain? (2)
2.    Point out the words that are rhyming from the above stanza. (2)
Question 6.
Give the central idea of one of the following poems: (3)
1.    The Psalm of Life
2.    A Nation’s Builder.
Write four lines from one of the poems given in your textbook. (Do not copy out the lines given in this Question paper.)
Question 7.
Answer two of the following Questions in about 25 words each: (2+2 = 4)
1.    How did the great and eventful life of Edison end?
2.    Why was Vikramaditya praised by one and all?
3.    Who was D Coubertin and what was his ideal?

Question 8.
Point out true and false statements in the following: (1 x 4=4)
1.    On 4th September, 1882, for the first time, New York shone in the brightness of electric light.
2.    The last angel allowed the king of Ujjain to sit on the judgement seat of Vikramaditya.
3.    Some of Edison’s experiments were silly but he learnt a lot from them.
4.    Luz Long was an American.

Question 9.
Select the most suitable alternative to complete the following statements: (1×4=4)
1. When Edison tried his experiment on his servant girl
(A) she began to fly
(B) she fell down on the ground
(C) she fell ill
(D) she started running
2. The judgement seat of Vikramaditya was found in
(A) Indore
(B) Delhi
(C) Ujjain
(D) Bhopal
3. The essential thing in life is
(A) fighting well
(B) conquering
(C) earning money
(D) doing bad things
4. Hitler believed in
(A) equality of all races
(B) superiority of German race
(C) winning of a good sportsman irrespective of his country
(D) superiority of English race
Section B

Question 10.
Do as indicated against each of the following sentences:
1.    take should everyone pride job he whatever in does (Frame a correct sentence by re-ordering the words.)(2)
2.    The snowfall destroyed all the crops. (Change into passive voice) (2)
3.    “I am not interested in your fake stories” said Priya to Shubham. (Change into indirect speech) (2)
4.    He on this problem since morning (use correct form of the verb ‘work’ to fill in the blank) (2)

Question 11.
1.    Choose the correct preposition from the ones given below the sentence to fill in the blank: (2)
A mouse came the hole at the corner of the room, (in, for, from , to)
2.    Complete the following sentence : (2)
Sunil knows where
3.    Complete the spelling of the following words.
(i) i _te ig _ n _ (ii) r _ al _ s_ d
4.    Punctuate the following sentence using capital letters wherever necessary: (2)
the teacher said to the students the moon is the earth’s planet.

Question 12.
Translate the following into English : (4)
शब्द विचारों को व्यक्त करने का बहुत अच्छा माध्यम हैं। हर कोई अच्छे विचारों को सुनना चाहता है। कुछ व्यक्ति बोलकर अपने विचारों को व्यक्त करते हैं। कुछ लोग कम बोलते हैं। वे अपने विचारों को बोलकर व्यक्त नहीं कर पाते। ऐसे व्यक्ति अपने सुन्दर विचारों को लिखते हैं। वे कवि एवं लेखक बनते हैं। वे देश-दुनिया में कीर्तिमान स्थापित करते हैं।
Question 13.
Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police complaining
about the incidents of theft and chain snatching in your area. (Do not write your Name and Roll No) (4)
Write an application to the Principal of S.D. Inter College, Muzaffarnagar to allow the cricket team of his college to play a friendly match against your college team. (Do not write your Name and Roll No)

Question 14.
Write a composition on one of the following topics in about 60 words. Points are given below for each topic to develop the composition: (6)
1. A Flood Scene or A River in Floods
(A) Introduction
(B) Sudden Rise of Water
(C) Places Where the Water had Entered
(D Miseries of the People
(E) Relief Work
(F) Conclusion
2. Inventions of Science
(A) Introduction
(B) Electricity
(C) Other Services
(D) A Bad Master
(E) Conclusion
3. My Best Friend
(A) Introduction
(B) Name, Age and Parentage
(C) His Dress and Habits
(D) His Interests in Games & Sports arid Cultural Activities
(E) His Good Qualities
(F) Conclusion
Question 15.
Read the following passage carefully and Answer the Questions given below it:
A historical fact about Tokyo is that it was a small fishing village, originally. It became the country’s de facto capital, even though the king remained in Kyoto. However in 1869, king Meiji came to the Tokyo area and the Edo Castle was transformed into a spectacular Imperial Palace. Tokyo remained Japan’s capital till 1943, after which, it was merged with Tokyo’s Metropolitan Prefecture.
Tokyo is a dream destination with several famous attractions located here. Some of the popular tourist attractions in the city include the Disney Resort, Dome City, Sony Building, Hanayashiki Amusement Park and the Imperial Palace. Another amazing fact about Tokyo is that it is home to the tallest tower in the world, Sky tree.
1.    How was the spectacular Imperial Palace formed? (3)
2.    Why is Tokyo a dream destination for tourists all over the world ? (3)

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